
Undivided (dropped)

We seek the monsters that you fear the most, We chase the nightmares that haunt your cowardly dreams. This harsh land breeds savages and we revel in it we praise the gods, Do you desire pride, pleasure? Do you want to rewarded for your ferocity? Do you want dominion of life and decay? Do you seek the ultimate truths? I don't own the image

Valentino_666 · Videospiele
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13 Chs

Chapter 11 A current dream and coming nightmare

The five celebrated their victory over the forces of evil, they also discussed how an emerged cult formed under the city's noses.

But it was getting late and they went into their rooms where they sleeping; Bardin felt a serenity upon sleeping with the help of Dwarf Ale, he loved to dream. Bardin, could the feeling of his brain shifting gears it was sweet.

As he dreams, he starts to see his life play like a book flipping the pages, visions of his wonderful wife, his daughter, and his son named Mordin. They sing and dance, twirl and spin showing their flowing hair beside each other, Bardin joins in with his family with him and Mordin playing and bonding like father and son Bardin lost in the lullaby.

Slumbering away, where sins are hidden and they rarely stay. Bardin's dream starts to decay with the pages of the book mould; the vision of his wife and his daughter and son.

An image of an event is played, Of the Ranger patrol, where all but Bardin were killed, by the Skaven raid and Bardin himself was injured by a gutter runner who flung a metal spike at his leg.

By the time he had made it to Ziflin Deeps, he realised that it was too late many dwarves had been killed, and Bardin searched for Mordin.

Bardin could see Mordin's body falls to the ground, the warmth of life stolen by death's cold embrace. The impact of his limp, lifeless body was synced with the wails of his friends and family.

Who was watching closely, hoping for a different outcome? Bardin sprinted over, forgetting the fatigue in his swaying legs from the injuries of the violent battle, desperate he pushed and moved to be closer to his son, Bardin checked to find any remaining flickers of life in his son's body, but was met with cold silence.

After that event, Bardin choose exile for his failure and said his last know goodbye to his now remaining family leaving behind his wife and daughter.

Eyes snap open, Bardin is covered in a cold sweat, shaking, heart pounding, looking around the room suspicious and paranoid that the horror may have followed them here, gets up cautiously.

Shivering, he knocks the ale cup on the ground Bardin rubs his head and eyes and tries to fully awaken. Stumbling out of bed, he slowly looks at himself in the mirror.

Bardin grabs a piece of paper that is folded, he unfolds it revealing a picture of his family that Mordin drew.

Bardin looks at the drawing as if time seemed to freeze and everything had no noise, it was silent as if the whole world suddenly froze for him. The weight of the grief was crushing his soul and a tear leaked from his eye, Bardin continued to mourn in the night.

The day raised the five met at the centre, Franz comes in "ah folks a have job it goes to be a pain so you are going to do it for me. Bile trolls are coming out of Dreisdunkel Mine, and I need you a lot to interfere.

It's hard to believe, but the Rotbloods are turning regular old trolls into those awful bile-spewers. Fight your way down and destroy the Altar that's transforming the beasts. You'll need black powder, but plenty is lying around down there, end this show with a bang."

They went to the bridge; they were transported to the mountains where the weather was cold and bitter, The mountain was swaddled in a veil of poltergeist-white mist which paired well with the cold weather, It was eerily silent in the valley and the reason was obvious this area had long been abandoned.

They saw the mine it was dark it was dimly lit inside; they went inside the mine and found a ladder only leading down.

So they went down staying close together, the mine had rough rock walls and thick cracked support beams along the sides and roof of the mine.

Every few metres down the narrow shaft they see the support beams, dust was blown in from outside. They could see little in the darkness, but he could hear them—the echos of movement, the accidental movement of a loose stone and the heavy breathing. There were more than one, more than three, and they were closing in.

