
My first day of joining school

Chapter - I

It was March 10, 1988, my mother readied me and rushed me to the school. I wasn't aware, that I should be going to the school as my father wasn't present during that day, as he had gone for the volunteered labor service to the government.

My mother took me to the school, and there in the school teachers asked me questions seriously but I was too afraid and was hiding behind my mother.

The teacher tried his best to get his answer from me but I wasn't replying his queries.

So the teacher got some annoyed and told my mother that "your child is not going to study, so take him back to the home and make him cowherder", simultaneously my mother took me back to the home. So that year my age level friends were happily going school with their neat and tidy uniforms but I was staying home ideally. I became cowherder for that year.

So the year ended and my school going colleagues got their winter vacation for three months tentatively. And the next year admission started again, that my father had come back and present there, so he took me to the school for enrollment.

So that was my unforgettable day of my life.