
CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT: Our love is now known by the world


" Woah I have been infront of many crowds but for some reason I'm nervous today." I said to Na na who handed me a drink," This script, was it changed." I said as I read through, " Well yes, Sister Shi said that much as they weren't convinced by the posts on line, they won't let you there biggest asset resign from the modelling agency so they only want you to clarify your relationship with Mr Lu yan today." she explained," But why does this script tell me to deny that we in a relationship. " I asked," I'm not sure." she said," I will go and check if every thing is ready." she added as she left," Can you also check and see if Lu yan has come." I said as I stared back at the script me and Lu yan had decided that we coming clean about our relationship today but the script is saying other wise," Are you ready? " Sister Shi asked," I'm I think." I said as I adjusted the strips on my black round dress," Look there might be sunrise questions that are completely off topic so make sure you calm down and answer to them." she said as she opened in for a hug," You have been going through a lot this entire time, I'm proud of how mature you have handled the situation. " she added as she smiled at me," I should thank you for protecting my career." I said as she left," Fighting!!" I added as I stared at my self in the mirror..

In a while it was time for the press conference but I couldn't see Lu yan any where," Na na where is Lu yan?" I asked as sister Shi interrupted, " He was asked to wait for you to finish, What matters right now is your statement not his." she said as I got even more worried.

Reaching the plan form, I was surrounded by all kinds of News reporters all of them seemed to have a lot of questions, my heart was pumping and my head seemed dizzy," Are you ok?" asked Sister Shi as she gave me a bottle of water," I'm fine thank you. " I said as I took a sip," Ok let's forward to the questions,« Mrs Song, there many rumours that have been going on around the internet lately, much as you have unexpectedly clarified them a post by Mrs Xiao Wei was released today saying that all your posts were made up, how do you explain that, should we say you could go to great lengths to keep your career??» one reporter asked,« Well am not sure who helped clarify my name and am also not sure why Xiao Wei would go to such lengths to tarnish my reputation, but what am very sure about is that I'm innocent and all that has been posted online is fake.» I replied as I stared back to Sis Shi who seemed even more worried than I was,« Mrs Song, you and Mrs Xiao Wei haven't been that close ever since you were given an ad that was supposed to be hers, could that be why she did it, Well that's if she is the one.» another reporter asked," the ad can't be a reason for any one to ruin another person's career, so let's not draw to conclusions.» I replied,« Excuse me, the press conference theme was to talk about Mr Luyan and Song luo's relationship not the rumours.» Sister Shi said,« Well one last question about the incident why did you attend your ex's wedding was it to break the happy couple apart or.» another reporter asked, I felt angry and disgusted,« I only went because I don't hold grudges.» I said « But the video they said was not fake also showed that you almost hit, your former best friend Xiao méi is it true.» he added,« No comment, like Sister Shi said, you can only ask about what really bought you here and nothing else.» I replied," let's take a 3 minutes break we shall proceed after. » Sister shi said as I moved to the dressing room,« Are you fine?" Na na asked,« Is this some trick they didn't follow that script.» I said as I almost lost it,« What were you thinking out there.» yelled Sister Shi as she stormed into the room,« Look, in the next round you should get a grip on your self.» she said as she walked out,« Why don't you try doing that when stories are being made up about you and you past dignity. » I said angrily as I stood up,« let's go.» I added as we went back to the plat form," Ok next question." I said as I noticed every one was on their phones again, the same thing happened on my gala," have the posted some thing about me again." I asked as Sister Shi pulled out her phone and checked," No! it's actually clarification for you ." she said as she extended the phone to me, it was a video of Xiao Wei Wei admitting every thing, including the fact that she wants to take Lu yan from me,« Mrs Song, what is the relationship between Lu yan and Xiao Wei, Why would she do that to you for him, are you in a relationship with Lu yan, what's happening? » Well it felt like a rapid fire round since I wasn't given time to respond, «This matter concerns me, should I be replying to your questions instead?" asked a similar voice, it was Lu yan as he walked through the crowd to where I was," Are you ok." he gestured," Hmm." I replied as he sat next to me,« Glad, Mr Lu yan is here, how do you know Mrs Xiao Wei Wei? » they asked,« She was a trainee in the same agency as I was, she was also my ex girlfriend but for some reason she left after my career went down the drain.» he replied,« So is what we heard in the video true?? did she do all this to get you back?» another reporter asked,« The video is genuine, so whatever was said in it is true.» he replied, « How do you know it's not fake, because a video was posted a while ago but it turned out to be tampered with.» the reporter asked again,« I recorded the video and I posted it as well.» he said as he smiled at me, I was shocked rather,« Wow so Mr Lu yan can go to such great lengths to prove his colleague innocent,» they went on,« That depends, but Song luo isn't just my colleague.» he said as every one stared at him with curiosity,« She is my girl friend, and I love her a lot. » he answered as every one went nuts including Sister ShI who kept glaring at me telling me to stop him,« Is that true Mrs Song? » I was asked as all eyes were on me,« Its true, Lu yan and I are dating.» I replied as Lu yan smiled at me, and extended his hand to me,« it feels good to let every one know, it only means I don't have to hide my self to do this any more.» he said as he leaned in and kissed me, I also thought of nothing else but this moment,« I love you» I added as we hugged, cameras flashing, screaming and every thing didn't matter to me at the moment..just me and him did...

