
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

Prologue Chapter 11 - Unfortunate Heero (3)

Rose Bar

Heero who finished the mission came here to drink a little as a reward for finishing the mission. Rose Bar was a bar owned by Marie, the virgin killer.

Heero was often visited here as he was addicted to the special beer provided by Rose Bar. It did not have a strong taste and Heero like this one more than the beer at the other bars.

"Yo, our hero's back!" Marie greeted Heero. It was still early to drink and there were only a few people in the bar.

Heero nodded at Marie. Besides drinking, Heero also often had his meal here, Chicken Rice was his favorite. There was no need for Heero to order, Marie already knew what Heero wanted.

"I did not misjudge you! Fortunately, I snatched the mission for you, if not I will lose my best friend! So tonight, it's my treat!" Marie put the drink as she said it.

Heero nodded his head with a smile. He knew what Marie mean. If he did not join the mission, maybe Yueying already fell to the Savage group's hand.

"However, you are so silly to give up the achievement! The person you kill is one of five leaders of the Savage Group. Killing one of them, it's the same as killing a rank 5 specter. It also means you can raise your rank fast, it's worth half of the achievement needed to advance to Master Rank Hero. Yet, you waste your achievement on the dead traitors!"

Heero was stunned as he heard this. He already told Yueying to keep this secret, but Yueying still told this to Marie.

Yes, Heero gave up his achievement to Iron Fist Muye and the other four heroes who worked together with Savage Group. Heero had his reason to do this, he just did not want to disappoint the villager and the people who believed in Heroes.

Yes, Heero reported the mission differently from what happened. He reported to Hero Guild it was Iron Fist Muye, Fried, Garry, Drent, and Gland who killed the Savage Group. His duty during the fight was bringing Lady Yueying to a safe place.

"The reason you ask?" He did not want the commoner or the people disappointed in Heroes. So, he gave the honor of killing Savage Group to Iron Fist Muye and the others. He did not want the "Hero" name getting tarnished. Or the people becoming wary of heroes as well.

If the people could not believe in Hero anymore then who should they believe? Heroes were a symbol of hope for everyone. If they knew the hope, they believed in was trying to hurt them, Heero could not imagine how disappointed they would be.

Another reason he did this was because of his grandfather. He believed many people admired Heroes just like him. Heero did not want the people who admired the heroes just like his grandfather to be disappointed with this. After all, everything he reported to Hero Guild would be announced in Guild Board.

"However, I like what you did! You did a good job!" Marie rubbed Heero's head with a wide smile.

After saying that, Marie looked at the surrounding. Upon noticing there were only a few people here, she had her head closer to Heero's and whispered, "Also your action successfully attracted the number one beauty in Morabaka City! Yueying is interested in you! Do you want my help? I can help you to get her!"

Hearing this, Lady Yueying's face appeared in Heero's mind. Subconsciously, Heero blushed.

"Hey! Hey! You are interested in her. Leave it to your big sister, I will help you to get her! I know everything she likes or not. I know everything about her with my help you can easily charm the number one beauty in Morabaka City!" Marie hit her chest, she tried to appear as a reliable big sister.

However, Heero's next words surprised Marie.

"Nah, never mind! I want to focus on my career as Hero first. I want to fulfill my grandfather's wish, then I will think about love later!" Said Heero as he waved his hand to Marie.

Marie was surprised and froze momentarily. She was not expecting the number one beauty would get rejected.

"Hah, never mind. Yueying is still in her twenties, you can take your time, you can take your time. You also need to be Master Rank Hero to enter Paradise, " Marie grinned.

A month since the escort mission, finally a war erupted. Specter launched an attack on Morabaka's frontline defensive fortress.

All Heroes were dispatched to repel the specter force. War was the best time to raise a hero ranking. However, it was not the case for Heero. Beginner Hero was not allowed to participate in a war.

Yes, as the weakest specter attacked the fortress was low-level General Specter, Hero Guild only allowed Master Rank Hero to join the war. Heero who was still at Advance Rank could not join the war which frustrated him.

