
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

Fighter Anteriority - Part 7

The buzzing crowd immediately fell silent. The silence lasted ten seconds before the cheers exploded.

The cheers echoed throughout the arena. Heero's ears were ringing from the cheering. The two girls jumped out as well, following the rest of the crowd.

They had no idea what the crowd was cheering for, they just followed the noise around them. Lan Lan did the same.

Wu Weimin climbed down with his head held high, while Blake climbed down with his head bowed. He was ashamed to have lost the fight in less than five seconds.

Wu Weimin enjoyed the atmosphere as he walked back to his dressing room.

In one of the lockers, there was a boy who was watching the fight between Wu Weimin and Blake. He saw Wu Weimin's satisfied look under the cheers of the crowd.

"Hoho... I like his style... Maybe I can copy it... But it would be more interesting to see his defeated look!" The boy grinned, his crystal blue eyes gleaming with excitement.

This boy was the second prince of the Royal Kingdom, Benjamin Rowland Kingsman, also the second seed for the Junior Event. He brushed his golden hair back with his hand and muttered confidently, "You'll be a stepping stone for this prince!"

After the shocking match, the battle continued. Two names appeared on the big screen.

[Park In-Sul (#11) vs. Zhang Hu (#97)]

Another seeded competitor was selected. This time, it was a junior member of the Park family. The match lasted for two minutes before Park In-Sul defeated his opponent with his swordplay.

The fight continued and most of the matches lasted two minutes, while the longest match lasted five minutes. The match continued until the 8th round.

[Kang Dong-Woo (#18) vs. Qian Dongmu (#25)]


The crowd shouted in unison as this was the first match in which the seed had to fight a closer number. The number was decided on the basis of performance in the first phase and the elimination phase.

The number was close, meaning the difference in strength was also close. 18 against 25, which meant it would be a close fight.

The excitement grew as the two contestants entered the stage.

"It's my brother! It's my brother! It's my brother!" Kang Myung-Hee excitedly told the other spectators around her, pointing her finger at Kang Dong-Woo.

The other spectators smiled at the cute little girl. Some of them replied, "Let's cheer for your brother!

Kang Dong-Woo climbed onto the stage with his protective gear, hoping here and there around the stage. Meanwhile, Qian Dongmu went to a weapons rack and chose a wooden staff.

Kang Dong-Woo waved his hand to the audience while he searched for his master's place in the audience.

He activated his Mystical Eyes and searched for a blazing Ki among the spectators. He soon found it and immediately waved his hand in that direction.

Myung-Hee found her brother waving at her, so Heero lifted her up so that Dong-Woo could see her.

"Contestant Kang Dong-Woo! Are you ready?" Yang Mushen asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Kang Dong-Woo turned towards his opponent. He cupped his hand and bowed slightly, showing respect to his opponent. Qian Dongmu did the same.

Noticing that the two participants were ready, Yang Mushen started the match: "Start!

Kang Dong-Woo did not move, just bouncing around his original place. He remembered what Heero told him, "Don't end the fight as soon as possible, your purpose of joining the Fighter Anteriority is to gain more experience. You will learn something even from someone weaker than you!"

From the audience, Sun Zhou Yu elbowed Butcher Wang and said, "He's copying your style!"

Qian Dongmu did not rush Dong-Woo either. He was well aware of the system seed. The Hero League judged his opponent's performance better than he did.

He watched Dong-Woo's strange movement, but realised that the opponent was watching him as well.

He has no weapon, so his strength is in hand-to-hand combat, while my strength is in the use of a staff. As long as I can keep the distance, I am in an advantageous position...' Qian Dongmu silently analysed.

Taking a deep breath, Qian Dongmu rushed towards his opponent, 'Distance is the key to winning this fight!

When he reached a distance of two metres, Qian Dongmu swung his staff at Kang Dong-Woo's head.

Dong-Woo raised his left arm and blocked the incoming staff with his wrist.


A frown appeared on Dong-Woo's forehead.

However, Qian Dongmu did not stop his attack. He swung his staff again.

Dong-Woo raised his other hand to block the staff again. What he did was block the incoming attack, but the frown on his forehead grew deeper.

There's nothing I can learn from this guy... I don't even feel any pain from his attack...' Dong-Woo thought to himself in frustration.


Suddenly, Qian Dongmu stopped his attack and took a step back.


Qian Dongmu thrust his staff at Dong-Woo's chest. Despite the sudden change, Dong-Woo did not lose his composure. He parried the staff upwards with his hand and immediately took a step forward, catching Qian Dongmu off guard.

However, Dong-Woo did not launch an attack as Qian Dongmu jumped back.

