
Undivided (dropped)

We seek the monsters that you fear the most, We chase the nightmares that haunt your cowardly dreams. This harsh land breeds savages and we revel in it we praise the gods, Do you desire pride, pleasure? Do you want to rewarded for your ferocity? Do you want dominion of life and decay? Do you seek the ultimate truths? I don't own the image

Valentino_666 · Videospiele
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 Silenced

Over the next month, this pattern of attacks continued N'kari struck the outpost in the dragon spine mountains Avelornon and many other provinces are both one indeed few areas of the elven realm remained unscathed.

Yet each time N'kari would suddenly abandon the battle often within minutes of achieving a devastating victory. N'kari stood amongst the rubble of another destroyed town drinking in the emotions of fear, misery and disgust along with the adoration of his worshipers.

He laughed as the buildings around the central square finally collapsed into a charred heap in the distance he could hear the sounds of his followers destroying the last few standing structures and rounding up the last of the terrified survivors.

It was time for the next phase of his plan he was strong enough now to bargain from a position of power with those he needed he gathered enough sacrifices to begin the ritual.

So far his triumphs had been almost too easy but now he was going to attack the shrine of Asuryan for his last two targets on Ulthuan were there and he would need allies of enormous power.

He looked at the assembled captives milling around like sheep in a pen they had the eyes of those who had known defeat and enslavement and he knew that fates were going to get worse.

N'kari ensured they knew this by wearing his true battle form he was not doing this just for their benefit there were others he was going to have to impress more he asked Utvalde to do a little summoning.

N'kari instructed Utvalde through the progress of the summoning Utvalde drew a symbol of Tzeentch in the ground and dug out channels with his fingers by the time he had finished.

The sacrifice the channels were filled with blood with a word he set the blood light and with another twist of his magic; he set the scent drifting through the hole his ritual had punched in the fabric of reality and downwards into the uppermost hells he let his spirit drift along behind it following the strange paths into the realms of chaos.

That was unknown to him but his sort of natural home for a moment he was almost overcome with nostalgia Utvalde resisted not least because this was a place where he needed his wits about him the dark miracle of the burning blood.

Had attracted the attention of something and in this place, it was massive and powerful and Utvalde recognized it for what it was immediately, a potent servant of the changer of ways and the demon gods each it sensed his presence.

Approached but was cautious as if it suspected a trap under the circumstances Utvalde did the signs that N'kari taught him.

He made the signs and ritual gestures that among their kind showed that he wished for a truce and he had come with offerings. The lord of change responded in kind and soon they were in discussions by the end of the negotiations and Utvalde was well pleased with the outcome he had gained a potent ally and all he had to do was provide the lord of change with a way into this world.

The souls of several scores of elves to devour. Utvalde sent his spirit hurtling back to mortal reality he had other rituals to perform and other mighty allies to gather by the time he was finished.

N'kari says to Utvalde " we have a force the likes of which had not been seen since the time of an Aenarion." They would respond to Utvalde and N'kari's summons they would come to this world they would kill and maim and destroy if not exactly.

In obedience to his commands then at least following his plans after some time passed the light of the two moons through the curtain of pouring rain and N'kari looked upon the shrine of Asuryan.

N'kari gloated the portal shimmered close behind him as the last of his followers emerged from its glowing surface ahead of him, the misty outlines of a huge ziggurat were visible through the gloom.

He gestured with his great claw his followers responded with sticks of bone or fast drums skinned with elf flesh, flutes carved from the thigh bones of still-living maidens wailed dire tunes and braves and warhorns sounded cacophonously the stormy weather did not trouble his force they revelled in it.

He was going to need all of his magic and his followers to achieve his goal the shrine of Asuryan was a place where something akin to his kind and yet opposed to it made contact with this world communicating with its followers feeding off their worship touching this plane with its magic.

It was a mighty enemy it would oppose him every step of the way once he stepped onto its sacred ground more to the point it had the strength to oppose him and could cause him great pain and banish his demon followers.

Twist the minds and destroy the bodies of his mortal worshipers "once I give the signal order all forces forward attack the point where the walls are the weakest draw the elves into combat at every point" N'kari said elorion replied, "yes beloved master we shall devour these elves the dark feast will be celebrated."

Saliva dripped from the corner of elrion's mouth and vanished amid the raindrops running down his face from the boomed overhead banners bearing the rune of Slaanesh and the symbol of N'kari.

Unfurled beneath them demented cultists cavorted deliriously lost maddened elves paused to steal a kiss from dancing lascivious demonets, gargoyles took wing through the buffeting winds and mutated berserkers raced towards the walls bearing ropes and grapples and makeshift ladders made from magically fused bones as his army charged towards the walls.

