
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

He Is The Dragon

King William froze for a moment when he heard that from Heero. Dragons had long been known as a mythical creature, but of course, it was only a fantasy. No one had ever seen a real dragon.

Looking at Heero's smiling expression, King William took it as a joke. Still, he played along with Heero and nodded, "Then it will be my honor to see a dragon," he said.

"Hop in, you can have your knights follow our car," Heero pointed with his thumb to his car in the back.

Before King William could answer, his knight bodyguards spoke first, "I am sorry, President Xing. We can't allow this for his safety. I hope you understand."

A guardian knight stepped forward and bowed his head to Heero.

"Never mind then. You can follow my car."

Heero waved his hand nonchalantly, indicating that he did not mind. Their action was understandable as they had just lost their former king.

He and his wives got into the car while King William went to his car with an apologetic look on his face.

As soon as he got into the driver's seat, Hong Yu immediately asked, "What do you mean by seeing a dragon? Does a dragon exist?"

Han Ying, Bai Xin Yue, and Kang Seo-Yeon also immediately looked at Heero. They had no idea about the dragon because Heero had never told them about it.

Brrr! Brrr! Brrr!

Before Heero could answer, his smartwatch vibrated. He looked down and saw that it was his daughter calling him.

He motioned for the girls to answer the call first. It was his daughter calling him.

"Congratulations, Daddy! I know you are the strongest and would win!"

"Congratulations, big brother! You are so cool!"

"C-congratulations, D-da-daddy!"

Miao Miao's excited and loud voice was transmitted through the smartwatch as soon as he received the call. It was followed by Kang Myung-Hee's praise and Moira's shy voice.

It was strange for him to hear Myung-Hee call him brother while the other two girls called him daddy. 

He had not gotten used to it yet, but the strange feeling did not stop him from smiling. He smiled from ear to ear when he heard the sweet voice of the little girl.

"Thank you, my little angels, ~,"

"Where are you? We have prepared a feast for you?" Miao Miao asked happily.

"Me and your mommies are in the car, on our way home."

"Good~ we will wait for you and have a safe trip, Daddy~."


Miao Miao was the one who dominated the conversation among the three little girls. He could hear Moira and Myung-Hee's voice in the background.


Heero ended the call and immediately started the car. He stepped on the gas and the car accelerated out of the parking lot.

"We should move our office to our district," he could not wait to meet his little girls.

The reason he said that was because it took two hours to drive back. He was wasting four hours a day driving back and forth, so he planned to move his office to his district.

Moving to the core region was the least he wanted to do. He did not want to leave his beloved district behind, and Han Ying and Hong Yu did not want to leave either.

*** ***

After an hour and a half, Heero reached his district half an hour earlier than usual. As soon as he got out of the car, four little girls rushed towards him.

Four, not three, Butcher Wang's daughter also came to greet him. At this point, Heero considered Lan Lan to be his daughter as well.

"Congratulations on defeating the bad guy!" The four little girls said at the same time.

One by one, Heero picked up the little girls. He put Miao Miao on his head, Myung-Hee, and Lan Lan on his shoulders and took Moira into his arms.

"Tsk, I am jealous of these little girls," Hong Yu joked as she saw the four little girls surrounding Heero like the bees surrounding the beehive.

"There's still an empty spot on my back, do you want to join as well?" Heero winked at his wife.

"Boooo... an adult is not allowed to cling!" The little girls booed at Hong Yu.

As they exchanged barbs, King William and Queen Alexa approached them. There was a hint of envy on King William's face when he saw Heero being surrounded by the little girls.

Heero grinned at King William, "You should start producing, my friend."

King William let out a small laugh after being caught by Heero. He did not respond to the joke as they walked into the Xing District.

"It's the king, King William is here," Miao Miao whispered to the other three little girls.

"By the way, girls, why did you say that Ryan White is the bad guy? He is one of the strong heroes," Heero talked to the little girls on the way to Heero Academy.

"No, he is a bad guy because he challenged my daddy. Whoever is against Daddy is a bad guy!" Miao Miao replied immediately.

