
Undivided (dropped)

We seek the monsters that you fear the most, We chase the nightmares that haunt your cowardly dreams. This harsh land breeds savages and we revel in it we praise the gods, Do you desire pride, pleasure? Do you want to rewarded for your ferocity? Do you want dominion of life and decay? Do you seek the ultimate truths? I don't own the image

Valentino_666 · Videospiele
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 Pain,Passion and Pleasure

[note; sorry the chapter didn't come earlier, l will try to send a chapter out once a day or as soon l can anyway back to the story]

Utvalde and Styrbjon returned to Ice Drake fjord, they celebrated the battle and Utvalde managed to stay awake and not blackout.

He felt sensations from the drinks and food, banter his body had a like numbing feeling and it was like a new experience for him something he never had felt before.

Utvalde managed to get up and wanted to speak to Styrbjorn privately and went to look for him and heard the giggle and laughter of a child; Utvalde peeked from the crack of the door and saw Styrbjorn and his wife playing with the child giving all its attention, so decide to tell him tomorrow.

The sun rose in the cold frozen wastes of the north and went out of his house to the hall to speak to Styrbjorn, Utvald saw him and approached him Utvalde told Styrbjorn that he wants to leave and be a mercenary.

Styrbjorn looked at him with a strong look, patted him on the back, and said: " You had done well Utvalde l support you in your journey as a mercenary and how about a proper send-off."

Utvalde was at the exit of the camp and people waved and said their goodbyes. Utvalde went out into the cold mist, it had turned to night the cold was unforgiving and you couldn't see much Utvalde decide to go to sleep. Wakes up in a world or a realm of the sort a

A long-limbed, elegant figure with a haunting, almost frightening beauty, appears it has two pairs of slender horns that rise from the person flowing black and pink hair.

The woman says to Utvalde " I am Slaanesh one of your gods, I have a special job for you my little champion l need you to go to the home of the elves and help one of my warriors N'kari if you do l will reward you with something okay bye also enjoy your time!"

Utvalde woke with sweat on his brow and his body; Utvalde gets up and washes his body and goes to travel to the elf's homeland. Which is currently in the direction of the west, and he chose to visit Rakarth to smuggle him in.

Rakarth had gotten a visit late in the night who was Utvalde and he explained that he needs Rakarth's help to smuggle him in.

Rakarth agreed and they managed to make it; they saw in the distance that Ulthuan the ancient home of the high elves has a hollow ring of land floating in the sea, surrounding the Inner Sea.

Ulthuan is split up into provinces, each with its leaders from inter to outer kingdoms, any approaches or invasions are protected by the Shifting Isles, a treacherous maze of magical mists and moving sandbanks.

Ulthuan is also home to the majority of the world's remaining Dragons, who slumber under the volcanic mountain ranges and The Great Vortex is a vast magical maelstrom at the heart of the island-continent of Ulthuan by the High Elves.

Ulthuan is spanned by a network of way stones -- towering rune-carved menhirs that channel and redirect the Winds of Magic.

Each waystone collects the raw power of Chaos flooding across the Known World from the Aethyrthrough the ruins of the Old Ones' Polar Gates and directs it to an inward neighbour.

Thus are the magical energies of the world inexorably drawn, like the waters of a whirlpool, to Ulthuan's heart and the prison or waypoint for demons Utvalde went onto the magic elven land and he feel the magic flowing in his feet.

Utvalde chose to pick a place to hide from the elves, he choose to hide in the forest and nature of the elven land of Ulthuan. Utvalde sleep and gained a vision of an area that is safe for something, the day rose and he journeyed to that place by blending in shadow and the trees.

Utvalde watched silently at the elves with curiosity and joy, but he knew that they would go and try to kill him. Utvalde made it to the area and decided to make a magic barrier for himself with a dead creature he found from back at norsca, he waited till night he felt magic.

A storm that was forming blew in from the east it toppled trees and blew off roofs and hurled seas around Ulthuan forwards and great churning waves.

Enormous winds drove brutal black thunder clouds before it, and savage rain poured down as if intending to drown the world as it reached its height the seas boiled and the skies rained down fire upon the land.

Many elves drowned in swollen rivers were crushed beneath collapsing buildings or incinerated by bolts of polychromatic lighting great was the ruin wrought on Ulthuan that night.

but the worst was yet to befall the land, the storm roared through the mountains of Ulthuan passing over mount antorek where a carved stone lay so ancient.

It was crumbling the runes on its face despite their magical protections were all but obscured by the millennia-long. Erosion of the elements as if tossed by the hand of a wicked god a bolt of lighting surged down and struck the ancient waystone sparks flew and for a moment there was an eerie silence.

