
Chapter 10


Few months later, he came back to Nigeria. It was on a Christmas period, he didn't tell us he was coming back, unlike other times. We were so surprised and excited to see him. I had already made plans to take my family on a trip to South Africa, both the kids and his cousin, while my house-help travelled to her village, to see her parents. He jumped in and got his visa immediately, to go with us. It was a one week Christmas trip. We went out every day, in Cape Town. I would look at my husband with so much love and admiration, Oh! how happy I was to have such a man as my husband, I could say in my mind.

I sent my sister a voice note, narrating my happiness and enjoyment on the trip, with my husband and kids, I gave her a lot of details in excitement. She told me it was too good to be true, that she feels something was off, I pushed it down to jealousy, and let her be.

On the 5th day of the trip, we had a sightseeing planned, but I was exhausted from the day before. I begged my husband to go along with the kids, while I put my legs up, drank some juice, watch movies on Netflix and chill, in our hotel suite. I decided to tap on my laptop to check my mail, but it wasn't responding. I knew my laptop was having some minor issues, but I didn't have much time to get a new one and set it up before we left Lagos for South Africa, I decided to travel with it like that, After all it was just for a week when I get back from my vacation I would fix it.