
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime und Comics
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342 Chs

A Beatdown

Feng Bian could not believe what he witnessed. It was merely a few seconds and Sun Zhou Yi did not move from his spot. A minimal movement, but it ended the fight fast.

There was no fancy movement, there were no feigns, there was no special ability, but Sun Zhou Yi just moved efficiently. He took down a Gold Class Ranker with a simple movement.

What he witnessed was a fight between unranked Gold Class Ranker and unranked Wood Class Hero. It was two classes with a big gap, but the Wood Class Hero, who was the one supposed to be taken down, turned the situation into something Feng Bian could not believe.

The same for Ganesh, he was shocked when he saw how Sun Zhou Yi knocked Wei Yan down. It was supposed to be an easy fight for a Gold Class Ranker to defeat an unranked Wood Class Hero, but the result was the opposite.

The unranked Wood Class Hero, Sun Zhou defeated the unranked Gold Class Ranker, Wei Yan. If he did not witness with his own eyes, he might not believe if someone told him a Wood Class Hero defeated Gold Class Ranker.

If it was Silver Class Hero, he might still believe it. There were many cases of Silver Class Heroes defeating the unranked Gold Class Ranker.

"Wei Lan might have underestimated his opponent, but even so, there's no chance for a Wood Class Hero to defeat the Gold Class Ranker…" Karam Ganesh mumbled in disbelieve.

Now, not only did his plan fail, a more bizarre thing happened here. He could not think about meeting Blacksmith Huang anymore. Ganesh set his eyes on Sun Zhou Yi, a thought flashed in his mind.

'Crippling this person before he could grow stronger might be a good contribution to Ranker Alliance. Maybe I can get more drugs to strengthen my body,'

An evil idea appeared in Ganesh's mind. It was an open secret that Ranker Alliance and Hero League were competing at each other. Usually, they would not use dirty means, but today was a different case. Sun Zhou Yi started it first and Wei Yan was the proof.

Ranker Alliance might reward him for crippling Sun Zhou Yi before Sun Zhou Yi could grow.


Looking at how easily Sun Zhou Yi defeated the enemy, Butcher Wang was surprised. After the surprise, it turned into joy. If Sun Zhou Yi could beat the ranker while wearing training circlets, then he also could defeat a ranker as he had already taken off his training circlets.

He scanned the three rankers as he wanted to choose his opponent.

While Butcher Wang scanned the rankers, Ganesh stepped forward with his eyes glued at Sun Zhou Yi.

"I will take care of the hero, you guys take care of that bearded man!" He commanded the other three rankers who were still in a daze.

The three rankers had a dumbfounded look on their faces as they could not believe a Wood Class Hero finished off their friend with ease. Karam Ganesh's order snapped out the three from their daze.

The three rankers looked at each other, they failed to understand their captain's intention. The bearded man seemed to be a normal citizen, a normal man, a hunter.

Letting three of them face a normal citizen was just too much, wasn't it? They were after all Gold Class rankers even though unranked, but they were still much stronger than a normal hunter.

A hunter usually at best was at Wood Class Ranker, weaker than Wood Class Hero for sure. They felt it was pointless to gang up against a hunter. It only lowered their pride as Gold Class Ranker.

"I will do it!" a man in his mid-thirties stepped voluntarily. Fighting against a normal hunter itself was a disgrace already, there was no way he wanted to gang up against one hunter, so he volunteered to avoid the disgrace.

It was still a disgrace though, a Gold Class Ranker fought against the hunter. However, it was an order from the captain, one of them still had to do it.

However, just as he took a step forward, he saw the bearded man rush toward him, weirdly. The bearded man rushed with its four limbs, not only was the movement weird but also extremely fast.

He was shocked and caught off guard by Bearded Man's weird and swift movement. Butcher Wang was mimicking a wolf's movement. He reinforced his two arms and feet with Ki which also increased his movement when he mimicked the wolf's movement.

Actually, Butcher Wang's movement was even faster than the wolf he mimicked. When the distance between him reached two meters, he pounced toward the Gold Class Ranker who volunteered to fight him.

