

A genius fighter with a nasty attitude had fought every day, even though he’d lose some fights he had never once fallen. Even when knocked-out he’d be unconscious standing, and that was how he got the nickname ‘Unfallen’ Suddenly he woke up in a strange bed in a fancy-looking room. His ‘family’ was worried sick for him. The only problem was, he had no clue who these people were.

ImDrava · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 11 - Thugs

Irene and I headed to a nearby inn, it was fairly popular, a lot of the tables were full, and the food smelt good.

We walked to the counter before the worker greeted us.

"Hello! Welcome to Highlen Inn! What can I do for you two today?"

I decided to let Irene handle everything, I had no clue what to do anyway.

"Could we get 2 rooms for 2 days?"

"Yes! Without the meal options included, that'll be 10 copper coins. If you want to include the meals, it'd be 20 coppers."

10 Copper coins? Jane had taught me about them, the currency they use in this world were 4 types of metals. Copper coins being the lowest, then Silver, Gold, and finally Platinum. It'd cost 100 of each coin to get 1 of the higher tiers.

"We'll include the meals."

Irene took out 20 coppers from the pouch Kevin gave us and paid.

"Thank you for your patronage! I'll lead you two to your rooms."

Our rooms were right beside each other.

"If you need anything please don't hesitate to come to the desk."

The worker smiled and then left.

"Let's get settled in our rooms first, then we'll figure out our next move."

I nodded my head and went into my room.

It was a small room compared to the one in the manor, but it still was way bigger than where I used to live. It had only the bare minimal, a bed, a bedside drawer, and a desk with a chair.

I didn't bring anything with me except for some clothes in a bag, and a small dagger, I thought I could sell the clothes if I needed. Irene had brought a sword and had the pouch that Kevin gave her but that was it.

Sitting on the bed it was comfy, although not as comfortable as the one in the manor, at the very least I could sleep on a bed. That was all that mattered to me.

I heard a knock at the door and opened it, Irene came in.

"Looks like the rooms are the same. We'll have to stay here for 2 days until the academy opens."

"What do you wanna do in the meantime?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then, do you want to join me in the training grounds? They have a public area where we could train."

It did feel wrong to skip training after these last 2 months, but I thought I should look around the capital. It'd be nice to compare this place to our territory.

I shook my head and spoke

"...No... I'll look around..."

"Hmm, alright, then I'll give you an allowance of 5 silver."

We had 20 silver coins, Father wanted to give us more, but Kevin said this should be all we needed until we entered the school.

I nodded.

"Then, I'll be at the training grounds."

I waved her goodbye and she left.

I laid back on the bed.

Academy... School... I've never been to one. This really is a new life, huh... I hope Kai doesn't want his body back anytime soon, I want to enjoy this more.

I yawned and got up, I decided to walk around the capital for a few.


It was very different here than in our territory, there were way more stores, and a lot of people were in very fancy clothes. There were also barely any people looking at me, in our territory I had a lot of eyes on me but, here, there were barely any.

I decided to walk into a store, it seemed to be a clothing store. The worker greeted me immediately.

"Hello! Could I help you with anything today?"

I ignored her and looked at the big mirror to the side, it was the first time I had a clear view of what I looked like. The mirror that Marcus had before was small and distorted.

(pic in comments)

"Um, Sir?"

I looked at her.

"Do you need any help with anything today?"

I looked around the store before shaking my head, there wasn't anything except for fancy clothes in this store.

I left and continued to look around.

It wasn't long before I came across a crowd of people, at the center of attention were a man and a female with swords at their side glaring at some rough looking guys.

They looked like thugs; I had seen enough of them to be able to easily discern that.

Though normally I would mind my own business and walked away because it was never good involving yourself in these kinds of situations, but it was probably fine.

I decided to watch.

"You bumped into us first!"

"We just want an apology!"

The 2 rough looking guys demanded while pointing at them.

"An apology? Why should we apologize to some commoners?"

The thugs were nobles? It made sense, people with even the slightest bit of status liked to look down on others. That was how it was back in my world too.

"You bumped into us on purpose!"

"And? Where's the proof?"

The male started to unsheathe his sword.

"In fact, you commoners should apologize to us, you lowly insects."

"Y-You can't just pull out your sword in the capital! The knights will arrest you!"

"What are you talking about? This is self-defense, 2 thugs dared to attack a noble."

It was a common theme in my previous life. If you had status and power, you could get away with anything.

"Isn't that right?"

She looked at the crowd

The crowd was too scared to say anything.

"I'll take your silence as a yes."

"You can't!"

The rough looking man shouted.

"Then apologize to me." The noble had stated while crossing her arms, she looked like she was looking at a bug.

The rough looking men looked down with a balled-up fist and squinted eyes.

"Why don't you all stop there."

A man in fancy clothes had walked through the crowd into the middle of the four.


The noble looking girl had looked shocked and covered her mouth with her hands while the man had sheathed his sword and bowed.