The Skaven slaves swarmed head-on to the five, mostly focusing on tiring or absorbing much of the fighting. The five formed a defensive wall while counter-attacking the Skaven; Victor pulled out his dual flintlocks, and Victor shot his flintlock and sparks flew from his pistol and recoiled back.

Then Victor fired his pistols in quick succession, hitting Skaven in the way of its path as the flint bullets flew in the air dropping rats dead. Kuber charged forward pushing the Skaven back Kuber's swung his greatsword cleaving the ratmen, blood splattered onto his greatsword and the rocky wall of the mine.

Kuber was making sure that none came any closer, As a Skaven came rushing forward Kuber pushed it off balance and then followed through with a single swing chopping off its head with bleed leaking off Skaven's body as fell with its head as well.

Bardin stayed back providing cover fire with his crossbow, and the arrow flew in the air and pierced a Skaven head leaving small pieces of brain on the ground. Bardin Swifty reloaded the arrow onto his crossbow and shot at a Skaven that trying to attack Kuber on the side.

Kuber sees the Skaven die next to him and puts his thumbs up at Bardin only to then cleave through Skaven. While there was more Skaven, were also was a sound of a small squad marching with the echoes of their armour movement, they were black-furred Skaven wearing heavy armour.

They came moving forward Sienna and Kerillian saw them and sienna shot a fire bolt and Kerillian shot an arrow from her bow as they made their way to their targets. The storm-vermin grabbed a Skaven nearby and held it up like a body shield, The storm-vermin saw as their shield got scorched while another one got theirs with arrows on it.

The storm-vermin continued to push onwards and they were in front of Kuber, They started to swing Kuber to avoid the strikes and Kuber then strikes back with quick shots by the swarm is getting a bit much.

Kuber yelled from the top of his lungs showing bravery " Die rat-scum" the Skaven horde is staggered by the yell, and the five quick dispatch the elite troops first then the horde.

Blood is covered on the stone ground dying it in a dark crimson red almost like black and their arms and head there and there are scattered like toys broken beyond repair. The five trekked onwards and followed the rail tracks on the ground, then they found a cart on the tracks stopped by the lever mechanism.

They decided that they will use it as a way to carry any black power; they pull the lever and they stay close to the cart moving it. The cart then goes down a slope increasing its speed then only to stop at a wooden plank with another lever mechanism.

They choose to search the area before continuing with the cart, They searched the area Kuber was getting back pains from bending back to maneuver through the tight spaces of the mine.

Victor, Bardin and Kuber reunited with kegs of black power "what took you long Kuber, were you too big" Bardin said teasingly Kuber replies "ha ha real funny coming from a dwarf" Victor then interrupts them both "stop your bickering the both of you, the Kerillian and Sienna are waiting for us" Victor said.

They put the black power into the cart and then pull the lever and the cart speeds off with the five behind in the dark. They see that the cart moving then behind the cart is closed in on itself, so they will have to find the cart and another path.

They move and found a path that could lead to their cart, follow it then find the rail tracks. The five runs towards the cart seeing that it is safe, pull another lever and stay close to the cart being its only source of stable light.

The cart curves and turns then it is at a slope the cart slides down the slope; the five follow it and see that Skaven guarding the bridge. The cart goes onto the bridge and hits a Skaven crushing its ribs and then turning its head into a mushy paste, more Skaven sees and charges forward the five charges onwards as well meeting the enemy.

The five easily slaughter the Skaven but they see an armoured Skaven carrying a largely modified flamethrower, which carries a fuel tank on its back. At the end of the bridge, it taunts the five "Scream-suffer surface dwellers!" The Warpfire thrower shoots its green flames which leave a blazing trail on the ground killing a bunch of Skaven in front of him.

Kerillian draws her bow and then let's go the arrow flies piercing the Warpfire thrower in the head. They then continue onwards they see the cart go to an unknown rail path, which the five can't access so they maneuver around the rock and stay close to the rocky ground not wanting to fall off the edge.

