
Unexpected Love Mayhem

Mei Wen, an orphaned soul haunted by a painful past, believes she has reached the end of her rope until a chance encounter with the enigmatic Gu Yao changes the course of her life. Gu Yao, the formidable business magnate with a hidden darkness, unexpectedly intertwines his fate with Mei Wen's. As Mei Wen grapples with the wounds of love and the echoes of her lonely existence, she becomes entangled in a web of mysteries surrounding Gu Yao. Little does she know, their connection runs deeper than chance encounters. Unveiling unsolved mysteries and confronting buried secrets, Mei Wen and Gu Yao embark on a journey that challenges their perceptions of love, revenge, and the true meaning of belonging. In the labyrinth of Gushen City's elite, Mei Wen and Gu Yao navigate a delicate dance, with sparks flying and unsolved puzzles emerging. Will they succumb to the shadows of their past, or will a new spark ignite, bringing with it a chance at redemption and love? Join Mei Wen and Gu Yao as they navigate the intricacies of their intertwined destinies. Can they rewrite their stories, or are they destined to be forever haunted by the past Sneek peak at the novel.. Mei Wen "..." . This man was really capable of making people speechless . " Mr Gu ....I don't understand why you are doing this"  " Don't you want to take revenge Miss Wen " "Yes ..but...". " Then just sign the contract " . He looked up to see Mei Wen who was still hesitating about the whole deal 'this time ,I won't lose you again , you must be mine ' . A/N: Please support , this is my first novel hope you enjoy reading this

ruthie_obi · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
22 Chs

Chapter 6

Mei Wen looked at the old dilapidated building and sighed ,this was her home for eight years and memories of her time spent here flashed before her eyes as she looked down sadly .this building is so old and desolate, I'm sure no one is here ,how am I going to find granny Xiao 

" Wen wen?"

She turned her back to see an old woman looking at her suspiciously,she gasped in shock as water droplets began to fall from her eyes .

" Grandma Xiao?! ... granny". She shouted with tears of joy running down her face ,this woman and her family werethe only people that made her life bearable in the orphanage home and made life worth living ..but what happened to this place after she left 

"Good child , good child ,you still remember to visit me after long time ,we still always talk about you you came just in time, Xiao Long is already around and would be delighted to meet you ,she always said that there's something she wanted to talk to you about " 

" Granny Xiao, what happened here ".

"Sigh! It's a long story but I'm happy it happened when you were not around ,even though some souls were taken ,let's not talk about that now ,let's go away from here I don't like the feeling I get when ever I come back here .

At Granny Xiao's house

A group of people were seen laughing and playing as they talked about their place of work and their everyday lives. Suddenly the door opened and everyone eyes landed on the two figures that entered ,one of them widened their eyes in shock as she gleefully flew over to meet the people who just entered.

" Xiao Wen ,is it you " 

"Hmm, aunty Lin ,you still haven't gotten older, you still look the same as I last saw you"

"Silly girl , you still haven't changed this sweet mouth of yours " , Even though she knew that she was just complimenting her as always she still felt happy to her someone calling her young .

"You're making her feel proud , you shouldn't say things that aren't true ".

Granny's son , Xiao Long said as he looked at his sister as if she was irritating him .

"Looks like I've been too gentle to you, your mouth has become more sharper huh ," .

Mei Wen looked at the two grown up adults fighting like little children who got their candy stolen by the latter.

" Just ignore them , that's what I always do " granny Xiao Said as she walked past them with indifference and Mei Wen followed after .

Thirty minutes later ...

"Granny Xiao,I haven't had a meal like this in a while , thanks a lot " 

" Oh you don't have to thank me ,were family and family stay together and eat delicious food,oh, that reminds me Lin- er didn't you say you wanted to give Xiao Wen something"

Suddenly Xiao Lin's facial expression turned serious as she walked out and brought a worn out bag from inside . " Wen Wen ,take a look at this bag does it look familiar to you "

"Hmm ,not really ,let me take a look "

She opened the bag and saw a worn out diary that had a lot of children stickers on it and some accessories that were inside the bag .

" This jewels look so expensive " 

" I found it at the accident scene when I went to investigate the scene ,I felt like the accident wasn't an accident but a plot " .

The air around the dining table suddenly became tense as everyone looked at Xiao Lin .

" You should know that that time I was working as an investigator and went to survey the area, I saw that the police report didn't match the case so when they sent the car to a scrap excavator operator I went to search the car and found out that someone had messed with the brakes and tires which probably led to the accident moreover I think you should know about the whole thing of the orphanage burning down ,I feel like it's related to the case as I saw some one I saw at the car scene again at the orphanage when it was burnt down ,I feel like this might really help you to recover your memories that you list that's why I kept these for you " 

The whole place was silent when Xiao Lin was done talking , everyone mood was down .

" Those despicable people , didn't they know that a child was in the car before they destroy it ,they don't even care about human lives , don't worry Xiao Wen , when you recover your memories I'll help you take revenge ." 

"Grandma Xiao... I'm sorry " she said sadly as she bowed down to her " it's my fault that the orphanage was burnt down if you have any requests, make them I'm sure that if it's in my power I'll definitely do it " 

" My request is that you recover and take revenge on behalf of your family , for you to survive must mean that this is the heavens will for you to avenge your family , don't worry I'll be by your side and back you up " 

"Me too , don't worry Xiao Wen ,you are family and family stick together in times of trouble " Xiao Long said with tenderness and care . "Don't worry Xiao Wen, we'll definitely get to the bottom of this together but first look for a way to open the diary"

" Hmm I understand , thank you a lot" . Mei Wen's eyes were already pouring water like waterfall,she had never felt so good in a long time,

Her heart became more even determined to find the answer to her past for her family sake and... Gu Yao's sake .

At home...

Mei Wen was still trying to figure out how to unlock the diary when her phone rang .

" Who's this please" Mei Wen asked politely.

"Huh so you still know how to pick up your phone huh ,why haven't you showed up for work !" .

An angry voice resonated through the phone. Mei Wen's face paled , how could she have forgotten about work,she had been so tangled up in her personal life that she forgot about her job .

" I swear to God,if you don't show up for work tomorrow I'll tell my mum to revoke your job here how can you leave me working here alone " .

Before she could even reply the phone line was disconnected .

'sigh-Liang Jing must be very angry with me , I'll explain everything tomorrow morning." Mei Wen thought as she gave up on opening the diary and thought of asking Liang Jing tomorrow morning at work .