Looking at his opponent's reaction, Dong-Woo shook his head, 'There's really nothing to learn from this guy... Let's end this match!

Kang Dong-Woo rushed forward, but Qian Dongmu immediately swung his staff at Dong-Woo. He would not allow his opponent to come closer.

Kang Dong-Woo's lips curled upwards. He stopped his steps and caught the staff with both hands. Then he swung the staff with all his might.


Qian Dongmu, who was trying to stand his ground, was thrown off the stage. He could not withstand Kang Dong-Woo's overwhelming strength and his body was thrown away.

None of the spectators expected this to happen. From the beginning, the spectators thought that Qian Dongmu was in an advantageous position. In their eyes, Kang Dong-Woo was the one who was pushed into a corner by Qian Dongmu.

No one expected this outcome, including Yang Mushen.

Qian Dongmu was thrown off and immediately rolled on the floor. The boy still did not realise that he had been thrown off the stage.

He immediately got up, but was stunned to find himself outside the stage. He looked at Dong-Woo, who was cupping his hand with the stick in his hand.

The meaning was clear, the match was over and he had lost in an unexpected way.


There was a roar as Dong-Woo climbed down from the stage. He also waved to the crowd as he climbed up onto the stage.

The match continued, and it was Xu Lingxun's turn in the 32nd round.

[Xu Lingxun (#20) vs. Amar Mandalik (#109)]

If Kang Dong-Woo knocked out his opponent with his overwhelming strength, Xu Lingxun won with his overwhelming speed. His bizarre move left his opponent dazed before he was thrown off the stage.

Just like that, the junior event of Fighter Anteriority was over. The 1st and 2nd seeds advanced to the semi-finals as predicted. However, there were two guys who reached the semi-finals by defeating the top seeds, Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun.

The fact that the 18th and 20th seeds reached the semi-finals was a surprise in the junior event. None of the spectators, the betting centre or even the Hero League expected these two unknown boys to defeat even the 3rd and 5th seeds to reach the semi-finals.

However, the spectators believed that the semi-final was the furthest they could go. In the semi-finals, Kang Dong-Woo faced 1st seed Wu Weimin, while Xu Lingxun's opponent was 2nd seed Benjamin Rowland Kingsman.

The performance of both 1st and 2nd seeds was excellent. They always defeated their opponents in less than thirty seconds.

As the first semi-final began, the cheering grew louder. Most of them were cheering for the dark horse, Kang Dong-Woo.

Kang Dong-Woo entered the stage without his weapon and Wu Weimin.

"Hoho... Isn't that the runaway young master of the Kang family?" Wu Weimin recognised Kang Dong-Woo's background, he even knew that Kang Dong-Woo was currently running away from home.

"Hehe..." Kang Dong-Woo just replied with a smile.

"I also heard that you joined an unknown academy? You are trying to promote that third-rate academy during the match, what a disgrace!" Wu Weimin spat out.

Every time Kang Dong-Woo won the fight, he would point to the two words on the back of his martial arts outfit, Heero Academy.

Wu Weimin was talking about that. After noticing this, Wu Weimin was curious about this academy, only to find out that it was an academy in the outer region.

Kang Dong-Woo just smiled when Wu Weimin mentioned that he ran away from home. However, the smile disappeared when Wu Weimin spoke badly about his academy.

"Can I ask you something?" Wu Weimin's smile widened, "I took the silence as a yes!"

"Are you an idiot? Instead of studying under Sir Kang Myung-Chul, you ran away and studied under an unknown lowlife from the slums! I really don't understand what's going on in your head! Idiot is the right word to describe you! You are a disgrace to the core region!"

Wu Weimin shook his head as he said this in a condescending tone. The noisy arena also fell silent. After all, Wu Weimin's words had been broadcast to the entire arena.

The spectators thought that Kang Dong-Woo would be angry or furious. But to everyone's surprise, Kang Dong-Woo just let out a sigh.

"I plan to show some respect and learn from each of my opponents. This is what my master instructed me to do during the junior event," he said.

"But nothing can be learned from trash like you! I will show you that my unknown lowlife master is much better than any master from the core region, including your family!"

As Kang Dong-Woo spoke these words, he began to remove the protective gear from his body. He threw the protective gear off the stage.

Then he turned towards Heero's seat and shouted, "Master, I am sorry, but I will go all out in this match! I will show the world that you are not just an unknown lowly master, but the best master in the world!"

After saying that, Kang Dong-Woo turned towards Wu Weimin. He pointed his five fingers at Wu Weimin and continued in a calm tone, "Five seconds! I will beat you in five seconds!"