

Months have passed the serch for Elizabeth and her daughter have come up fruitless. With every new lead comes a new contradiction to the one before it. Elizabeth knew she would be hunt down, so she decided to play a game with the hunters. The few hunters that catch up to her don't make it back. all that is left is a bloodless corpse with a letter sewn to their chest. By the looks of the needle work a dull one was used. Kaien growing more and more frustrated by her actions.

meanwhile Iris giving birth is fastly approaching. No matter how many humans are brought to her she drains them. "Akatsuki we may need to bring in animals. the town is starting to become less populated." Takuma said worried about a thret other that Elizabeth coming after them. "I think your right I'll go hunt. you stand guard till I get back." Akatsuki said since it was his turn to hunt. He took one final look at Iris while she slept. "I'll be back soon don't worry." he whispered before heading out into the night.

Takuma pov

After Akatsuki left I sat by Iris's bed. "I am sorry you got wrapped up in all this. I know you hate me, for making to think I saved you. I know that the child or children inside you,might be the last you give me. The one thing I can say without a shred of a doubt are my feelings. I love you I have always loved you. I would move hell and earth for you. *takes her hand in his.* Please don't leave me all alone." I said crying before the sound of someone walking upstairs catches my attention. I sniffed the air only to find the sent of a human. "who the hell is walking around this place? How the hell did they get in, for that matter." I got up making sure the room was secure before heading upstairs. That was the worst decision I have made. Iris was left alone and venerable. I make my way back to Iris to find the door open ,and she was gone. I ran around panicked till I found Elizabeth holding Iris bridal style. "You will not interfere." is all she said before disappearing. I tried traking the sent but nothing. Akatsuki came back with a deer over his shoulders. "Where is she Takuma?" he asked holding in his rage.

"She took her." is all I could say.