Then it seemed as if the thunder's growl was answered from deep within the earth. The tip of the mountain shook the ancient stone danced and then toppled as it fell ancient spells became undone and things erupted outwards.

Outwards onto the mountain top wing things bat up into the stormy sky laughing and cackling. A moment later the ground near Utvalde shook and a massive clam emerged and then an arm then a deformed bestial head and finally a monstrous androgynous body, two additional arms pushed it from the ground and Utvalde the demon emerged.

The demon looked down from the mountain top for a long moment it breathed the air as if has had not breathed in years. It looked down the slopes of the great mountain illuminated by the hellish flicker of lighting overhead, winged things soared and cackled on the storm winds.

It raised one clenched fist in a gesture of triumph and defiance from escaping the vortex Utvalde went closer to the demon. It has the form of an androgynous being of impossible stature, and its monstrous androgynous body has several swollen breasts clinging to the left side of its torso like vast, obscene ticks.

It stands upon strong legs that give way to almost reptilian claws and has Its four arms, two of which end in pincers, The pincers beckon and weave as it sways to the music of mortal delight. The demon's body has an elaborate costume of bizarre colours and exotic materials, from iron-hard chains to the softest velvets.

The Daemon's head, which is of a demonic human, is ringed with a nest of curved horns that glisten with an oily sheen. Its huge, jewelled eyes look at Utvalde and can see that they could contain the secrets of pleasure and pain, hidden lusts and terrifying impulses.

It has a serpent's tongue that writhes from between its razored teeth, contained within, Its pastel skin exuding a narcotic musk. The demon looking at Utvalde, Utvalde spoke first and explained that he was sent on a mission to get her by the Dark Prince.

The demon introduces itself " I'm N'kari The Arch-Tempter, l assume you will help me in my quest for revenge" Utvalde replies "l will and I keep you alive as long as l can Arch-Tempter." N'kari goes into a form resembling an elf albeit one horned and fanged, whose long nails were talons and eyes that glowed like bloody; then N'kari summoned moat they were like fireflies and there send out.

Utvalde saw this and was confused but stand by and saw the flying creatures come back and N'kari smiled revealing very sharp fangs as he found his prey.

N'kari swore at the passing moon" I will wipe out all of the lines of Aenarion from the face of Ulthuan and l make this world pay!"

N'kari roared in ecstasy, They went to a forested clearing near N'kari in the form of a beautiful elf maiden and Utvalde in the shadow, N'kari had corrupted the elves with a spell and they said to N'kari "we are your slave's mistress."

The first town to feel the wrath of N'Kari's horde was Tor Annan a provincial holding in the valley beneath Antorec N'kari and Utvalde managed to amass quite a force not only of the cultists who are now following her but also of demons. And although the poor elven defenders fought back there could be no hope to prevail against the unholy fury of the demons.

Furies dove and wheeled in the sky like misshapen bats their shrill cries freezing the blood of all those who heard them rage maddened blood letters and blood crushers hurled themselves again and again at the defences.

Splinting wood and shattering stone; desperate to slay the elves that cowered inside and N'kari waded through the bloodshed and the elves scattered before he came all save Ianath lord of Taurenan and his household guard formed a wall of spears against the demons' onslaught.

Only to have their weapons splintered on N'kari hide sn apping the Lord's beneath the pincers of one massive claw, N'Kari thrust his fist into the Elf's chest. Closing his fingers about Eanith's heart, the Daemon tore the still pulsating organ from the High Elf noble's body; N'Kari brandished the heart briefly before the Elf's dying eyes, bellowed in triumph and swallowed it whole, casting the limp corpse aside, the Keeper of Secrets turned his back on the ruins of Tor Annan and sought out his next victim.

By the time he and his cultist were finished, it was as if a crowd of maniacs had rushed through the place breaking everything precious they could find, discarded clothing blood soaked lay everywhere.

They left odd outlines of elven shapes where the magic of the demons rendered them to naught but ash; his lost maddened elves and other things had rolled in the blood and had done acts of pleasure on the walls leaving a sign that it was N'kari that did it.

N'kari changed his form to a muscular human warrior was the head of a bull and lower body of a horse for quicker movement; N'kari thought about those he had killed back in Tor Annan and N'kari felt the desire for vengeance swell within him.

His desire for it grew with every death, feeding on the souls of the blood of Aenarion made him hunger for more; there was something about the spirits that gave him more nourishment and power than any others he had ever consumed.

He was going to need it for his plan was approaching its most difficult stage N'kari approached a waystone to his demonic eyesight it glowed revealing a faint seepage of energy from within the vortex his smile grew wider his fangs glittered in the moonlight.

He knew all about this sort of magical power and how to wield it and shape it to his purposes, he was going to form a feat of magic here that the elves would remember for as long as they existed which willing would not be very long as even mortals measured time.

