
Unexpected encounter:They were meant to be together

Xie Ming’s world turned upside down when her sister and fiancé betrayed her. Thinking there was nothing left in her life, Xie Ming decided to put an end to it but little did she know that God had better plans for her. **** Standing in front of the cliff, Xie Ming was ready to end her life when a pair of warm and strong hands grabbed her waist. “Do you really think ending your life is going to help?” The man asked. Xie Ming who was still in a daze, frowned when she heard an unfamiliar voice. “Instead of just ending your life like this why don’t you do something productive with it” Xie Ming frowned deeper and asked, “What do you mean?” Pulling her closer, he murmured, “Marry me.” …... This book is under editing and I just started editing the initial chapters. I was a noob when I started writing but as you read further, the grammar as well as the other things keep improving :) Happy reading ^_^ ....... Feel free to join my discord: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 If you want to support my work, send me a ko-if: https://ko-fi.com/sofia05 P.S: The cover doesn't belong to me.

Sofia05 · Urban
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876 Chs

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Taking out the baby clothes from the bag, Singtan brushed his fingers on it and asked," Ming will the baby fit in this? I mean isn't it too small?"

Ming chuckled and said," Silly the baby will be small too."

Singtan widened his eyes in shock and asked," So small?"

" Yes." 

" How will I carry it? What if it slips out of my hand?" Singtan said.

Ming chuckled and said," Relax okay we still have four months left."

Running his hand on the tinnie tiny baby clothes, Singtan took a deep breath to calm himself down.


Country S.

By the time Yufan, Ling, Sebastian and Dina arrived at the airport, it was almost 7 in the morning.

" Yufan I have to rush to the base something happened there." Sebastian said.

Yufan frowned and asked," Something serious?"

Sebastian shook his head and said," I don't know. I will go and check and then I'll let you know."