
Gavin's end (III)

Inside Mian's cabin. 

"Griffin said that Mian was carrying her bag so maybe she has her phone with her too, can't we track her location?" Huang inquired. 

"I don't think that is possible—" Taking her phone out of the drawer, Zixin sighed, "This doesn't look good." 

Sitting on the chair, Zian balled his hands. "I shouldn't have left her alone, it's all my fault." 

"Stop blaming yourself Zian, no one knew this was going to happen." Placing his hand on Zian's shoulder, Huang sighed, "Everything is going to be okay." 

Passing Zian the phone, Zixin instructed, "Unlock it, since she left the phone in the drawer and took her bag, I think we will find something here." 

Just then, Guang entered the cabin along with Dona. "Brother Zian, she is nurse Dona and she was also the last person who met sister Mian before she left."