

Hi! This is your author Ric! First of all, I just want to remind you that I'm not good at English (Please forgive me) although this is my second language as a Filipino born in Manila.

I wrote this novel just to pass my time, you know as a fellow Webnovel reader, life is incomplete without doing things we love the most and it makes us inspired on everything, although too much reading will make us think of impossible things to happen in real life like superpowers or cultivation, especially truck-kun, don't you ever tried to jump in front of it (you dumbass) the probability that you reincarnate is less than the chance of having your crush to like you back so stop it.

So this story is all about reality, yes we do have an mc and the plot is already given so I don't need to clarify things up, if you still don't understand the plot then read the title haha.

I will do my best to make this satisfying and interesting to read. Well, I welcome you guys to make a suggestions or anything related to this just please don't bully me guys, I'm just a loner.

What is life? Why are we conscious? Is this world real? Or, are we just a side character inside of someone else's dream?

Let's welcome John, our main character in this story, he is just someone like you, a person who realize his true awareness about reality. He questions everything, from nothingness to existence. Why is this..? Why is that..? Why are we..? Why are those..? Imagine, even though we are just stuck in a bed and doing nothing, we still questions ourselves "Is this the real life? We are just like a tree, after growing up and doing things we need to do and leave some seeds behind, we are what? Still part of Earth, of course. Can we change our fate?" Such a stupid question, I know.

But let me tell you something, do you want to change your fate? I hope I can.

Magic, how exciting things up if it exists in our world. life will be interesting, no transportation and heavy traffic, just fly up high in the sky while listening to some music or doing cool things using swords (hayahay ang buhay).

Then to make a living you just need to kill a beast like in other novels, or using magic while cooking. Well, everyone loves to eat right? Especially when the food is heavenly good.

Let's just forget for a moment that you're broke, money is like a water even though you tried to save it very hard it can still evaporate in the air because there are too many reasons to lose money than to earn.

If life is just a fantasy, I think living now is much more meaningful, right? Come on buddy, don't cry! here a tissue~

Let's stop thinking about it first and start to unfold the reality.