
unexpected marriage (jjk)

miss_fujoshi · Fantasie
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3 Chs



" congratulations everyone on graduation " everyone shouted while tossing their graduation hat in the air. " congratulations y/niee" IU shout while hugging you. "you too" you hug her back.

You came home after having fun at the graduation party. As soon as you came home, your mom first congratulated you. " congratulations sweetheart I'm sorry I was not able to come" she hugged you. " its okay mom I know you were busy" After that you went upstairs and Freshened up and put on comfortable clothes. You came downstairs and head to dinning room to eat your dinner, you start eating your dinner then your mom spoke " we are going to a party tomorrow " "okay mom" you answered. You finished your dinner and went upstairs.


You checked your phone IU massage you.

IU: let's hang out tomorrow or shopping?

Y/N: okay shopping, in morning

IU: done

Good night dear y/niee

Y/N: Good night

You shut your phone and place it on table beside your bed and slept peacefully.

Next day you wake up at 7a.m. you entered bathroom first brush your teeth, took a shower and did your morning routine. You casually wear a t-shirt and skirt under your knees and shoes. You took komb and ponytail your long brown hair. You were about to leave your room. Then you heard IU's voice she was calling you. " I'm ready " you said as you came downstairs. " let's go" IU said.

First you both go a restaurant and eat something as your breakfast then you both made your way to mall. You both entered and looking for dresses. "hey look there" IU shout. "umm....? Wedding gowns " you said "I want to wear this when m gonna marry" she said "you are not going to marry yet now let's go" you laugh at her.

You bought a party dress and some for your normal days. And IU just bought three dresses. You both head to counter and payed your bills.

Then IU dropped you home.


you went upstairs. After few minutes your mom came in your room. "Honey we are leaving in half an hour get ready hurry!" she ordered you "okay mom". As You said your mom leave you alone.

You wear your party dress and did light makeup and wore your high heels.

After that you head to downstairs. You both entered the car and driver drop both of you in front of a huge villa there is party.

You both entered in.

The lady is walking towards you and your mom. As soon as she arrived, she hugged your mother straight. "how are you suji " she aske your mom " I'm fine how are you eunji" they broke hug "i'm good" she answered. " well meet my daughter y/n , y/n she is jeon eunji ". She introduced you to her " Hi mrs. Jeon" you greet bow to her. "oh! C'mon call me aunty" she said. She is so sweet. "now came in I'll introduce you two to my son" she said. You was thirsty "mom i am thirsty i will come now" as you said you leave both of them alone and to go find water. You drink water and there was a very nice view, so you went to click the photo.

... ... ...

"Did you already told him?" mrs. Min asked "NO! we promised" mrs. Jeon answered "ok ok" mrs. Min said. "where is your son You were about to introduce him to me, weren't you? " mrs. Min ask "yes...NO!"


"Yes but to your daughter"

"c'mon he's gonna be my son-in-law"

"ok ok but where is y/n"

"she was thirsty"

"i came" you said Then both of them fell silent at once. you were looking at them both strangely. 'I guess I came at the wrong time' You start speaking in your mind. they both laughed oddly. "ahh... Y/n..... hehe.... You came" mrs. Jeon said.

"well... where is your son" your mom ask. "He maybe busy with the businessman's" mrs. Jeon said. "one minute i'll go and check." she said and left.

You and your mother were both sitting in a private VIP room. There was only you two. "mom what are we doing here " you ask. "we are waiting for eunji and h--" The door of the room opened before your mother's line was over and someone came in. "we are here" mrs. Jeon said. She come in with a boy. He was looking very handsome and sexy. As it is, this fragrance spread in that room. It can be told only by looking at him that how rich and powerful he is. you got lost in that boy.

"suji he is my son " as mrs. Jeon said you came to reality and You clear yohr throat. And all three of them started looking at you. they both sat in front of you. "Hurry up mom, the ceremony is about to start " the boy said. "just two minutes " mrs. Jeon said. "she is my childhood friend min suji" she introduced your mom to the boy. The boy was silent then mrs. Jeon hit his arm with her elbow he greet your mom "Hi mrs. Min nice to meet you" he said "yo-" your mom was about to said something then suddenly the boy stand up and said "I'm sorry but I need to go it's time to start the ceremony " he said. That was really rude. he left from the room. "let's go " mrs. Jeon said. 'i want to break his mouth' you grumble. Your voice was enough to here both of them. They both looked at you in surprise. "sorry aunty but this is true he looks so rough" you said a little angry. "I'm with you" mrs. Jeon said. You were also shocked to hear this and your mom. "He is not like that...but still i'm with you" she said. She is really very sweet. how could that boy be their son.

you all went out for the ceremony. Then mr. Jeon announce that his son Jeon Jungkook is going to be the next CEO of his company. And then you got to know his name. He went on stage, hugged his father and gave a speech. How can he give such a speech, surely someone must have given him in writing, it will not be his own. he came down everyone congratulated him.

After that he started coming straight towards you. And passing you went to his mother. First he apologized to your mother for what he had done a while back. After that he introduced himself well. he is really cute a while back he was nervous about the ceremony so he behaved like that. But you didn't see his real side because you were angry about what happened a while back.