"If I can't join openly, I will do it secretly!" Heero thought as he decided to sneak into the battlefield.

Of course, Heero did not join recklessly. He was looking for information on where the specter base was. Where the other heroes were.

Because he did not join the war openly, he could not fight the specter openly as well. It could be said he was looking for the leftover. After a while, finally, he got a piece of information he needed, there was a high-level general specter which also ranks 6 specters appeared far from the battlefield.

Heero immediately rushed to the location and sure enough, he found a group of specters. The rank 6 specter was the group leader. It brought 2 ranks 5 Specters and dozens of Knight Specter.

If it was another Advance Rank Hero, it would be impossible to face this specter group alone. however, this group was a piece of cake for Heero. He was not an ordinary Advance Ranke Hero; he was also Saint's disciple.

Heero easily decapitated all specters and left the leader, the rank 6 specter alone. If he brought all dark cores to Hero Guild, then it was enough to raise his rank to Master Rank Hero.

Because the fight was too easy for him, Heero got careless and let the rank 6 Specter self-destruction. It exploded its dark core and Heero was caught off guard by the explosion. The explosion blew Heero far away.

When he came back to retrieve the dark core, he found there was a group hero gathered at the corpse of the specter. Moreover, he heard what they were talking about.

"Wow! Good job Skywalker!"

"You defeat a group of the specter!"

"I heard the leader of this group is rank 6 specter!"

"With this, it will not long before you can raise your rank to Grandmaster!"

"You are amazing, man! your forced rank six specters to self-destruct!"

The Heroes around Skywalker praised him.

Meanwhile, Skywalker received the compliment with an embarrassed look.

"I am just lucky! I am just lucky!"

Heero who heard this had his head low down as he thought.

"Of course, you are lucky! You take my achievement!"

Skywalker was a Master rank Hero. He excelled in fighting in the air as his Ki control was good. He used Ki on his feet and he could walk in the air. Perfectly fit with his name, Skywalker.

"Yes, with my strength, defeating another six-rank specter is easy!"

Heero gave the second achievement which should have a good raise in his rank.

Heero came back to Morabaka City and only to find the war was over. This meant, Heero failed to raise his rank in this war. He could do nothing about it, but could only drown himself with his favorite beer in his favorite bar.

Two years passed…

During these two years, finally managed to raise his rank to Master rank. However, these two years were hard for Heero, it was so hard to raise his rank.

During these two years, somehow his achievement was robbed by another hero again, not only once, but two times. Once, he faced three high-rank specters. One rank eight specters and two ranks seven specters.

After a big effort, he managed to kill the two rank seven specters, but the rank eight specters tried to run away. Heero chased after the rank eight specters, however, the rank eight specters were proficient in illusion technique.

The rank eight specters successfully escaped. Heero could let out a sigh of regret to let such good prey escape. He back to retrieve the rank seven specters, yet he went back only to release another sigh. Another claimed Hero claimed Heero's prey to be his.

Once again, Heero gave up and let others take his achievement again. He comforted himself, "It's okay, it's just a matter of time and I can get the same worth achievement later!"

What made Heero happy now he could enter Paradise. He could meet Lady Yueying often. Since the escort mission, Heero and Yueying were getting closer and closer. If not to fulfill his grandfather's wish, Heero would have proposed already.

Even though his achievement was robbed, Heero had Lady Yueying and the virgin killer sister, Marie to comfort him.

And then, six years passed by. After starting his career nine years ago. Heero finally managed to raise his rank to Grandmaster. During these six years, Heero himself did not know how or it was just his bad luck, all of his great achievement was being robbed.

If not because his achievement was robbed by the others, Heero should have his title as King of Heroes. During the last six years, he managed to kill two ranks 9 specters which also called King Specter. But all of this fell into another hand.

However, Heero did not give up. It took Hero Guan over a hundred years to get his title as Legend and it was only nine years passed since he became a Hero. There was still a lot of time for him, there would be many chances for him. Heero believed this and did not give up. Until one day… he saw the city he lived for nine years was razed in flame.