He was going to do something here that had never been attempted before in the world and would probably never be attempted again because no one could match his knowledge magical power or skill when it came to this there was no one else who had paid the price for being.

Imprisoned within the vortex for five millennia, it allowed him to maintain his form in a way few other demons could manage without the winds of magic blowing strongly. It was going to allow him to do something else as well he decided that he would need to make a few sacrifices.

Before he began it was not that the magic required them it was simply that he liked to begin a new venture with an offering to his patron demon god to carry favour and bring good fortune it could not do any harm it might do some good and at the very least it would give him some pleasure.

Which was the main thing he used the waystone as an altar offering up six choice souls to Slaanesh if through force of habit he stole most of their essence for himself it was only fitting because he is going to need some of the power they provided to work the spell.

He intended he drew a six-pointed star using the blood of his victims and placed a severed head at each point once that was done he began to chant as much to focus his mind as to impress his followers. As he chanted he drew more lines in the mightily convoluted hieroglyphic that represented a path between this way stone and another one within a day's march from here where his next victim dwelled in his mind.

He visualized the tunnel of light between the two points as he tapped the powers of magic he forced his view of the world onto the world itself the thing that he was creating in his mind through the power of his magic was also coming into being in the malleable substrate of reality.

That the waystone tapped into by the time he had finished the ritual a glimmering archway hovered in the air before him, it surfaced shimmering like oily water reflecting firelight with a gesture of his claw.

He indicated that his followers should pass through it not without some reluctance the first of them did so disappearing through the iridescent arch as if they dived into strangely coloured waters only plunging into a gap in reality only when he had witnessed the last of them pass through did the demons join them and do the same plunging into a gap in reality and venturing through the strange tunnel in which kaleidoscopic sensations assaulted their senses.

N'kari made it through to the waystone that had just seconds ago been more than a day's travel away using this portal magic the demon knew he could strike its will anywhere on the island of one and curry felt strong now for the first time since he had escaped the cursed vortex.

He was starting to feel like himself he had fed well on blood and souls and agony and ecstasy he had bathed in the blood of an aryan and feasted on their hearts and eyeballs then used their corpses for his pleasure.

His followers had grown to be quite an army of cultists from all over Ulthuan had come to join them as word of what they were doing spread a company of renegade dark elves had come to do homage to a crew of shipwrecked Norsemen.

Had been seduced and broken to his will he had summoned more demons and drawn more monsters to him his legions could face an army in the field but he was not quite sure that was necessary yet, of course, there had been the problem of food the perennial problem of supplying an army on the move had arisen.

N'Kari had solved it in the traditional way some of the captives had been used as pleasure slaves some had been taken as recruits and others had become cattle to be devoured by his soldiers.

He had taught his soldiers the exquisite epicureal pleasures of the dark feast and he suspected now that they would have trouble going back to lesser foods even if he let them he had imbibed the spiced elf meat.

With some of his dark magical power and was well pleased that some of the mortals were starting to show the stigmata of mutation they were well gone down the path of chaos and would go much further before their adventures were over "I think the master of the tower is expecting us" said elrion.

elrion the chief slave of his followers and leader of the first cultists that N'kari and Utvalde encountered looked demented his sanity had not been improved by the fact that his skin had started to harden on his arms and chest providing him with some natural armour at the cost of some diminishment of his beauty.

N'kari rather liked the effect of his wild staring eyes and the crack that came into his voice whenever he tried to pronounce certain words his teeth were becoming fangs and something was happening to his tongue and throat and curry could hardly wait to see what so much was obvious from even a cursory examination of the tower on the hilltop before them it was wrapped in powerful.

Protective spells and had many sophisticated wards in place a few of those who waited on the walls surrounding it were mages he could tell easily enough from the way they wrapped themselves in the shimmering spells of illusion.

In battle, their weapons too had enchantments placed upon them as did the weapons and armour of the warriors. N"kari said, "Yes and their flesh will taste all the sweeter for being spiced with power trust me there is nothing quite like the flavour of a wizard's soul."

When you devour it, of course, he would be expecting them but he was a mage he had probably seen their approach at leagues of distance through his scrying crystal it was a pity the tower was not closer to the entrance of the elder paths than they could have taken him completely by surprise.

Then again that would deprive curry of much of the pleasure of battle and slaughter one always had to take a balanced view of these things and curry doubted being forewarned would do the defenders much good, in the end, his forces were too numerous now and there was no chance of reinforcements reaching the elves unless.

They used the same means as N'kari did to transport their forces they had not the knowledge or courage needed to do that some of the troops possessed the wit and skill to begin to construct crude siege machines catapults and covered battering rams.

They had cut down trees from the sacred groves to make them and one or two of the cultists had even managed to imbue them with magic to improve their utility it would only be a matter of time before the gates or the walls surrounding the tower were breached.