Just like a wolf pounced upon its prey, Butcher Wang pinned the man down on the ground. After that, he launched a barrage of punches toward the man's face.

Butcher Wang did not hold back at all. It was as if he was venting his frustration out which had been pent up inside him for a long time. He beat the man below him without mercy.


The man below Butcher Wang finally uttered a word that awakened his two friends who were shocked. Yes, these two just could not believe their friend would be down in such a short time.

Both unranked Gold Class Ranker realized that their opponent was just not a normal hunter. They pulled their swords out and rushed toward their friend.

Butcher Wang was aware that the other two rankers were coming toward him. He retreated and kept a safe distance from the two rankers. As for the ranker, he beat earlier, he had already passed out.

Butcher Wang did not know why, but he felt very comfortable inside. He did not know why, but he enjoyed beating the ranker.


Ganesh noticed another one of his subordinates was down in the same fashion as Wei Yan. They were taken down very fast and could not resist the opponent. However Ganesh did not care, his eyes were glued at Sun Zhou Yi.

His goal was to wither this talent before it could blossom up and become another new star of the Hero League.

Ganesh, a ranker climbed to Gold Class - Rank 79 with his special ability. He did not learn any martial arts, relying only on his special ability he awakened in his teens and drugs from Ranker Alliance to strengthen his body. Ganesh climbed up to Gold Class - Rank 79 in fifteen years.

He could turn his body into rock, an extremely hard rock. Even a sword and gun would not be able to destroy his rock body. He was quite confident in his strength, Immovable Mountain was the name given to him for his ability.

Just like an unbreachable fortress, he made his opponent frustrated with his defense, which was hard to break. He calmly walked toward Sun Zhou Yi, slowly, his body also changed into rock. From the head, his body slowly transformed into a rock.

Sun Zhou Yi did not move, but he scanned Ganesh's body. He saw through everything, the colorful energy inside Ganesh's body was intensified as the body turned into rock.

Looking at Ganesh's form, he remembered a name, Immovable Mountain. The top 8 participants in Fighter Anteriority, a competition held by the Hero League and Ranker Alliance once every four years.

There was a person titled Immovable Mountain three years ago during Fighter Anteriority. The man relied on his defense to reach the top 8. Sun Zhou Yi got the information about his opponent, but that meant this would be a tough fight.

However, he remembered what Heero told him, every creature, beast, zombie, or even human must have a weakness. As long as he held that weakness, everything was possible, even if your opponent was stronger than him.

"Hmm, Let's see how strong this rock is first…" Sun Zhou Yi muttered in a low voice.

He channeled the Ki on his hand and covered his fist with Ki as well. Not only it would strengthen his force, but Ki would also toughen his fist. He wanted to take this chance, where the opponent was underestimating him to launch the full power of his punch.

Sun Zhou Yi dashed forward to initiate the attack. Ganesh however, did not take Sun Zhou Yi seriously. He was confident that unpolished talent like Sun Zhou Yi would not be able to take him down.


Sun Zhou Yi shot his right fist to Ganesh's face. The fist was not that fast in Karam Ganesh's eyes, he moved his right hand to catch the fist.


Ganesh stopped the fist, but he had a surprised look on his face. The fist was not fast, but it was extremely strong. To stop the fist, he was pushed two steps back.

'If one fist is not enough, then what about the second fist!'

Sun Zhou Yi aimed his left fist toward Ganesh's chest. It caught him off guard, the fist landed right on the chest.


Sun Zhou Yi heard a muffled groan from Ganesh's mouth. He smiled when he heard the muffled groan. Even though Ganesh's body was covered in rock, his punch still could hurt him.

This meant, Ganesh was not an unbreachable fortress, it was just him who lacked in strength. If he had enough strength, it was possible to break the hard rock.

Sun Zhou Yi pulled his two fists back and channeled more Ki into his fists. After that, he immediately shot his fist again. This time, he aimed at the same place as before, Ganesh's chest.

