
Toast to your great success

Story of my day:

I love reading comments left by my readers. I want to give a big thanks and shoutout to my awesome readers for still sticking around. Love & appreciate you all very much!

PS: I just needed to express my feelings. Now, let's get on with the story.


The sky transition from darkness to the early dew of morning. The red double doors suddenly push open with three men stepping in.

In front was a man around the age of 35 and two big muscular men following behind.

"Boss, we've brought your brother."

One of the men spoke as he stepped forward. His right eye had a long slash from the forehead to his jawline that made his right eye closed.

Chu Qiang slowly turn around to face the three men. Both his hands behind his back as he lift one hand and wave the two men to leave.

The door closed and his eyes stare at his brother. After a long minute, he walks over to a small bar in the room.