
I shall survive

After dinner and dessert, the children are sent to bed and we are left to retire to the drawing room. "But mother I am almost old enough and I wish to speak with Delilah-" Eloise continues to beg her mother to allow her to stay, even as she is being pushed from the room, poking her head back through the gap in the door so that she might speak with me. "Delilah! I shall write you a letter!"

"I shall look forward to it." I smile, relaxing into a seat that I am glad is no longer by the side of Anthony. It seems to be between Colin and Benedict since the two of them rush to my aid, thrusting a drink into each of my hands and glaring at each other. "Oh, it is like having my own personal slaves, is it not?"

Lady Bridgerton laughs a little, raising an eyebrow at the two brothers, before she retires into her own seat, stretching her legs in front of her. Simon sits on a chair on it's own, and Anthony does the same, leaving daphne with a settee to herself. "Boys, why do you not give Lady Delilah some space? I am sure she has had quite enough of your antics. Benedict, Colin, move to the seat with your sister."

"I am sure-"

"It was not a request. Mama told you to do such and so you shall do it." Anthony suddenly feels the need to stick his ugly nose in. I look at him, he is sat with his legs wide apart, I am not sure why men do this. It is something to do with dominance, I believe. It is pathetic, if you ask me, and even more pathetic when he does it. He has a glass grasped in his hand and he is slumped in the chair.

"I am sure your mama does also not need your help. Bad posture shall kill you, Viscount Anthony." I nod to him and sip my own drink, sitting with my legs crossed and resting my drink on them. But, Benedict and Colin do as they are told and move across to the other spare space, leaving me on my own.

"I am sure I shall survive, Lady Basset."

"Oh, that is a shame."

Violet pauses for a moment before she turns her attention back to me with a gracious smile. "Lady Basset, how was your return to London so far? I imagine it was rather tiring for you, especially with all or the excitement that seemed to begin as soon as you two made your arrival."

"Lady Bridgerton, I really must insist on Delilah. I am Delilah to my friends." I give a smug smile that makes Anthony scowl further, leaning in a little to her so we might talk. "I have found London rather fun so far. I must say, I believe I am lucky to have discovered such a wondeful family who seem to enjoy my company so."

"You are very kind to join us here today. I know the invitation was rather spontaneous but when I spoke with Lady Danbury the previous day, I could not resist such." She nods a little, glancing at her eldest son who seems to be angrily staring out of the window and back to me. "I believe I shall excuse myself and go to bed. There shall be whiskey in the office, I am sure that Anthony will be so kind as to retrieve it for you. Benedict, Colin. It is time for bed."

"It most certainly is not." Benedict argues, shaking his head insistently.

"Mama, I have not been to bed this early since I was a child!" Colin exclaims.

"And you are now acting like a child. To bed, both of you." Lady Bridgerton stands, beckoning the two boys who roll their eyes and groan, childish as ever, and after much deliberation, they follow their mother's orders.

This leaves only four of us remaining in the room, myself and Daphne, Simon and Anthony. A rather eclectic mix of four people if you ask me, but I thank the gods for Daphne as she makes haste and sits down beside me. "Well, I am glad at least this shall give us some time to speak. Not that we can speak of much with two rather repulsive big brothers inhabiting the room with us."

"You are so outwardly rude, Lady Basset. It does surprise me each and every moment that you are the daughter of a Duke." Anthony scowls and looks to Simon, who sits silently for a moment as he finishes his drink. "This is ridiculous. I do not know why you are still here nor why you were ever here in the first place."

"We did not wish to come either, Anthony. It is some plan that Lady Danbury and mother have concocted, I am sure." Simon merely looks contemptuous, shaking his head as he places his drink on the table. "I would wish for another drink though."

Anthony does not say another word as he heads towards the office and Simon decides he shall accompany him to retrieve the whiskey. I can only hope they stay in there and do not at all decide to come back.

"A plan? Is that what you believe this to be too, Delilah?" Daphne seems rather eager for my opinion and my input on the matter, but it is difficult since I do not even know my own opinion in the matter. "Whatever should they wish to plan about?"

"I do not know. You said your mother did not wish for you to marry Lord Berbrooke either, perhaps she is attempting to show Anthony that there are more eligible men in the ton. Such as my brother, I suppose. If you should call him eligible. He should be a worse husband than Berbrooke, I am sure of that."

The way that Daphne pauses and gazes for a moment at the door, I can tell that she definitely does not agree. She thinks my brother is handsome and charming as all seem to think. I cannot deny the former but the latter could not be any further from the truth, I have met wild animals that are more charming than the beast that is my brother. "What makes you say such?"

"It does not matter because he shall not marry anyway, and he cannot sire an heir." I roll my eyes at his strange little vendetta against our father. I could not imagine allowing a man who is already dead to continue to control your life. That is the logic I cannot seem to grasp, how Simon can see his promise to never continue the Hastings line as something that shall spite our father. I see it only as something our father would enjoy: continuing to influence every decision we make. "That shall not account for why I am here, though."

"Perhaps they wish to match you with Anthony."

Daphne suggests this honestly and it makes me almost choke with laughter. "Oh! He should be so lucky!"

"Who shall?" Simon inquires as he walks into the room once more. I am surprised at all that he wishes to pay attention to something I have said.

"Anyone should be so lucky as to marry me."

"Anyone should be so unlucky. I think I should rather drown myself in the Thames before I married someone as boisterousans brazen as you." Anthony comments, setting the whiskey down with some force.

"And I am sure that any lady should rather drown than marry you. What did that poor whiskey bottle do in order for you to abuse it so? Did it insult your sideburns?" I mock, standing so I can pour myself a glass.

"Sit back down. I shall bring one to you. Did anyone ever tell you that you needn't stick your nose into everything?" Anthony scowls as he grabs a glass aggressively and even manages to pour the liquid from the bottle to the cup with some kind of anger.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have the temper of a badly behaved toddler?"

He thrusts the glass towards me. "Whatever."

I take it. "Whatever."