"True! True!" The other little girls nodded their heads in agreement with Miao Miao's statement.

Their thoughts were simple. Whoever was against Heero was the bad guy. Such a pure thought. Heero only answered with a small laugh.

"But where are we going, Daddy? Shouldn't we go home and celebrate your victory?" As they just passed the Miao Miao Noodle Shop, Miao Miao immediately asked.

"Hoho..." Heero replied with a mysterious laugh and whispered, "I want to show you something amazing. A dragon, do you want to see a dragon?"

The four little girls' eyes widened in shock that made them look even cuter.

"I-is it true?" Myung-hee whispered with a little hesitation.

"Does Dragons really exist?" Miao Miao followed after Myung-Hee.

"Huhu," Heero replied again with his mysterious laugh, "You will see one very soon."

The four little girls left with a "Woah!" expression. Surprisingly, they were not afraid of the existence of this dragon.

Heero led the group to the Heero Academy. It was still morning, approaching midday. 

The academy was empty, the students of the Academic Class were still in class, while the students of the Heero Academy were still in their morning routine.

When they reached the academy, Heero turned to King William, "I'm sorry, King William, but your knights can't follow us inside. What I want to show you is top secret. I trust you, but not your knights."

"Then we will not go!" The Guardian Knight stepped forward and answered instead of the King. He was Adrian Shelton Kingsman, the uncle of King William.

"Ho, that's too bad," Heero didn't care and shrugged his shoulders casually.

"We are the king's trusted advisors. If you trust King William, you should have trusted us as well!" Another Guardian Knight stepped forward and spoke. He was Guardian Knight Frei.

"I think you already know why I don't trust the Knights, don't you, King William?" Heero did not answer Guardian Knight Frei but still looked at King William.

After hesitating for a moment, King William approached Heero and asked in a whisper, "Are you really going to show me a dragon?"

Heero only replied in a mysterious tone, "You will soon find out if you follow me.

"How about this, let me take my uncle with me while the rest stay behind. My uncle is quite trustworthy," King William was really curious what Heero wanted to show him.

He pointed at Guardian Knight Adrian, who showed a displeased expression.

"All right then, you can bring your uncle, but the rest stay behind!" Heero compromised and agreed to let Guardian Knight Adrian join them.

After a short discussion, the four Guardian Knights agreed to let their king go under Guardian Knight Adrian's supervision.

Then Heero led them to the backyard. He wanted to show them a real dragon.

"So this is the mysterious dungeon?" King William murmured in a low voice at the sight of two gates the size of a normal door.

Alexa and Guardian Knight Adrian followed King William closely. Soon they entered the first dungeon, which led them to the green forest.

As soon as they entered the dungeon, they inhaled the fresh air. The air inside the dungeon was much more pleasant than the air outside. That was the first difference they could feel.

"Follow me and don't wander around. We haven't cleared the beasts inside, so it will be a bit dangerous," Heero's words were of course directed at King William and his companions.

"We will use the beasts in this place as a test for the Gold Class Hero," he added.

"Huh? Does that mean the beasts in this place are quite weak?" Guardian Knight Adrian asked thoughtlessly. If the beasts inside were at the level of the Gold Class Hero, it meant that the beasts were no threat to him.

Heero smiled mysteriously and replied, "The new Gold Class Hero will be at a different level than the previous Gold Class Hero."

After such an answer, Heero stopped talking. He was talking to the little girls instead of entertaining the king. 

King William and Alexa also remained silent as they looked around curiously until they met Sun Zhou Yi.

Sun Zhou Yi was doing a push-up with an old man on his back. The old man was holding a huge boulder in his hand.

"Hoho, what a coincidence, you guys are on a break, right?"

"How did you know we were on a break?" The old man asked in a surprised tone.

"Tsk," Heero just clicked his tongue at the old man. He certainly knew, because he had suffered the same fate. He did the same during his break.

He turned around and pointed to the old man who was holding a huge boulder in his hand, "Here it is, everyone, our fabulous dragon!"