Arrows darkened the sky in response descending on the oncoming horde in a shower of death deadly spells woven into their tips allowing them to pierce the magical flesh of the demons. Almost as easily as they parted the armour of cultists and skin of mutants it seemed there were more they parted the armour of cultists and skin of mutants.

It seemed there were more elves left alive within than he had fought and their mages had somehow managed to shield their essence even from N'kari's magical vision. Good N'kari thought it would provide a little relish things were going well vengeance would soon be his; the elves were proving troublesome a storm of arrows had descended on N'kari's troops along with a hail of spells his warriors had been thrown back again and again.

The greater demons in his retinue loathed being the first forward in case it was a trap and were holding off the attack the lesser ones were not powerful enough to clear the walls on their own it was time for another tactic.

He called his army back and ordered them to cease attacking to give their forces an hour to rest to snatch sleep to dream. He breathed deeply and exhaled emptying his lungs into a cloud of narcotic perfume that all but stunned elrion except Utvalde who has been in the shadow. The other cultists watched him with bright mad eyes he extended one of his claws and inscribed runes in the dirt he indicated to a cultist that she bowed her head and he took it off with one clean sweep.

He breathed in again as a huge jet of blood spouted into the air all of the crimson fluid was sucked into his chest bringing with it the faint taste of its supplier's tainted soul swiftly. N'kari worked his spells changing the blood within him and adding some of his eternal lessons drawing corrupt phantasms.

From the chaotic netherworlds, he added visions of sin from his extensive memories and lustful dreams taken over centuries from the souls he had devoured. He breathed in again and through his nostrils drawing on the winds of magic and adding power to the witch's brew.

He exhaled through his mouth an army of phantoms emerged in his breath beautiful elf maidens and boys translucent dancing seductively his worshippers reached out and tried to embrace them.

But N'kari shooed them away these things were not for them these rays were half-formed malleable responsive to dreams and whims he did not want them shaped by the demented drives of his worshippers.

These were meant for other beings they would offer temptation to the guardians of the wall and curry aimed a coruscating bolt of energy at the weakest point in the spell.

Walls even weakened the defences were still powerful it took an effort to blast even the smallest crack in them, but the small gap was all he needed to create the raves followed through the gap like water seeping through a small hole in the ship's hull. Carrying within them afraid of dreams desire and demented horror screams of agony and delight soon echoed over the battlements.

When the cloud had finally dispersed the ground around the exterior wall was littered with the half-naked bodies of fallen elven troops. The chaos warriors renewed their assault and went surging over the walls almost unopposed there were simply not enough elves to hold the shrine against the forces.

Now assaulting it the elven forces were soon overwhelmed by the number and sheer speed of the strike and the forces around the exterior battlement fell N'kari strode into the grounds of the shrine behind him the gate was broken. Corpses lay strewn everywhere he was alone the other demons would come no further and the mortals were distracted by the pillage and raping.

The air crackled with inimical energy the light of Asuryan was strong here but not strong enough to keep him from his goal not saturated as he was by power stolen from the vortex. He was enjoying using the full power of his battle form it had been a long time since he had given full and free reign to his lust for combat.

His only regret was that even with the backing of their god these elves were barely worthy of death under his claws he raised his greatsword in one hand and swept it down cutting two of the phoenix guard in two with one blow.

He snipped off the head of the first bisected corpse with his claw just to enjoy the expression on its face the brain still lived and fought for seconds even after it was cut from the body ahead of him.

Where a set of stairs leading into the depths of the temple he sensed the presence of his prey down there where Asuryan's power beat most strongly the presence of that old god was all around. Here the flame blazed strongly given time an Asuryan might even manifest himself and deal with the interlopers that would be a sight worth.

Seeing unlikely though it took long ritual magics to get the god's attention beings like Asuryan moved and fought in different time scales from their little elf puppets an eye blink to a god could be a lifetime for an elf.

N'kari reckoned that he could easily be finished with his work before Asuryan even realized there was a threat to respond to unless very powerful magic was used of a type that was beyond the high elves of this age. The elves had thought that placing the heirs of an Aenarion here would put his prey beyond his reach he would enjoy showing how useless their efforts were.

Once he had done that he thought he would consider finishing the work he had begun five millennia ago and turn off one into his personal fight them laughing with joy basking in the adoration of those elves. Who looked at him longingly even as he killed them N'kari made his way toward the innermost sanctum of the shrine of Asuryan and curry burst through the doors of the inner sanctum of the temple of Asuryan confronted with the last 20 or so of the phoenix guard their faces were grim and unflinching.

N'kari moved quickly with the live grace of a dancer and the beckoning seductive movement of a high-class courtesan the first phoenix guard sprang at N'kari who easily parried the blow and cut the elf in two.

Like silent stalking cats the rest of the guards launched an attack against the greater demon N'kari tore through the guards as he saw his prize at the back of the room a young elf.

