
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

Reformation - Part 2

The next day, another executive meeting was held. It was to announce their agreement on the reform.

Heero was surprised by the outcome. He thought they would never agree to the reform, at least he thought more than half of them would not. But the result was beyond his expectations.

"Then let's implement the reform right away! Starting with the basics, the hero rank!" Heero continued the meeting.

The executives and the Hero instructors listened intently to hear Heero's first move.

Kang Seo-Yeon and Bai Xin Yue, sitting next to Heero, opened their laptops. Ready to take note of the most important things in the meeting.

"Wood Class Hero will be changed to Apprentice Hero! Once a person passes the physical test, they will be called Apprentice Hero instead of Wood Class Hero! Show them what Apprentice Hero is and their treatments!"

Heero waved his hand at Kang Seo-Yeon. She nodded her head and a translucent screen appeared in the middle of the long table. The screen showed a long list of the Apprentice Hero.

Basically, an Apprentice Hero was the same as an intern in a company. Once they passed the physical test, they had to meet a certain condition to become a permanent hero, Iron Class Hero.

The treatment was quite poor, low fixed salary, but the Hero League would send the Hero Instructor to train them for free. An elixir would be distributed for free once a month. Not only that, the apprentice hero would also be taught a basic secret technique.

After one year, if the apprentice hero failed to fulfill the condition. They would be kicked out of the Hero League.

The conditions were to complete 10 Iron Level Missions or 1000 Basic Missions for the Apprentice Hero, hunt fifty any Iron Level Beasts that were officially listed on the official website of the Hero League, and defeat or last at least 20 minutes in the battle against the Iron Level Barrier.

Park Yong-Gi raised his hand, "May I ask, President!"

Heero nodded and waved his hand, indicating that Park Yong-Gi could speak.

"Barrier? What is this Barrier?"

Everyone looked at Heero, including Bai Xian Ming. His grandson-in-law did not talk about the reform, he did not consult him, so he did not know.

"Just like its name, it's the last test or barrier for a hero to raise his class. We would choose someone to be a barrier for the test, it could be a hero or a hero instructor, or even an outsider we deem worthy to be the barrier!"

Bai Xin Yue replied fluently on Heero's behalf.

"If this reform is implemented, the number of heroes will be reduced! The test for Silver Class or even Gold Class would be harder than this, I suppose?" Hanzo Sojuro opened his mouth. He did not care about the formality and Heero did not care either.

"What the Hero League needs is not quantity but quality, so it does not matter!" It was Kang Seo-Yeon's turn to answer.

"But the Ranker Alliance..."

"'It doesn't matter, Executive Hanzo! Why should we care about the other organization, the Hero League is our top priority! Please don't divert your focus to another organization!" Bai Xin Yue immediately interrupted the old man's words.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? If there are no more questions, we will proceed with the next change!" Heero continued as he scanned the executives.

"Huh? We haven't reached an agreement yet..." Hanzo Sojuro frowned.

"I don't need the agreement of the executives to carry out my plan! You have no power to do that!" Heero immediately interrupted the old man and muttered under his breath: "That's why I asked for the full authority..."

"This meeting is not being held to ask for your approval, but to discuss the reform! If you, the executives, have better ideas, you can speak up and we will consider them! That is the purpose of this meeting!" Bai Xin Yue followed. Her words were directed at Hanzo Sojuro, who still seemed to be delusional, thinking that the executive still had the same authority as before.

Bai Xin Yue's words instantly silenced the meeting room. Hanzo Sojuro's eyes widened. He did not immediately refute those words, but scanned the surroundings. He looked at the reaction of the other executives.

All of them accepted the situation except him. He realized that the executive no longer had the power thye once had.

"If there's no question, let's move on to the next reform! Re-evaluation of Heroes, we will re-evaluate the heroes for their class, whether they deserve to be in that class or not!"

