
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

My Prince  

The Ki in the air was similar to Ki he saw in Dramonia. A transparent red and blue filament that intertwined with each other. It was completely different than the outside.

Outside, the earth had a strange energy Heero had never seen before. It was a transparent colorful filament alongside gray filament.

After investigating a bit, Heero found the colorful energy was the same as Ki. That colorful energy benefits the human, it strengthened the body. However, at the same time, there was also gray energy which was pretty harmful to the human body.

The gray energy would slowly corrode the human body and shorten its lifespan. It was similar to Specter Ki, but the gray energy was milder compared to Specter Ki.

Specter Ki could kill a human with a little Ki, inside their bodies. So Heero was surprised when he found a similar force as in Dramonia's.

A human would absorb blue energy into their body. Hero Academy, Nebraska Temple, and even Saint called this blue energy Ki while the red energy was Beast Ki.

That was why Heero thought he was in a different world, but then again. He found a similar place to Dramonia. Heero looked back to the big stone gate behind him.

A thought flashed in his mind as he thought something ridiculous. During his time sealed in Eternal Ice, he was passed the same gate as this stone gate and arrived on Earth?

"Nah, never mind. I will check this place first. If this place is Dramonia, there will be a clue here!"

Heero walked deeper into the dungeon. There were many trails left on the ground and Heero followed the trail. Heero looked carefully as he followed the trail. This place was similar to Dramonia, from the trees, the plants he found on the way.

He even plucked a few herbs that grew in Dramonia. Heero could not help but suspect his earlier thoughts.

But Heero was not sure if this place was Dramonia. A lush forest usually where the beast race lived in and he never went to Beast's territory before. He lived in Morabaka City and fought against Specter Race. So Heero had no clue if he was really in the beast territory of Dramonia.

It did not take long before he encountered a group of Heroes fighting against giant lizards. Heero recognized this giant lizard, Alluni Lizard. This lizard lived in the east of the beast's territory.

Heero never saw the actual Alluni Lizard, but he had read the book about them. Alluni Lizard was known for its hard scale and human used its scale to make armor.

Amber scale, short tail, having four brownish eyes and gigantic in size. This beast was hard to kill, its only weakness was its belly which was hard to reach. Moreover, it also had venomous breath which made this beast hard to kill.

The common Alluni Lizard was categorized as Level 4 - Greater Warrior Level. A Master Rank Hero had no problem facing such a beast. But Advance Hero would have a hard time killing Alluni Lizard.

Based on the information from Dong Woo, this group of heroes should be comprised of Gold Class Heroes. Heero assumed Gold Class at the same rank as Master Rank Hero. However…

Heero found the Gold Class Hero was having a hard time killing Alluni Lizard despite they were twice in number. It seemed he was still overestimating the Heroes on Earth.

There were about fifty Alluni Lizards, but the real troublesome was the leader of this Alluni Lizard. There were three leaders and all of them were at the same level, Level 7 beast or High General Beast.

He saw a person confronting the three High General Alluni Lizards alone.

"Not bad." Heero complimented.

Being able to confront three High General Beasts alone, that person must be at the peak of Master Rank Hero. If that person could kill the three High General Beasts, he would reach Grandmaster Rank in a short time afterward.

"Eh, but it's not human… a beastman, huh?"

Heero realized the person who confronted the High General Beast was not a human. It was a beastman, red fur covered its body, a long tail was a flaming tip, and it had a sturdy body over two meters in height.

Beastmen was a minor race in Dramonia. Beastmen was supposed to be a human, but they absorbed the red energy or Beast Ki. Even though the Beast Ki was not as harmful as the Specter Ki, it changed their body.

Yes, there would be some part that changed into a beast's body. Just like a horn, the fur that grew out of their skin, the claw, eyes, or even the whole body.

Beastmen's superiority was their raw strength. While it changed the body, it also gave the beastmen superior strength.

Heero scanned the beastmen's body. He found this beastmen had no Beast Ki, but the colorful energy filled this man while the gray energy coated the colorful energy.

Heero did not understand much about these two energies.

'But maybe it's related to the gray energy…'

"Should I help them? Nah, better I don't. They could grow even stronger if they pass this ordeal. Moreover, I have my own mission."

Heero shook his head and continued to venture deeper. Moreover, this group was not in a disadvantaged position.

In his stealth, Heero spread his Ki to detect his surroundings. Heero's Ki spread over to a thousand meters ahead.


At a certain place of the Dungeon

Kang Seo Yeon was running away. It had been three days since she ran away from the white tiger. Maybe she was cursed. After she escaped from the white tiger, she encountered a group of red fur gorillas.

Different from the white tiger, only nine red fur gorillas were chasing after her. It was much less compared to the pack of white tigers, but these red fur gorillas were far stronger than the white tiger.

She tried to fight one of them earlier. As the result, she broke her sword and one of her ribs. Knowing she was not a match of the red fur gorilla, she immediately escaped.

But these red fur gorillas were agile and fast. They could match her speed and have been pursuing her for a few hours. With the exhaustion, she felt from non-stop running away and the internal injured she suffered, Kang Seo Yeon's speed dropped drastically.