As an experienced ranker, there's no way he would let Sun Zhou Yi take the battle flow. He also launched his fist.


Both fists met and caused a loud noise, a rock fist, met a normal fist.

Ganesh had a smirk when their punches met. He had confidence in his special ability that had defeated many higher-rank heroes and rankers.

However, in the next moment, his opponent was bringing him yet another surprise. Sun Zhou Yi retracted his fist back and shot another fist at the same aim. It was his chest!

'If one punch is not enough, then two… If two punches are still not enough, then four…' with that thoughts, Sun Zhou Yi launched his fist toward the same point.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Ganesh just could not believe his rock fist did not affect the opponent. Moreover, as they exchanged punches after punches, he realized he was in a precarious situation.

Sun Zhou Yi's fist was getting stronger and faster as they exchanged punches. Ganesh panicked inside. He, Ganesh, Gold Class Ranker who only relied on his awakened ability did not have a way to save him from this situation.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Sun Zhou Yi released out a barrage of blows, he did not give Ganesh a chance to take a break. Without both realizing, Ganesh was pushed back from the Miao Miao Noodles shop.

It was unknown how many times Sun Zhou Yi and Ganesh had exchanged punches. Then, Sun Zhou Yi found a breakthrough as he saw the rock fist was cracked.

He added more Ki into his fist and two arms and it did not take long to destroy the rock fist. It shattered after a few more punches.

"ARGHHHHHH!!!" Ganesh let out a piercing cry. The rock covered his left arm shattered and his fingers were broken from clashing against Sun Zhou Yi's fist.

Sun Zhou Yi took this chance to launch another blow. Two fists landed on Ganesh's chest, blowing away the Immovable Mountain Ganesh. However, Sun Zhou Yi did not stop, he chased after Ganesh and released out a barrage of blows on Ganesh's chest.

He punched at the same spot from time to time until he shattered the rock that covered Ganesh's chest.


Ganesh spewed out blood from his mouth when Sun Zhou Yi's fist hit his chest. He did not pass out, but his vision blurred. One more hit and he would pass out. However, Sun Zhou Yi did not land that last hit.

He grabbed Ganesh's right foot and dragged him toward Miao Miao Noodles Shop.


Back a few minutes back


A familiar piercing cry resounded. The two unranked Gold Ranker turned around and found Ganesh was getting cornered by the Wood Class Hero who defeated Wei Yan.

They were distracted by this unbelievable scene. How come an unranked Wood Class Hero had an advantage against someone in the higher rank.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Where are you looking at? Your opponent is me!"

The two unranked Golden Class Rankers turned around and found Butcher Wang was missing from their vision.

"I am here!"

Along with the voice, the two Gold Class Rankers turned around. Butcher Wang was in the air, pouncing toward one of them.

Butcher Wang caught one of them and he beat that man the same as he beat the first man he defeated. He pinned the man down and hit him in the head. Lastly, he banged the man's head to the ground and the man passed out in an instant.

"Hiiiiiiii…." The last standing Gold Class Ranker terrified. One by one his friend was being taken down. Now, he was the last one, it certainly scared him.

Without a second thought, the man turned around and ran away. He did not even glance at his captain, he just ran away as if he was running for his life. Just as Butcher Wang wanted to give chase, Heero stopped him.

"Bearded Wang! Let him go!"

Butcher Wang did not understand why Heero asked him to let that man escape, but he did not question Heero's instruction. He dragged the two unconscious rankers with him.

"Master, we have taken them down. What will we do next?" Sun Zhou Yi put the half-conscious Ganesh to Heero.

The same for Butcher Wang, he placed the two unconscious rankers beside Ganesh as he looked toward. Beating these rankers was almost the same as declaring war against the Ranker Alliance.

Even so, he did not know why, but he was no longer afraid of the Ranker Alliance. The youth in front of him gave him a sense of security. Of course, it's because Butcher Wang had witnessed how strong this youth was.

Heero returned with a big grin, "Wait! We will wait for the big fish to walk into the net!"