
Back to the roots

Zuma completely lost his sanity...he wasn't himself and he couldn't recover from the blow he received..he kept on receiving news of violet's journey... and finally she is out of his land

Isn't he supposed to be happy... what's holding him back...? Is it guilt or pain....or regret

Whatever it is seems to have bitten him to late

"Sire...the queen's... tomb has been excavated... and her ashes has been taken"

"Who dare to do such a thing?"

"Lady Violet...!!"

He slumped back on his chair...he had completely gotten rid of a cheat and a bastard why does he still have to be punished to feel empty inside

"Go away... I don't want to hear anything about her anymore...leave!!"

His emotional stability seems to be failing every moment...He went to Vera's room and found that everything has been taken... and the only thing left is the hairpin he bought for her...

"Vera!!!" he collapsed in tears

"You really left me...why...? I did all I could to get you to myself... I even took your old man out of the way.. why am I being punished like this...? Vera.... are you at peace now...!!??"

Heaven's karma is yet to descend in full force on him. This is still just a tip of the iceberg...


I felt more achieved after taking my my mother's ashes... including my uncle's. I buried them at their old house..where my grandfather was buried...all generations in the grave..

what a shame...!

As I approached Sky high... I felt nervous.. I haven't seen what my real father looks like.. and I haven't known why he had to rape my mother back then... if he didn't will things end up like this???

It would... because of Zuma's obsession with male child...

" Jasper... please give me a briefing of what I should expect of my siblings...!" it really sounds so strange...but I have to know whether am moving from frying pan to fire or a safe place to rest

" They are three in number...one male and two cunning females. They first are twins... Cyprus and Celtic. both are very cunning and they love working together...but only Cyprus is in the palace walls as we speak."

That won't be a problem... I'll have to put them in their place no matter how cunning they are ...

"And Selena...is a little brat...she is clingy and pathetic... she acts all high and mighty..."

From the sound of things...he doesn't seem to like them...

"And the queen...?" I couldn't hold my curiosity any longer

"The king doesn't have a queen,she is just a political wife...the king hasn't crowned her yet neither has he crowned the children or recognize them yet"


" He was waiting for you and Lady Vera.. it's a pity he lost her twice already"

Yes... it's indeed a pity that she couldn't feel such a love form father...he waited so long for us but she gave it away for that bastard...

"War is inevitable...but princess..why didn't you call him for help when it got worst?" guilt and pain were evident in his voice...

"I already had everything planned... my uncle's death ruined everything...even if he wants to help there will be war because Zuma won't release my mother and I that easily... and besides my uncle's death is unavoidable in all means this was meant to happen with or without my touch and beyond my control "

"You are indeed wise...but you don't deserve this amount of pain and torture "

"I don't and I do.." even I am confused at my own words but it's better to let it go.

I arrived at the gate of the palace...so beautiful

everywhere was sparkling clean and dressing in this attire was the prefect idea...

Servants were at at the gate all looking clean with basket of roses in their hands...

"Is this necessary...?"

"It is...the king is really happy. it's just a simple gesture...in due time he'll give you a grand feast" he smiled at me...it means that they are all happy having me here unlike the hell hole I waste my years in..

The palace is very amazing...well decorated and beautiful...at the left side of the window is whom I imagine as my father....


He looked at me with happiness in his eyes...his eyes were blue and I can definitely see myself in him

"You are here... you are really beautiful...come here my darling.. " I ran to him and hugged him...

All my life I have never received a hug this warm...he pat my hair and I felt like a child...a happy child...

"I have waited long for this day...am finally complete...where is your mother...?"

I couldn't tell me. it's bad I don't want him to feel bitter inside but I have to..

"She...she is gone!"

"What do you mean....she said she'll come with you...! what do you mean by 'gone' ?"

"She is dead.....!"

"What....? She won't do that... she...." he almost collapse..

"Father...she wants me to tell you to go on without her.... please for my sake please..." it hurts seeing him like this...he is deeply hurting

" I'll serve Zuma's head on a plate... I'll crush the whole of anthill to accompany her...." his deep blue eyes flow with anger and frustration...

"Relax... and get yourself together. She won't want you to be like this.... "

His fist was clenched tightly... and he could injure himself any time soon...

"What ever plan you have for Zuma... I'll gladly support you. he deserves to die"

He gently release the grip on his flesh...he rubbed my face gently...." At least I have you...a prefect figure of Vera... I'll take care of you and protect you with my life"

"I'll protect us....am strong enough now and I'll be more stronger for us" I pulled him closer to my arms

" I need to go take back here ashes..."

"I already did.... great minds think alike. I buried it at her family's grave yard and I brought little of it back because I know you want it"

"Thank you my dear...you are really the best "

I felt so pleased and happy...his praises were endless and I felt amazing....

it was nice to have a father who cares about you.. he made dishes that I happen to like which were his favorite.. this is my beginning of happiness.