After running for a few hours, she knew it was impossible to shake these red fur gorillas off. Not with her current condition.

Kang Seo Yeon stopped running and the nine red fur gorillas immediately surrounded her. She stopped not because she gave up, but she wanted to fight them.

Rather than getting exhausted and killed by the red fur gorillas, she decided to put out her last effort to fight the red fur gorillas. However, she felt an unknown pressure under the nine fur gorillas. She knew there was no way she could win.

"Am I going to die here?"

Kang Seo Yeon lamented at her bad luck.

"But I haven't gotten married yet. I want to have a cute daughter just like my sister. There are still many things I want to do…"

Kang Seo Yeon let out of the nonsense rumbling as nine red fur gorillas came closer. After a while, she stopped and closed her eyes. She had his hand at her short sword.

"I have only one chance…"

When she reached three meters distance, the red flame rose from her feet. The red flame revolved around her as it got bigger and bigger.


The red flame enlarged, she had her body and the nine red fur gorillas enveloped in the red flame pillar. It was her last-ditch effort to take the nine red fur gorillas down with her.

Kang Seo Yeon opened her eyes. To her despair, the red fur gorillas were fine. She could see the nine red fur gorillas were still walking toward her. They walked at their pace, walking slowly toward her. She could notice the red fur gorilla in front of her, seeming to be disdaining the flame she summoned with her every last power.


'I wish there would be someone who would rush to help me. If that person is a man, I will give myself to him, I will marry him, and dedicate my life to him. If it was a woman, then I will dedicate myself to her? If she wants to…'

"Hehe, there's no way I have that good luck, right?"

Kang Seo Yeon let out a chuckle and closed her eyes. This time, she truly gave up. She was completely exhausted now; the flame pillar was her last-ditch effort. But the lady luck was not on her side.

Just as she thought she was going to die; a man's calm voice entered her ear.

"It's a good move, but you used it against the wrong opponent. The raging Ape itself has a high affinity for the flames. Using flame against them who wield flame is futile."

Kang Seo Yeon opened her eyes and found a man who appeared right before her. The man had his back on her, bringing a spear covered by gauze, having black long hair, and wearing a black coat.

The calm yet pleasant voice resounded again, "Hoo, so Raging Apes are also here. Maybe this place is really Dramonia. But I am not sure yet…"

Kang Seo Yeon did not understand what the man talked about. But she learned the red fur gorilla's name was Raging Ape.

She did not care what the man talked about and her black-obsidian eyes glued at the man's figure. It was just like the novel she read, she already regarded the man as her prince charming and she was the princess who got saved by the prince.

"Watch out!" Kang Seo Yeon shouted upon noticing one Raging Ape pounced toward the man.

She noticed the Raging Ape had a different pattern of attack than before. Raging Ape's right arm was covered in flame and their movement was also faster.

"Don't worry! Raging Ape has explosive power and agile movement. However, they also have a weakness. Raging Ape has a slow response, you only need to read its attack, avoid the attack, and then counter it with a dead blow!"

Kang Seo Yeon had her eyes and mouth opened wide. She witnessed the man only move his upper body to the right and the Raging Ape's punch failed to land a blow to the man.

In the next second, she saw the man had both hands on Raging Ape's neck. The man pushed the Raging Ape's head down while his knee shot up to the Raging Ape's head.


She could hear the sound of the skull breaking. The Raging Ape was blown away a few meters back. It fell to the ground with its four limbs sprawled up. What shocked Kang Seo Yeon was the Raging Ape no longer move, it died from a single attack.

She tried everything she got but failed even to injure one of the Raging Apes. But the man in the black coat killed it with a single knee, a single knee!

'Emperor Class Hero!'

Kang Seo Yeon immediately thought of Emperor Class Hero as she witnessed this scene. In her mind, the only one who could do this was Emperor Class Hero or Legend Class Ranker.

Then, next, she witnessed the remaining Raging Apes pouncing toward the man. The man dodged all attacks without even moving from his spot. He was just kept standing there but the Raging Ape that pounced toward him got blown away in one move.

All Raging Apes were killed in one move. The man did not even use his spear.

The only wish Kang Seo Yeon currently had right now was that the man would turn his body toward her.

Just as she wished, the man turned around after killing the remaining Raging Ape.

"Are you okay?"

The gentle yet also pleasant voice and with a caring tone, the man spoke to her.

Gleaming black eyes yet with sharp eyebrows, pointy nose, handsomely chiseled look, and sexy lips came into Kang Seo Yeon's sight.

Ba-dump! Badump! Badump!

Kang Seo Yeon's heartbeat sped up. Before, she did not believe in love at first sight, but she now believed in it.

Just as she wanted to say: "My prince~", Kang Seo Yeon's look turned into fear and despair. She saw a big fireball descend toward them.

"The love that has not bloomed yet has to wither under the searing hot flame." It was Kang Seo Yeon's last thought before she closed her eyes.


Kang Seo Yeon and her savior were swallowed by a raging flame.