
Unending war:Dawn

clout56 · Fantasie
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4 Chs


In a picturesque landscape, a large expense of land overflowing with crops,trees and assortment of flowers adding flavor to the landscape with a serene lake of 789,000km lush with land and marine life to the East,to the south,towns and villages with hurried occupants ready for a new day,to the north,a wide range of towering ice-capped mountains devoid of life with an overbearing silence snuffing the sounds of falling snows.

The center sits a gigantic castle with towering walls, heavily fortified with eagle eyed guards on the lookout, impressive battlements with a grim gate that bleeds red showing the face of a badger with dagger in his jaw with a slithered throat dying the lower portion of the gate with a darker red hue with gleeful glow in his eyes.

Early hours of the morning welcomes a vibrant sunshine with activities in the outer castle,maids running helter skelter with guards maintaining order in the market with overenthusiastic traders.

In the armory, adorned with shelves of different weapons ranging from spears, throwing axes,Lanse to swords,bows and arrows neatly arranged in quivers and heavy shields.

On a circular platform at the center,a boy and girl stood gazing fiercely at each other, a lady with a warrior's armour was looking from the boy to the girl, handing the girl a crudely made dagger.

"PACES"screams the valiant lady with bold face and devil like body.the boy and girl took seventeen steps backwards with the girl entering a battle stance well the boy nonchalant.

"The dance of life and death will begin,I want you both to value life just because you kill does not make you nonchalant about life"said the lady while giving the boy a look of warning which he responds by winking at the girl which elicits a blush from the girl.

"Stop flirting Will,do that again I will hang you upside down on the north walls battlement"scolds the lady.

The boy froze and entered a battle stance making the girl forcefully holding back her laughter.the lady continues,

"Killing makes us accept the fragility of life easily taken by the swipe to the neck,stab,poison and all sorts of elegant to deadly mechanism of killing,appreciation to life and bestower Great Mother Nuwa for her gifts to us"says the lady with a resolute look,

"Praise Mother Nuwa"

"Praise Mother Nuwa" answers the duo uniformly

"Begin"says the lady catching them of guard,the girl forcefully gazes at the boy flings the dagger targeting his head.

The boy seeing the dagger coming at him with wheezing sounds sidesteps,taking the dagger with his left hand and throws it at the girls head,the girl caughts it fluidly.


The duo took a step forward and paused.

"We all dirty ourselves by involving in killing for different reasons for example to protect,to prove,to survive,for the adrenaline,for the joy and excitement,a sudden attack and so on"the lady pauses to look at the duo.

The boy and girl's gaze was flickering with unknown emotions from the speech still staring intently at each other.satisfied,she continued.

"We all he-Begin"

Another round of throw follows.

"But through all sins and wrong doing's,she embraces our sins and saw a hope of redemption by making the DEFYING SEVEN rule our wo-Begin!"

It continues like that until the duo was nine steps away from each other.the girl with the dagger grabs it fiercely going for decapitation,the boy predicting the move grabbed her hand aiming to break her hand hereby disarming her.

The girl twirled her hand then kicked towards his crotch.the boy saw the move let go,moved to the side and swung his hand in sword like motion aiming to break her flow.

They entered a dance of life and death where any mishaps lead to the duo dropping dead.the girl places her body in the middle aiming to slash his arms,the boys throws punches aiming to still disarm her. girl spots a opening stabs directly at his chest.

Sounds of liquid dripping to the floor painting the yellow red,was deafening in the armory.the armored lady expressionless said.

"Sera,you win".