Barely more than a child as far as their kind went and carried beckoned with his hand and some of the wounded phoenix guard based themselves before him even in the weakened state this place put him in. He knew his goal was close nothing could stand in his way as he sprang forward walking on the backs of his newfound worshippers he had great claws on his feet tearing flesh and scattering the bones every stride.

The remaining phoenix guard threw themselves forward to meet the demons and N'kari's great sword reaped their lives like wheat as he laughed with soul-flaying mockery blood and brain scattered everywhere even over the face of his target.

Who looked surprisingly undaunted and calmly wiped the bitterer away to clear his sight polychromatic lightning surged from N'kari's extended claw it hit one of the defenders. It consumed his flesh even as he groaned in what might have been agony or ecstasy the flare of the bolt cast the huge statues of the old god into stark blasphemous illumination.

Blades scattered on N'kari's flanks or passed through his flesh that knitted behind them the pitiful few remaining defenders threw themselves forward and N'kari pounced to meet them and ran them asunder he was drawing close to his prize.

The elf raised his sword his hand was steady "face me demon and meet your master." The elf shouted his voice as steady as his hand the voice was the same N'kari paused for a moment in something almost shocking.

The face was the same it might have belonged to an Aenarion himself although a younger less stern less time ravaged Aenarion the scent was the same flesh for flesh. The spirit was almost the same it did not blaze so bright it did not burn with the flame cacophonously it was not corrupted by the sword of Khaine.

It was not dimmed by the shadow of that all-devouring blade astonishingly it was not afraid it had not learned the meaning of fear as an aryan had even when he had his fears most under control this was indeed.

A bright tender morsel to offer up to Slaanesh the spirit burned bright but it was not the only one of the blood that N'kari had detected there was another nearby no matter what this one would do it would give the demon the greatest pleasure to teach this foolish mortal the meaning of terror before it killed him.

He would torment it, as a cat tormentor mouse he sprang forward aiming just in front of the elf was quick indeed mkhari had intended to do no more than scratch it but the elf was already gone a pinprick in his left side near where his heart would have been in an elf told him his opponent even had the temerity to strike back.

N'kari smiled this might prove even more amusing than he had hoped "l will start with your fingers and toes, l will snip them off so delicately you will not even miss them" N'kari said at first the blade flicked at the demon's eyes it stung it did not hurt it merely interfered with his vision for a moment until it healed.

N'kari struck again faster this time certain that this time he would connect, the elf no longer where he had aimed once again it eluded him with speed much greater than N'kari had anticipated "I thought that demons were to be feared, the sword you cannot even hit me." The elf said it was already backing away though as if it sensed it on the third attempt and N'kari would unleash his full fury tempting as it was the demon resisted he struck again and thought at first he had connected but then realized his call had only hit the elves blade it was not exactly a parry there was no way.

The elf had the strength to either hold or deflect the blow he had simply managed to evade it was only a matter of time before the demon fought nothing could defeat him then the elf began to laugh this offended the demon bellowed in incoherent rage.

Then its surprisingly beautiful voice said "giggle all you like, the blood of Aenarion the last laugh will be mine." the elf aimed the blow at the demon's eye once again but N'kari expected it this time and its repost was so swift it took the elf by surprise but who still managed to duck just in time avoiding as a demon's core snapped shut just where the elves head had been and N'kari decided this little battle had gone on long enough.

He had enjoyed toying with his foe but it was time to get on with the real meat of the experience he had a mighty soul here to offer up to Slaanesh one which he would have taken great pleasure in corrupting into the ways of pain and pleasure making it love and adore him.

Before he offered its screaming spirit to his patron demon god it was a pity he simply did not have the time for this the presence of the accursed Asuryan was making it more and more difficult for him. To maintain his form here and somehow that presence was increasing there was another descendant of an Aenarion present here.

He was going to have to kill it before the pain became too great for him to endure of such little trials life is made up he fought and laughed. He lunged forward with all his strength catching the elf as he had tried to dance away from the blow a moment later. N'kari's claws were on either side of the elf's neck the warrior looked up at him with defiance that was amusing and then spat in N'kari's eye.

"Great and loving Slaanesh l offer up this soul to thee" N'kari twisted the currents of magic around him with his mind the power flowed through him he felt an immense sense of satisfaction.

His vengeance was almost complete all he had to do was close his claw and twist another descendant of a cursed Aenarion would be gone he paused for a moment to enjoy the sweet sensation of victory.

After all, there was going to be only one more opportunity to enjoy such a delicious sensation today he would make his last offering to his patron special he decided something so depraved and unspeakable that the elves would remember it for the few paltry centuries their race would continue to exist.

yes, he thought vengeance would be ecstatic indeed; a wave of fire crashed over him and he screamed in agony. His claw spasmed open the elf dropped from his grasp the demon's anguished orgasmic howler was deafening its carapace blackened and cracked greenish purple pus leaked out and was consumed.