The translucent screen in the middle of the table changed to display new information. It was about the hero reevaluation test. All the heroes, including the Emperor Class heroes, which totaled up to over ten thousand heroes who had settled in Star City.

"What? This is crazy? It will disrupt the operation of the Hero League if we reevaluate all the heroes!" Krishna Davale was the first to speak up.

"Executive Krishna, have you read everything to the end? If you haven't, then read to the end! We are not that stupid!" Bai Xin Yue replied with a cold tone.

In fact, Krishna Davale had not read to the end. He spoke as soon as he found out that all the heroes had to be reevaluated. He skimmed the content, which was basically the test.

It said that the reevaluation would be done in batches. The first thousand heroes to register for the reevaluation would be given priority.

Huh, register? Do they think the heroes would be stupid enough to register for the revaluation?

Krishna Davale thought that there would be no heroes who would apply for the revaluation. But then, at the bottom of the screen, there was another sentence.

 The heroes' pay would be withheld until they passed the revaluation. Not only the salary, but all the privileges given to the heroes would also be withheld until they passed the revaluation.

Looking at this, he could imagine that all the heroes would come to the Hero League to protest.

'Naive! But it's not my problem anyway!'

The other leaders had the same thought. The reform would not be as smooth as it seemed if such a thing was implemented.

"This... Wouldn't it cause discontent among the heroes?" Kang Myung-Chul said with a worried tone.

"It's all right, we will take care of it! Ah, if they don't take the reappraisal test in six months. Their hero status will be nullified!" Heero replied and added.

The executives and the Hero instructors looked at each other. Finally, they looked at Bai Xian Ming. To their surprise, Bai Xian Ming was leisurely drinking his morning tea.

Just like that, everyone accepted the terms, as they had no power to refuse.

"This will be the last one for today, Executive Reshuffle!" Heero continued with a bombshell.

"What does that mean, President Xing? I thought..." Moushe Eghian reacted strongly, but his words were immediately cut off by Heero.

"Can you listen to me until I finish, Mr. Moushe!?"

With that, Moushe Eghian immediately closed his mouth.

"Executive reshuffle means that I want the 12 major powers to replace the current executives with heroes! If it's a hero, they will have a better understanding of the hero's overall situation. They can give more meaningful advice than someone who has never been on the battlefield!" Heero explained.

However, most of the executives interpreted it differently. It was the same as telling them: "You are of no use to me, so I want to change all of you!"

Before the other executives could voice their disagreement, Park Yong-Gi raised his hand.

"I have a better option! Why don't we increase the number of representatives to two members, an Executive and a Vice Executive, with one of them having to be a Hero?"

"That works as well! Let's do it!" Heero immediately agreed, leaving the other Executives. They thought that Heero wanted to get rid of them, but it seemed that he did not.

"All right, that's it for today! The Hero League will held a conference to announce the reform to the public! The citizens have a right to know, since they are the ones who pay us, right?" Heero stood up with a clap, signaling the end of the meeting.

That was the end of the first meeting for the reform.

*** ***

White Household

One of the major powers in Star City. While the twelve major powers ran the Hero League, the White Household was the one that controlled the central government.

White Residence

"Reform? A new president? Revaluation? What kind of nonsense is this?" Melvin White slammed the letter he had just received from the Hero League down on the table.

Melvin White, the mayor of Star City. He was the number one in the central government and he was furious because the Hero League had never informed him about the reform.

"They didn't even inform us about this plan!? What do they think we are? Their butler!?"

Melvin White's secretary dared not look at the mayor. His hand was sweating with fear.

Melvin gasped as he looked at the official letter in his hand. He looked at the name below the letter, Xing Heero, the new president of the Hero League.

He had heard a lot about this young man, but he had never expected that this young man would be the sole leader of the Hero League.

No, I can't let that happen! I can't let him take full control of the Hero League now! I have to stop this nonsense reform!

"I have to call Ryan back! Yes, I must call him back!"

Ryan White, Emperor Class Hero - Rank 1, the strongest Hero in Star City.