
Chapter 11 : Peace

Back at Elite Penthouse , Ning Xi who was oblivious to the commotion at Zhang Mansion, awoke from her long nap by a sneeze and her doorbell.

*Ding dong*ding dong*

She yawn while stretching her arms and legs on the soft king size bed before slowly sitting up. Ning Xi got up from the bed and made her way to the front door.

Instead of going to the door, she stopped in the hallway, where a security camera system was, she pressed on a button which allows her to see whoever was outside her door.

[Boss! It's me! Hurry I have all your things!"]

Lie Wei's voice sounded from the speakers of the Security screen along with his face.

Without hesitation, Ning Xi pressed a larger button with the unlock icon.

*Click* her front door was automatically unlocked.

Lie Wei opened the door and walks in, he took off his shoes and in his hand were a briefcase and several shopping bags and a garment bag.

"Ahh, would it kill you to help me?"

"I pay you for a reason."

Ning Xi shrug nonchalantly, but she still helped Lie Wei with some of the things in his hand.

"I have no slippers at the moment so don't mind. Later, I'll send you an email a list of some things I need."

"Haha, no worries boss!" Lie Wei puts down the garment and shopping bags on the couch.

Ning Xi sat down on the other couch lazily.

"Sit anywhere."

Lie Wei looked around the place as if constipating Something, then coming to a decision, he place the briefcase on the marble coffee table and sits down.

Seeing his choice of seat, Ning Xi arched a brow, "Of all the seats, you choose to sit on the ground? Am I really that evil?"

Waving his hands, Ning Xi laughs, "Haha ! No boss! I'm most relaxed like this. You know that by now. I don't care where I sit at all."

Ning Xi sighed and leans back on the couch. She really doesn't get Lei Wei sometimes, but who is she to question the way he is.

"Were you able to get my things back from the airport?"

Lie Wei scratch the back of his head and chuckle sarcastically, "Haha, uhh.. boss, about your things at the airport, the security said they didn't see it." He then opens the briefcase. "But I was able to get you a new copy of your ID, drivers license, passport and bank cards. Also some RMB notes and a new phone in replacement of your missing one. It's the latest phone in rose gold."

"Mm." Ning Xi nodded in satisfaction, looking at her ID's and the three bank cards, one gold and two black. She didn't bother about the RMB notes and phone.

"And because your luggage is missing, I went out and bought you some things." Lie Wei stood up and grab the shopping bags.

Each shopping bag was marked with high end brand names, but most of them were from a brand called Delight heaven.

"I purchased the same Louis Vuitton tote you love, only not the same color, as well as a matching wallet."

He unwraps the tissue papers in the LV bag, and takes out a large black box with the LV logo on it, and handed the box to Ning Xi.

Ning Xi took the box and unboxed it.

The smell of fresh new product entered her nose. She smiled a faint smile while looking at the tote.

"It would be great if I could get my old bag back."

"Don't worry boss, I'll do everything I can to locate your bags." Lie Wei said with determination in his eyes.

Seeing his determination, Ning Xi chuckled. "I'm counting on you then. Also, stop calling me boss outside of work."

Lie Wei chuckles as he scratch the back of his head again, "It's a habit, I guess."

He reach for the other bags and scoot them to Ning Xi for her to open. He looked like a pet who was waiting for his owner to praise him.

Ning Xi was greeted with tops, bottoms, cardigans, coats, heels, sneakers, boots, bags, makeup, skin care, socks, sleepwear and even bras and panties. Plus a few sets of black velvet hangers.

Lie Wei also did not forget to purchase some white towels and bathroom essentials.

The both of them enter Ning Xi's closet room and put the things away.

"Hey Xi'er, why don't you just stay here permanently, it's really not a bad place. Plus, the security here is also good." Lie Wei said while hanging up Ning Xi's new clothes in the closet. "Do you know how many people in Imperial would die to live in Elite Penthouse and in fact your grandfather is the owner so , why bother to lives elsewhere ?"

He turned and looks at Ning Xi , "I mean, I don't get you sometimes. You're a billionaire, yet you don't want to stay here. I also know I went a little overboard by choosing this place for you, but still, it matches to your life."

Putting her new shoes nicely and neatly in a row against the floor to ceiling windows, Ning Xi stopped and looked out the window.

The heavy rain from before was now sprinkling.

She gaze out to the busy city.

"I love my busy life but I want to live in a quiet place to calm my soul. And from your time working under me, you should know I also want to lead a military life too. And also its from jeje"


After 2 hours of sorting her things in her closet room, Ning Xi was finally able to shower. For some reason, she felt as if her first shower in Imperial felt amazing.

Coming out of the shower, Ning Xi revealed her bare face. Even without make up she was naturally pretty. Her skin was pale and flawless, neat brows and a rosy peach full lips. Her dark black hair was tied in a high messy bun with loose strands of hair to frame her perfect face shape.

Still, her bluish red eyes stood out the most.

She wore an over sized tan knitted sweater, it's front was lightly tucked in front of her black denims. She paired her outfit with some chrome bangles and black espadrilles wedges.

Seeing her, Lie Wei was in a daze. His mouth literally opening. He don't think he'll ever get tired of looking at his beautiful boss.

"Do I need to invest in a mop so I can clean your drools?"

Ning Xi ignores his stare and reach for her new LV tote and house keys on the coffee table. Without waiting for Lie Wei to come back from his little mind, she walks to the front door.

"Come, lets go grab some food, I'm starving!"

Lie Wei coming back from lalaland, quickly follows Lie Wei out the door, but before heading out, he did not forget to grab the garment bag on the couch.