They found the ritual site where it displays Nurgle's mark Bardin comments "it been years since l discredited a ritual site." The five down the pathway and find the cart, staying close to the cart chaos warriors start emerging from nearby and they now have to protect the cart.

The five fight on pushing anyone near the cart and sniping any special targets as they slowly escort the cart closer to the ritual area.

They see bodies of dead and diseased people hanging from their feet and see the ritual pool next to it are giant pens, with bile trolls bashing and smashing their doors howling in hunger.

Sienna rings 'the dinner bell' Then a bile troll appears on the other side of the brigde next to the ritual pool; The bile troll sweeps its axe at the five they doge it easily, they counter attack doing hit and run tatics shooting it with flames and arrow then going for quick or heavy strikes. The bile troll spits bile projectile-vomiting the bile in a straight line towards the five, but is doesn't go well the bile troll drops on all fours to regenerate its wounds.

They set up a timer and then run past the bile troll trying to escape out of the cave while escaping up a ramp leading to the cave exit. Then multiple Bile Trolls escape from their pens and inculding the one that was regnating the bile trolls are slowing catching up to the five.

They go into the brigde of shadows, and then the mine cart explodes, killing the trolls instantly and destroying the ritual area. Olyessa saw and greets them "Oh, I can smell your success. Literally. Ugh. Like Lohner's special recipes. Anyway, we'll have less of the Bile Trolls terrorizing civilians for a while but don't delude yourselves.

The pact-sworn ranks are still full of disgusting brutes. And yes, while you were feeding trolls, I received answers to certain inquiries I've made. It seems like preparations for the 'Bile Troll production' were underway long before the invasion.

Yes, Helmgart's own secret Nurgle cult, 'The Society of Harmonious Growth and Splendour' was in the mines doing bad things under orders from Sorcerer Lord Halescourge. Did I mention he was also the mysterious emissary who signed the pact with Clan Fester in Stromdorf? No? Well, now you know. Burblespue Halescourge."


Utvalde sat unpon the rumble of stone overlooking the construstion of the bell, it is nearly done. Utvalde while obersving the consturstion thought about how gods get their power, his theroized that they must have worshipers and also they must have a based power too.

Utvalde also thought if one god has a Portfolio that crosses over with different apesct, like the chaos gods, for example, khorne its the idea of fighting from the savagly to the honorable sides and one of those requirements might be to have a based power, develop a portfolio of apescts and create a relam.

Utvalde then decided to make his portfolio of aspect fear because it crossover many aspects, Utvalde grabbed pieces of cloth, wool and other things making a toy rabbit; the rabbit small cute, yet still creepy stuffed rabbit who wears an eerie smile with buck teeth. It has a red bow tie, along with blue pants also it has light grey fur, yellow eyes, light grey ears (with pink on the inside), and white whiskers.

The second one is a tiger that has orange fur with black stripes, it has a blue tie with black pants, one buttoned eye, long ears, and a tail. It is small and cute but has eerie look, and has one green eye. Utvalde chose to make one more it was a bear with black and white fur, rosy cheeks, and a small, pink heart on its chest. it also wears pink pants and a pink bow on its head it has a small and cute look and blue eyes.

Utvalde then focuses his magic on them and his shadow grows and grow turning into many shadowy monster, and beast alike then they go into the toys. Utvalde seeing that is has worked, Utvalde takes them and puts them in a basket and teleports with them to kislve and he instructed them to make the people fear him and make them believe in him.

Then Utvalde arrives at a orphanage with the appearance of a human, he knocks on the door and a man opens the door "ah am here to donate these to the orphanage sir" the man replies back "thankyou sir this will them very much may Ursun bless your soul!"

Utvalde then leaves with the widest grin knowing that this plan with providing him with a passive income of power or maybe a boot. Utvalde giggles to himself as he teleports away.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

here is another chapter, hope you enjoy


from Valentino

Valentino_666creators' thoughts