After the press conference, the entire internet was about the news of me and Lu yan dating no one cared that I clarified thr rumours about me," What you did out there was risky" Sister Shi said to me and Lu yan," Gladly every one responded better than I expected." she added," Now that you have made your relationship public, please make it work to the end, because there will always be a thing or two trying to break you apart well sadly that's how celebrity relationship always end up." she advised," Well we done here, how about you both go and have some rest, ever since you cleared your name my phone has been buzzing with contracts." she said happily as she left," Thank you." I said as I hugged Lu yan," Its my duty to protect the person I love." he said as he kissed my fore head," But if you want then there is a reward you can give me." he said as I got curious," You can become my wife." he whispered in my ear," Well allow me to think about it." I said as he bit his lip and moved in to kiss me when," Oh I'm sorry I didn't I well..." stuttered Na na as she went out and closed the door," Shall we continue with what we were doing?" he mocked as I pushed him away," Lets go I bet mom is waiting to here from me about the press conference, " I said, " Mom!! is that clarification that you already want to be my wife?" he asked as he held me by my waist and looked into my eyes," Because I would love to get the honor of being your husband." he added as my heart was almost pumping out of my chest, " Well I.." I said till I was interrupted by Na na," The car is ready. " she said," Lets go." I replied as I grabbed my over coat and walked away from Lu yan," Wait." he said as he came after me...


" Ok, Wow we were shocked by your announcement, Mrs Shao always sensed some thing going on between you too but I just told her both of you were natural actors and actresses who can bring in on screen chemistry." Mr Chen said over the call," Any ways we shall resume the shoot in three days make sure you and Mrs Song are here in time." he added," Ok thank you so much." I said as I hang up and immediately received a call from Han Chen," Well we by we I mean me and Tong Yao want to invite you to dinner this weekend call it a celebration dinner for you and Song luo." he said," Ok." I replied as he laughed," Was that funny?" I asked," I just can't believe my Lu yan would some day be a helpless romantic. " he replied ," But look at you now." he continued," I didn't expect that too but I guess I have fallen deep and can't bring my self out of it." I thought to my self," Well a man needs to find that one person I mean unlike you, who has dated over 30 girls but still haven't found the one." I said," But should I give you some advise?" I asked," What!!" he asked," Date Tong Yao, I mean she is the only girl who can stand you." I mocked as he sarcastically giggled," Stop being irritating. " he said as he hang up," Irritating!!" I exclaimed as I smirked..

later since we were left with two shoots of the reality show, I was assigned to sing the ost, I have to say unlike before I now had inspiration every time I looked or recalled my times with Song luo," That sounds great." she said as she came and sat by me," Well I feel it's great too." I said," What's it called. " she asked," Love comes unexpectedly." I said as she stared at me," like ours did." she said," Exactly, I'm basing the song on us, it fits the show too so it's the ost." I said as she started playing the piano," You play this too?" I asked with suprise," I do many things well I used to take lessons in high school, since I thought it would take me off my sad past, that's how I learnt many instruments, piano, guitar, Ukulele and many more actually," she replied, " Can you sing as well?" I asked," I'm not sure, I did take the lead one time." she said which gave me an idea," Sing this line for me." I said as she stared at it and sung, she was good her voice was angelic," Woah you have a really nice voice, how come I have never heard you sing," Well I never do, but I do hymn a few of my favourite songs during my free time. " she added," Well lets sing the out together, I mean it's a trend for the couples to sing the out of there shows its also kinda cute so let's sing it together." I said as she stared at me shyly," Won't I ruin it?" she asked," Of course not, I will talk to Mr fang." I said as she nodded in acceptance, " Ok. " she said cheerfully... " Deal." I replied as we continued to play the piano together.