
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

Phoenix Knight Order - The Date Is Set

The next day, the forum became heated over the duel between the Rank 1 Emperor Class Hero and the President of the Hero League. There were many different reactions on the forum.

Some people were excited about the upcoming duel. Some of them reacted negatively to Ryan White for his absence during the crisis and showed their support for Heero after yesterday's conference. Some of them also reacted negatively to Heero for various reasons. 

The public was divided into two camps and today was supposed to be the day for Ryan White to make a statement about Heero's conference.

While everyone debated his duel, Heero met with a new king of the Regal Kingdom in his office.

"Are you sure it's okay to meet me now?" William Gerard Kingsman shook Heero's hand.

He had heard all about what happened yesterday and was surprised. He thought that today's meeting would be canceled, but that was not the case.

"It's okay, what could happen?" Heero replied with a casual smile.

"You're right," the young king replied with a small laugh. He had not seen Heero defeat the entire army of the specters, but he had heard about it from his people.

They said it was an amazing sight. A flame that destroyed the specters and healed his people at the same time. Such an awakend ability was unheard of, and that was the main reason he was here.

"Before we talk, I want to thank you again for saving my people, without you, it would be disastrous," the young king bowed his head.

"I'm sorry too, I can't save your father in time," Heero replied with a regretful tone. He really was sorry, but he just never showed it.

"You don't have to be sorry for my father's death. It's just that our kingdom is too weak to face the specters. It's our side's incompetence that caused such an unfortunate event, and I hope you will help us face the specters!"

William sat up straight and said this solemnly. The specters was not only his father's murderer, but also the enemy of the Regal Kingdom.

"I will help you, of course. But are you ready for the consequences? Your kingdom may perish under your rule! Based on their last attack, they only lacked a meat shield to wage a war."

The flesh shield in Heero's mouth were the people the specters had kidnapped. These people would not help much in battle, but they could be used as meat shields. That was how the specters worked. They would use the people of their enemy to fight their enemy.

Before William could answer, Heero asked a question.

"Have you heard about the giant bird that attacked your kingdom?"

Of course, William had heard about the giant bird. He nodded with a puzzled look on his face, wondering why Heero was asking about it.

"Even though I don't have that much information about the specter army, I believe they have many specters as strong as that giant bird!"

Heero guessed. Since specters were willing to sacrifice such a strong monster. It could only mean one thing, they had many of them, so they were willing to sacrifice such a strong specter.

"Are you still willing to fight against them?" Heero asked again, making sure that the young king would not regret his decision later.

"It does not change anything! Even if we don't join the battle, they won't leave us alone, will they?" William Gerard Kingsman could not understand why Heero kept asking about his resolve.

"They might."

"Huh?!" William furrowed his brow.

"They could come to you and ask you to surrender. If you give yourself to them, they will leave the Regal Kingdom alone."

"What do you mean? Do you think I will work for the murderer of my father?" William raised his voice.

"I don't think you will, but what about your people?" Heero replied with a smile.

He had never been suspicious of William, but that did not mean that his people would not be persuaded by the specters. It happened once when a duke sold himself. It could happen again.

Only then did the young king realize that Heero was not suspicious of him.

"So you have a plan in mind?"

"Yes, I do! Before we cooperate fully, I want to make sure that your kingdom is free of the specter's servants. 

For this, I ask you to give me one hundred excellent men between the ages of seventeen and twenty! I will train them as I train the SES!" Heero proposed a plan to the young king.

"That's good for me, but what are your criteria for these excellent men? Can you be more specific?"

"I heard you have a knight academy, give me your talented men to train. In a few months, in a few months, they will be ready to hunt the specters!"

William Gerard Kingsman did not answer immediately. He furrowed his brow again. A few months was too long.

"I don't mind giving you my talented men, but can you get them ready faster? I am afraid the specters might make another move."

That was what worried William. He was afraid that the specters would launch another attack.

"The fastest is three months and the best is five to six months. But you don't have to worry about the specters. It will not bother your kingdom for the time being," Heero assured the young king not to worry about them.


Heero pointed at himself, "Because of me. At least in these three months, the ghost would make no move against the other forces except for me! 

"After what I did to their forces, they should be investigating me instead of making a big move like attacking your kingdom!"

William replied with an "Ah!", indeed, the specters must be wary of Heero after what happened back then.

"For the time being, I will lend you my SES team. But you have to pay their wages, they are idle anyway!"

Hearing this, William's eyes brightened. SES would be a great help to them.

"Are you okay with this? Shouldn't you let them stay with you? You have become their main target now," the young king did not forget to look at the big picture.

Heero was the central pillar in the fight against the specters. They could not afford to lose such an important figure.

"I'll be fine," Heero smiled in return.

'What could happen to me? Besides, that old dragon has come out of hiding.'

He was the one who taught the SES team. If he died, it meant that none of them could protect him, even if they stayed at his side.

"If you okay with it , I would be happy to receive them in my kingdom," William rose from his seat and offered his hand for a handshake.

Heero took the hand with a smile.

"So I don't have to pay anything?" William asked with a confused look on his face.

"No, your payment is to fight at my side!" Heero replied with a smile.

But then his smile disappeared with a solemn expression, "But if you betray me, I will not hesitate to kill. Keep that in mind!"

With that, Heero released a thick killing intent. William's expression immediately turned pale. It was as if someone had strangled his throat, he found it hard to breathe.


The door burst open and two Guardian Knights rushed into the room. Not only the two Guardian Knights, but also Bai Xin Yue and Kang Seo-Yeon rushed in.

"My king!" The two Guardian Knights shouted, but then they immediately stopped their advance at the sight of William and Heero shaking hands.

There was no danger inside. The room then fell silent as they were confused.

William Gerard Kingsman waved his hand at the two Guardian Knights, "I'm fine!"

Then he turned back to Heero and replied with a strong determination, "You don't have to worry about that, it's either the specter perishes or my kingdom is destroyed!"

Heero nodded with a smile. For now, he decided to believe William. More power to fight the specters, "Then we have a deal. We will begin to cleanse your kingdom before we fully cooperate!"

That was the purpose of William's meeting with Heero. After the specters had blown up the capital of the Regal Kingdom, he wanted to create a force similar to the Ghost Extermination Squad.

He had expressed his thoughts to Heero the other day and Heero had readily agreed to his request. Today was the day they discussed the details of the cooperation.

From this meeting, a new order of knights was born, the Phoenix Order.

After the talk between Heero and William was over, Bai Xin Yue approached Heero, "Ryan White just finished his conference."

"He has agreed to your terms and has also set the date for the duel, seven days from today!"