His followers were within all he had to do was give the order and the battle would begin and carry paused for a second to save the moment as he did so a tall figure appeared on the battlements and began encountering a spell it was an order of magnitude.

More potent than anything being woven by the apprentices the master of the tower had decided to take a hand a ball of pure magical energy arc towards the nearest siege machine. Blasting it into blazing fragments searing the flesh of its crew leaving only vitrified bones standing there for a heartbeat before they collapsed.

N'kari was not amused he had been about to give a rousing speech to his followers to act the part of the great leader it would seem their opponent for the day did not intend to give him time to play that role so be it he would find his amusement in other ways by tormenting the soul of the one.

Who had robbed him of that fleeting pleasure attack and N'kari shouted shifting his form to something like the natural and most beloved one?

He was rewarded by screams of terror from the walls he could usually rely on magicians to recognize a demon. When they saw one it seemed like some of those on the walls had some idea of N'kari's capabilities perhaps he would spare a few of the most objective them if they groveled enough then again perhaps not.

So the greater demon and forces destroyed the mage's tower consuming the soul of the archmage and snipping off one more branch of an Aenarion's line. Then he moved on to the great city of Tor Yvresse and N'kari roared as he raced through the streets of tory of rest killing as he went he was strong now he had eaten many souls and sucked on many pleasures.

His own and others he felt almost as mighty as if he had the day he faced an Aenarion millennia ago. His army was strong enough to take even an ancient walled city like this one hundreds of partially altered warriors had joined him.

He had found more humans shipwrecked; mariners from the old world, groups of beastmen who had somehow survived in the high mountains and kept to the old ways had been drawn to him.

Decadent elves had responded to the summons of his magics souls offered up in sacrifice and had multiplied the number of demons bound to his will all of them rampaging through the streets of the city. Now maiming killing raping torturing and pillaging terror and pleasure and hatred and fear pulsed through the air around.

N'kari it was like a banquet to him he drank it all in; A company of elf soldiers formed up at the square ahead moving and disciplined phalanx to repulse a company of his

beastman the brutes threw themselves against a steady line with a simple-minded ferocity. That might have worked that they'd been facing tribesmen as primitive as themselves but which had no chance of success against these foes briefly.

N'kari considered aiding his followers by using his power to break the bodies and spirits of the enemy but he sensed the opposition to his presence was growing and he still had a task to perform here.

Somewhere out there a cabal of wizards was using its power to strengthen the ancient ward against his kind that had been built in ancient days these were spells. That could hurt him they were already making him uncomfortable, and they had the potential to banish him from this place. If he was not careful he was not going to take the risk of that happening until he had completed his vengeance on the blood of an Aenarion.

He could sense the nearness of the prey he sought his nostrils flared in response to what his spiritual senses detected saliva filled his mouth and dripped onto the ground elrion.

At his side, the cult leader leapt forward and grovelled in the dirt licking up the demon's saliva and moaning in ecstasy at the pleasure that contact with N'kari's secretions always gave to mortal things.

N'kari trampled on his back leaving great talon marks on the writhing acolyte's flesh forcing lyrian's face down into the puddle of drool as he strode forward ahead of him was a small tenement house. Inside of which a few warm bodies huddled the ones he sought two elves half garbed in their militia gear who had been trapped. Here on route to joining their unit were being menaced by a group of beastmen who bore the spiritual scent of the blood of an Aenarion.

N'kari shifted his form becoming an elf of spectacular beauty god ass-like he blasted his beast-man in the back with a bolt of pure purple lightning and raced towards the elves.

They stood there bemused by his loveliness and the narcotic cloud surrounding him "quickly follow me" in a voice at once seductive and commanding "I will see you to safety" the elves looked at him gratefully for being saved bemused by the appearance of a powerful sorceress they did not recognize.

N'kari reached out and stroked the cheek of the nearest one he quivered with pleasure "we do not have time to waste follow me I will weave a spell that will get us out of here."

N'kari opened the portal and without giving the elves time to think shepherded them through it before following him themselves the elf he had touched was being glared at with insane jealousy by the one he hadn't and N'kari chuckled

thinking of the sport he would have with this pair.

Behind him his army battled on, it would take them some time to realize that they had been abandoned by their leader and begin a fighting retreat.

But, N'kari did not care he had found what he had come for soon there would be two fewer of the line of Aenarion left there were not many more now soon his vengeance would be complete.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Utvalde adventure is now getting wild, I spinning a wheel on where Utvalde would go and it chooses N'kari. So l hope you enjoyed it, also N'kari won't die yet or N'kari can have a final battle with Malekith and Tyrion, Teclis.

Valentino_666creators' thoughts