
Chapter 11-Alexis

As soon as I stopped crying on Sophie's shoulder, Vicky walked in and sat next to me. "I'm sorry." She said, sincerely. "It's cool. I mean I knew you were bitchy but that was a whole new level." I informed her just to spite her a bit. "Ouch. I deserve it but still ouch." She said, rubbing her hands on her thighs.

"Have you called her?" She asked and I shook my head. "I will soon." I told her, refusing to meet her eyes. "I will apologize to her. I swear. Maybe I'll take some flowers to her apartment?" She suggested and I sighed. "Just don't start again. Please." I told her, playfully shoving her shoulder.

"I'm really sorry, Alexis." She said, sternly, using my full name so I knew just how serious she was. "I'm just going to catch some Z's. I have a bit of a headache." I informed her and she nodded. "Lay back. I'll give you a head rub." She suggested pushing me by the shoulders onto the bed.

She got behind me and she started working her fingers on my scalp as I relaxed. "Did you have to bring up the fact that we have a threesome every now and then?" I asked after a while of silence. "I want her to be intimidated by me. I'm sorry it had to be that." She said. Vicky seldom sounded sincere and just then, she did.

"It's cool. I just loved the look on Oliver's face after you said that." I pointed out, laughing a bit. "Yeah, Sophie and I got shit for it after you stormed off. Then he dramatically left the apartment as well." She said, full on laughing. "Hey." Sophie said from the door before walking in. "Hi." I whispered as she joined us on the bed.

"You good?" She asked brushing her hand over my tummy before resting it on my thigh. "Yeah, I'm okay." I said, looking up at her. "I just need to sleep a bit." I informed her and she nodded as Vicky carried on with the soft caress on my scalp.

I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to consume me.


I woke up abruptly, feeling my bladder weighing heavy as I rushed to the bathroom. I emptied my bladder and sat on my seat for a while just breathing. I got up, cleaned, flushed, washed and left to the kitchen after I retrieved my phone from my room.

I checked the time and it was around eleven twenty five pm. I placed my phone on the counter and moved around the kitchen. I hadn't eaten earlier so I was already planning on scarfing down left overs. I prepared a plate and sat down by the counter, digging into the cheesy deliciousness.

As I was deep in thought about my whole situation with Kasey and the pregnancy, which I tended to think about a lot, my phone pinged. I reached for it and checked the screen. Kasey King had messaged me and so we got to talking until she called and we decided on seeing each other the next morning.

When we hung up I was content. I finished eating, retreated to my room and sleep cane easy to me. I don't know why but Kasey just made me all tingly and happy inside, I felt like a kindergartener.

I woke up the next morning, still feeling euphoric as I got ready for the day. I dressed in my black pantsuit and black heels after I showered and moisturized. I walked into the kitchen after I got ready and saw that Vicky and Sophie were already up and prepared for work.

Vicky was in her usual beige pantsuit. Her boobs looked fan-fucking-tastic. She was seated on one of the chairs by the counter, twirling it side to side as she munched on some grapes. Sophie was in a white vest and white slacks, tucked in and all. Her ass was to die for.

Sure enough, there were flowers on the counter and I assumed that they were the peace offering that Vicky was going to give to Kasey. "Ooooh. Look who's looking the cutest." Sophie said, shaking her shoulders up and down and wiggling her eyebrows.

"You're so weird." I laughed as I joined in on the shoulder dance. "But she's so fucking sexy." Vicky added, checking her wife out. "The fuck?" I questioned and I saw the crimson color rise up Sophie's cheeks. She was blushing, it was so cute.

"Okay. Before you people fuck right in front of me. We have a detour before work and we don't want to be late." I said, pointing an accusing finger at Vicky. "You can always join us." She suggested smirking at me. Deciding to play along, since I usually shot her down, I lean my upper body on the counter facing her, pushing my boobs up.

"You know how much I'd love that. That's all I can imagine, Vicky." I drawled lowering my voice, basically purring at her as I bit my lower lip and hooked my pointer finger onto my freshly curled hair. I saw her shift on her seat as she kept eye contact. "Do you want to get at it? Right now? On the counter? God, I've been so turned on yet so so deprived." I carried on pressing just to see how much she could handle.

"Precious, that's enough. I can see how wet she is through her pants, babe." Sophie said, laughing. "I just want Vicky to know how I'm always so down for a three way with you guys." I told her, leaning up, shrugging but keeping eye contact with Vicky. "We have to go." Vicky whispered, abruptly standing up and grabbing the flowers. Not saying another word, she walked out of the apartment, slamming the door, right after she grabbed her bag, keys and phone.

I quickly shot her a text of Kasey's apartments location. "Well, you went and did that." Sophie said, pointing at the door. "Your wife needs to learn how to keep it in her pants." I told her laughing at her, gathering my things, before I took my keys and waited for her by the door. She finished up and we left, locked and joined Vicky in the car, who was punching the address onto the GPS.

At times I felt like their kid, always sitting at the back and being so much shorter than them. To be fair, I was kinda shorter than most people. Especially Kasey. Vicky started the car, still refusing to speak to us but I saw Sophie's hand sneak up Vicky's pant clad thigh and I saw how she tensed but carried on driving.

One day we were going to crash and die, I swear. I rolled my eyes as Sophie started inching her fingers towards Vicky's covered core and I saw how her knuckles whitened on the wheel. "Fucking quit it." I warned, not wanting to die because of sexual tension. Sophie lifted her hand from Vicky's thigh and held it up in surrender.

"Sorry sorry." She mumbled and got in her phone. Vicky cleared her throat, briefly looked at me through the rear view mirror before she trained her hazel eyes on the road again. I sighed and laid my head on the window. Watching houses and trees as we drove in comfortable silence until we made it to Kasey's apartment.

She pulled up in the parking lot and reached for the flowers that were on Sophie's lap. "Apartment 1002. Tenth floor." I informed her as she hopped of and walked straight in. Sophie looked at me confused as I gathered some dished up lasagna left overs and I shrugged.

"Let's go." I told her as we hopped off and walked in as well.