
Oh no...

Seraph was a powerful god that mostly roamed the world aimlessly. She only paid attention to things that interested her, that wasn't a lot. Naturally, some little fire dragon would've never caught her eye if she hadn't seen it evolve into a corrupted dragon. This was unheard of before; nobody has ever seen such an event happen. The fire dragon had become an entirely different breed of dragon! While it was still quite weak, it showed extreme intelligence only found in higher class monster species. Many other gods would've already eradicated this anomaly in fear of it growing too strong, but Seraph decided it would be interesting to see how he develops. She wanted to speak to this creature once it was strong enough to fight off most enemies. She gave him a boost to his mana potency as it would disappoint her if he died early.

*In the cave...*

Locke heard a notification from the system suddenly ring in his head as he was getting ready to train his mana.


Locke was shocked by what he heard from the system. There was someone else other than that old god watching him. He put it aside for now and checked his status.


Name: Locke

Species: Corrupted Dragon(B)(baby)

[HEALTH]: (295/295)

[LVL]: 52

MANA: 350/350 > [1000/1000]





SPEED: 180





Locke grinned as he saw his MP reach the four-digit mark. He could now go through his training very smoothly, after all, he had a newfound talent for mana boosted even further. He was delighted to try and implement his magic in unique ways. What he first wanted to do was cover his claw with fire magic, this would allow for him to deal extra damage against his opponents. He had an idea of where to start, but he didn't know how to execute it. He would have to delve in and find out for himself. He couldn't stand still and wait for something to happen, which would only lead to his demise.

Locke decided to try and focus the fire on his front leg and see how it went. The fire had immediately extinguished when Locke tried to focus it on the leg. He did not have the correct technique and lacked a vital understanding of mana. He wasn't affected by his first failure as he expected much, but he soon grew more frustrated as each hour passed. He was down to his last bit of mana left as he had used up most of his reservoir. He could only try one more time, exerting more mana would cause him to fall unconscious. Locke used all his focus and energy on creating a fire encasing around is frontal claws. He had grown to understand how mana functioned and shaped to a certain degree after many failed attempts. He also had to use less MP to create a powerful attack because of this training. On his final attempt, the training paid off. A weight had disappeared off wings when he saw the blueish azure fire glowing and encasing his claws and foot.

It felt relieving knowing he had accomplished something with his magic, hours of practice had led to this.


[Azure Claws: Lvl: 1]

Locke was surprised when he saw the notification in his head. He thought and realized if he thoroughly trained his techniques, they would become skills or abilities. He decided to test his assumption tomorrow. He was tired right now and needed some sleep. He needed enough energy for tomorrow's training. He would further develop his flamethrower. He wanted to see if it could become a skill when it had a structure built to it. He would have to find out tomorrow when he does those things.

*Next day*

Locke woke and immediately went to training his flamethrower. The difficulty required for this was very low. Compared to trying to condense, manipulate, and shape mana, shooting a fire beam wasn't that hard, He had already done it multiple times, but all he did was use his MP and fire expecting for it to work. He needed to see some fundamental structures to his flamethrower that would come out from his mouth. He experimented a bit and after 30 minutes he created something representable.

Locke opened his mouth and let out an azure flame. As it spread further away, it grew wider and engulfed more of the surrounding area. It packed quite the punch as the mana used to create such an attack was efficiently used. Locke was satisfied with the results he got. He was pumped up now that he had more tools to his arsenal.



'That should do for now! I'm starving so I'll probably hunt for a big catch. Now that I think about it, I can go without for 2 days before needing to eat again. It seems my body has different needs than before. I still like eating though, it's probably something I won't give up ever!'