
Chapter 20 : Disguise


Xu Feng had to receive a severe punishment for the specific reason that he failed to track the location of the two beautiful ladies where about. His punishment was that he will have to work without resting and he will not receive any salary for the time being. If he is able to find the ladies whereabouts then his punishment will be uplifted and he will receive a huge bonus and also a vacation for one month. Xu Feng had to mobilized all the experts bodyguards in order to find the two beautiful mysterious ladies. Kim Tan had already told them the facts that the lady they had seen in the club was actually the lady that saved his life from the assassins.

In the sitting room Kim Tan , Ting Tan and Yun Yi were all discussing about the two pretty ladies.

"First bro, you should have informed me earlier , if you had done so then I wouldn't have committed the mistake that nearly cost me my precious hand", Ting complained bitterly. He was lucky that the other cute looking lady had saved him if not then he would have certainly become an handicap within the period of just one night. Although he had mastered marital arts too but it is better to be careful with a person with an unknown identity and background. Who knows she might have been a trained assassin herself.

"I can't believe you are scared of a common lady, don't tell me all the martial arts you have learnt is all for show Ting ?", Yun Yi asked teasingly.

"Hey if you had been the one being threatened then I would have seen your funny reaction then. Her aura was cold like our First brother's own",Ting stated while secretly taking a gaze at his First brother's expression.

Kim Tan gave him piercing glare but without uttering a word.

"Yeah I saw how fiercely she was glaring at you. She is scary but also very beautiful ", Yun Yi exclaimed.

"I concur, she will be a perfect match for First bro. Didn't you notice how First bro was trying to bully her?" Ting asked playfully.

"Hahaha.....She was so quick in retaliating by piercing First brother's favourite leather shoe, I also think they really look like a perfect match made in heaven", Yun Yi laughed delightfully.

"Do you believe that I will kick the two of you to a pulp right now?",Kim Tan stated coldly while giving them a murderous look.

Ting was scared so he decided to change the direction of the discussion.

"First bro, I'm certain this two ladies are deliberately hiding their identity because I tried prying their names out of the cute looking lady but she was so conscious as not to tell me their names".

"First bro, I think what Ting had just said is quite reasonable because with Xu Feng's martial arts skills it is almost impossible for a normal person to mislead him so easily, he would have been able to track their location successfully yesterday". Yun Yi plainly explain.

"Their identity is a mystery? Even with our top hacker's skills he was not able to provide us with any meaningful information about them" Ting Tan chipped in.

"Yeah even with the pictures that Xu Feng secretly took yesterday, the face recognition machine was not able to match her face to anybody's face in the entire Major City, its seems like her database was never recorded ",Yun Yi replied.

Kim Tan was quietly listening to their conversation. He was analyzing all the points they had discussed about and the finally came to a conclusion. A person whose identity was never inputted in the database, that is impossible. She was deliberately hiding her identity, that is possible. The face recognition machine was not able to match her face with anybody's face unless....

"She was on disguise", Kim Tan suddenly blurted out loudly startling Ting Tan.