N'kari turned his dual gaze on this newcomer who these flames had erupted from and beckoned lasciviously using a spell of compulsion and seduction his spell was cut off by the elf mage. Who had somehow managed to channel the power of the god of this place a feat that N'kari would have thought impossible for any mage of this age was he not suffering under the beautifully agonizing twin blazes of fire coming from this elf.

The other of the twins he had been hunting he recognized this mage was the main threat he could see that now he had been duped into thinking of only one of the blood of an Aenarion. While the other sought a way to destroy him and N'kari moved towards the mage pushing against the blast like a man pushing upstream against a strong river current his claws clicked together menacingly.

Only five steps away now and N'kari told himself he would destroy the wizard and then take special pleasure in destroying the warrior to make up for the loss. Then there was a sharp pain in his side the warrior's blade had driven home and his protections had faded under the fires of the mage. The blade hurt but not as much as the flames which he had to stop as N'kari took another step towards the mage as N'kari lashed out at the warrior who spun away the demon took another step toward the mage. N'kari now loomed over the magically gifted elf its great claw opened within moments of snapping him in two realizations crept over the mage's face that he did not have time enough to stop the demons the mage sent out an arc of power past.

N'kari too late he thought just as searing agony burned between his shoulder blades he had thought the pain could not get any worse. He was wrong the mage had done something new and terrible even as the power of his onslaught decreased he had transferred some of the god's force to the warrior.

N'kari could kill the mage now but if he did so all the god's power would flow into the sword instead it already held more than enough to destroy this physical form if he turned to defend himself. He might be able to slay the warrior but only at the cost of giving the mage a chance to escape it was a hard choice to forgo part of his vengeance and wait for the time to recreate his form the only good thing about the situation was that his victims were elves if one of them survived.

It would most likely live through the hundred years it would take for N'kari to return to this world he would take his vengeance.

Then N'kari decided to kill the mage it was better to be certain under the circumstances the demon did not turn the warrior leapt over the demon using its shattered shoulder carapace as a springboard twisting in the air to bring himself down in front of the demon between him.

His prey of the mage with his free hand the warrior pushed his brother away even as he turned to strike he was fast faster than he'd been previously his blade seemed to move of its own will in his hand. He drove the blazing sword forward striking the demon with the power of a thunderbolt he struck it, again and again, and the demon reeled back howling and cursing great trunks torn from its flesh by the power of the blade wounds cauterized by the cleansing flame.

The twins drove N'kari from the chamber of the sacred flame through the long corridors until they emerged on the ledge in the side of the ziggurat looking down upon the sea. N'kari seemed to be fading in the sunlight mist emerged from its charred skin the warrior kept pushing forward smiting as he went the mage sent more bolts of magic crashing into the demon and N'kari staggered away making for the great balcony overlooking the sea.

The warrior's assault continued and N'kari's claw held high bellowing in defiance the demon had given up all thoughts of escape he was going to make this his last stand now. He would be at his most dangerous the blade came down in a thunderous arc the force of the blow combined with the demon's enormous weight drove it through the banister that lay at its back it tumbled heading towards the sea below disintegrating like a meteor hitting the air burning up like a falling star.

Disappearing even before it hit the waters far, far below the warrior let out a sigh of relief and the mage limped into place beside him they were exhausted their hair and clothing scorched. "I think it's all over," the warrior said to his brother "it's not over and you know it" replied the mage after the destruction of their leader the army that was assailing the temple of Asuryan faded away. The cultists in disarray were cleared up by the remaining elven defenders and N'kari had been banished back to his master's realm.

Thoughts of revenge only intensified in his mind focused not only on Aenarion's blood as a whole but particularly on these two troublesome twins. He was hurt and it would take at least a century to reconstitute himself his only solace was that elves lived long and he would have his vengeance yet.

Now you must be wondering what is happening with Utvalde went the army went into the city charged in and fought and faced challenges like eleven mages, and warrior elves. Utvalde felt something in his body like a stab and he realised that N'kari had died, Utvalde saw the cultist running away like cowards, but Utvalde did not run he fought for a long while but more and more elven kept coming it was a losing battle.

Utvalde felt a feeling familiar to him a feeling of defeat, he hated it, it was a vile emotion that should never exist. Utvalde retreated and swore that he have revenge.

He was running for miles and saw a figure in the dark it had clad from head to toe in jet-black armour worked into the most cruelly delicate forms coved in runes. The dark figure's helm covered his features and its face resembled a vile king, He looked like a Witch King of sorts and followed him unnoticed.

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here is another chapter, hoped you enjoyed it, fill free to ask questions and place Utvalde would want to go to.

N'kari was defeated, but he could rise who was the figure that Utavlde saw and followed will Utvalde have his revenge against the elves.

Valentino_666creators' thoughts