
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

Quick Auction

Finally, the three old men decided to buy the VIP ticket for the second auction of the Xing Auction House in order to meet Heero.

The three old men came together, wearing masks to cover their faces. They just wanted to enjoy their break in peace, they had no plan to buy any item from the auction.

"Welcome to Xing Auction House!" Wearing a black vest with a white shirt inside and a black bow tie, Heero greeted the three old men.

Just like at the first auction, Heero had a wooden faceless mask on his face. It was a kind of signature mask of the Xing Auction House.

Bai Xian Ming recognized Heero immediately, but not the other two old men.

He gave the printed ticket to Heero and the other two old men followed his lead.

"Hoho... I heard that the rankers went on a rampage in the forum because their reservations were canceled. He really has a lot of courage," Kim Jung-Mun laughed heartily when he remembered what happened on the forum.

Don't look at his age, Kim Jung-Mun was up to date with technology. Checking the forum was his daily routine.

Of course, the old man did not realize that the person he was praising was standing next to him.

"Heh, he certainly deserves it, but let's see what kind of auction will make these rankers go crazy!" Wu Shitian was not stingy with his praise either.

"I thought you didn't want to buy anything. Besides, you already have good gear, let the young ones compete, Shitian!"

"I know! I know! Stop nagging me, Jung-Mun!" Wu Shitian waved his hand angrily at Kim Jung-Mun.

Bai Xian Ming listened from the side while the old men talked. Heero led them into the large hall.

Just like the first auction, there would be eight people at each table. There were 25 tables, which meant that only 200 people could participate in the auction.

One million for a ticket, which meant that Heero had already earned 200 million from the ticket sales. Along with the item, 99 sets of armor, 99 weapons, 5 elemental weapons, and 1 epic weapon.

He would be rich overnight. Of course, he had to share the profits with Blacksmith Huang, since most of the equipment was made by him. Heero only took a 20% cut for the transaction fee.

When Heero brought the three old men to their table, Wu Shitian frowned, "I bought a VIP ticket, why are you leading me here?"

He thought this was a private room, not an open hall like this.

"This auction house is VIP, only 200 people can participate in the auction. So you three could be considered lucky to get the ticket while many people are fighting for it" Heero explained calmly.

"All right, stop it, Shitian! Don't cause any trouble and just enjoy the show! Our goal is not the auction!" Knowing his friend's nasty personality, Kim Jung-Mun spoke up immediately.

Bai Xian Ming remained silent and took a seat. He deliberately chose to sit next to Kim Jung-Mun.

Not long after they took their seats, the auction began. The lighting dimmed a bit while a blank screen appeared on the stage.

After that, Kang Seo-Yeon walked out wearing a fiery red dress that showed off her figure perfectly.

"This auction is really VIP, even the host is a Gold Class Hero - Rank 1," Kim Jung-Mun commented.

"Good evening everyone~ I am the host of tonight's auction~ Kang Seo-Yeon!" Kang Seo-Yeon showed her seductive smile as she greeted the guests.

"Tonight's auction will be divided into four events, three quick auctions, and one main event where we will showcase our best equipment!"

"Without further ado, let's start with the first quick auction!"

Right after Kang Seo-Yeon finished, the two large blank screens on the stage flashed. Two different screens displayed two different items.

33 sets of armor and 33 different weapons appeared. A picture of the weapon and its class appeared on the screen.

Of course, the auction house also provided a tablet for each guest. They could use the tablet to place their bids.

Curious about the list on the screen, Wu Shitian tilted his head toward Kim Jung-Mun's tablet. He was embarrassed to take his own tablet because he did not know how to use it.


Weapon Type: Long Sword


Class: Superior 2-Star

Highest bidder: Yang Ming (7,200,000 WD)


"Superior 2-Star? What's that?" Wu Shitian blurted out.

Even Kim Jung-Mun's brows furrowed in confusion.

"It's the item's grade, the Xing District Blacksmith used the Blacksmith Association's standard to classify the item! There's a guidebook next to the tablet, you can read it to learn more about the Blacksmith Association!"

Bai Xian Ming explained to the two old men. He knew almost everything about the Xing District inside and out.

The two old men looked at the table. Just as Bai Xian Ming had told them, there was a travel guide on the table.

Wu Shitian took the guidebook, and Kim Jung-Mun did the same. He put down the tablet and took the guidebook.

The guidebook was about the Blacksmith Association. An association founded by two people, Xing Heero, and the famous Huang Jun known as Blacksmith Huang.

The Blacksmith Association did not follow the Blacksmith Alliance, an association under the central government. They created their own standards.


Weapon and Armor Class:

Ordinary [1-star, 2-star, and 3-star].

Superior [1-star, 2-star, and 3-star]

Ancient [1-star, 2-star, and 3-star]

Legendary [1-star, 2-star, and 3-star]

Epic [1-star, 2-star, and 3-star]

Mythic [1-Star, 2-Star, and 3-Star]


This was the standard of the Blacksmith Association. The standard was judged by a Blacksmith Association appraiser, which meant that the Blacksmith Association had absolute power in judging the equipment.

"This is basically a scam! What if the appraiser rated the equipment arbitrarily? They should at least tell us the details of their standardization!"

Wu Shitian threw the guidebook back on the table. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with the way the Blacksmith Association worked.

"Apparently, you have to join the association to find out. Besides, I am afraid that this Blacksmith Association is not as bad as you thought! Look at them!"

Kim Jung-Mun pointed at the other five people sitting at the same table. The five of them had their eyes glued to the blackboard. They were having a bidding war on the board. No one questioned the standard or anything like that.

"Look at this too!" Kim Jung-Mun picked up the tablet and showed Wu Shitian an armor.


Armor type: Light Armor


Class: Superior 3-Star

Highest bidder: Terry (13,500,000 WD)


Kim Jung-Mun pointed to the highest bidder spot. The name kept flashing there, which meant that many people were competing for the armor.

"They trust the Blacksmith Association!"

Trust was the most important thing in this business. These people trusted the Blacksmith Association, which meant that the Blacksmith Association never cheated its customers.

Not only that, but it meant that standardization was accepted by these people.

"The Blacksmith Association is doing well. Bringing this association under the Hero League..." Before Kim Jung-Mun could finish his words, Bai Xian Ming cut him off.

"Don't even think about it! I tried it once, but he kicked me out right away! He would never agree to that. He would rather shut down the association than let the Hero League take it over!"

Old Ming shook his head bitterly at the memory of Heero's extreme reaction to his suggestion.

"Some big powers did trying to take it over as well, but it resulted in their representative losing a week's worth of memories! Don't ever think of taking what belongs to him, or you will get an extreme retaliation or even lose your life..."

He recalled the fate of two Legendary Class Rankers who tried to kidnap his daughter and the people who were driven insane by the loss of their memories.

"Especially your family, please tell them not to cross paths with him. He is kind all the time, but if you touch his reverse scale..." Bai Xian Ming's body trembled voluntarily.

Even Old Ming was afraid of Heero to that extent, the two old men reacted with a frown.

"No, we don't need to take this measure. He has forbidden the Rankers to enter the district. So this place is basically only for heroes!"

Kim Jung-Mun let out an "ah" when Old Ming reminded him of this. Indeed, he was afraid that the Ranker Alliance would take advantage of the Blacksmith Association, but now he was relieved.

"One minute left for the first quick auction! Make up your mind and bid!" Kang Seo-Yeon's voice rang out, causing the bidding war to intensify.

Fifteen minutes for each Quick Auction, that was how the Quick Auction worked. Although the method was new to the people, the quick auction went smoothly.