

classic aans was just having a regular day,it has been the ten thousand time the human reset.But what he was not expecting was to suddenly see another alternate version of himself killing monsters.Classic sans attacking to stop him finds out that there are many other monsters belonging to other aus that are going to attack his universe.Will he be able to stop them?are all of the au monsters bad can he convince them to be good?.Will there just be au monsters aiming to destroy his others who were mistakenly brought here?.

Swapswap_sans · Spiele
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3 Chs

A new stat?

Sans Pov

After a nice long dream sans awoke from his slumber.Waking up to see himself surrounded in his untidy room.Remebering the fight that took place a while ago sans checked his stats,to further confirm if what he remebered actually happened.


Lv 3

1 attack 1 defense

hp 1/1

karma 1.25x

Sans blinked he wasn't seing things apparently sans received a new stat for killing fell sans.Nothing else increased except for his lv,even with the dicovery of a new stat sans shrugged it of.

He then got out of bed to find his comfy blue jacket.Just like papyrus sans almost never takes it of unless he goes to sleep.Seing it as it was not in his room sans strolled down in search of his blue jacket.Only to find papyrus on the couch in hold of his desired item but papyrus didn't look to be in the best mood he was worried about sans.Trying to calm himself down by breathing in and out he heard that it worked for humans why not magical skeletons.While Looking at the jacket in hopes of calming himself down further.

Sans look at him puzzled,before realizing that papyrus or someone else found him passed out.Sans didn't want to face the questioning of his brother so he waited until an opportunity presented himself.The moment papyrus looked to find the remote to watch his favourite show.Sans teleported his jacket onto himself and quickly teleported to grillbys.

Ariving at grillbies,sans sat down on an available seat and ordered ketchup along with fries.The regulars greeted sans,while sans responded back with a usual joke or two.It's as if he didn't kill anyone a while ago,the moment grillby came back eith his food he started a conversation with sans.

"So hows your day sans"grillby asked.Wondering why sans was at grillbies at this time of the day.

"Eh nothing much grillby you know watching out for humans and all".Sans answered casually trying to hide the fatigues he felt from his battle.

"You sure?because you don't usually come here

at this time".Grillby pressed on.

"Wow grillbs your really fireing away grillbs, nah nothing much"sans replyed with his usual azy grin.

Grillby sighs and thabkfully for sans he buyed it for now.Sans then went on to finish his food at a normal pace he needed.Monster food helped speed up recovery of hp and stamina.

After finishing sans went to his usual post,expecting the human to come as per usual.

He sat in his station dozing of until he detected another anomally.

Sans lazily got up,suddenly an attack came from behind sans dodged.There he saw a ghost it's body black and red ghostly eyes with a frown.

The only three ghost he knows about is the robot that his brother enjoys watching.A ghostly child and the ghost in the ruins the old lady told him about.Analysing the ghost sans it the description didn't seem to fit either of them.Tho there are certain similarities to the ghost in the ruins,none of them seem to match up.

"what are you staring at huh,you think i'm some clown huh?"The ghost said annoyed with sanses stare

"Heh sorry about that it's just that you remind me of someone".The ghost grumbled and said.

"Let's just get over with",with that the ghost a big their light attack cane out of the ghost eye sans dodged and questioned.

"Woah bud why are you attacking me? how about you and me enjoy some nice grub at grillbys".Sadly his question remained unanswered as the ghost continued to attack.

Sans intercepted his atracks with bone walls and shot back a phew bones.Though all of his attacks phased through.Ghost started started to change things up his attacks,split up into smaller atracks aimed in different directions formind a plus sign.Sans noticed it so instead of using bonewalls and bone throws sans used blew magic to changr the direction of the attack.Completely avoiding it this also made it resulting in ghost to attack with more ferosity.

"Why is this taking so long!!"Ghost exclaimed getting fed up over this fight.

"You feeling red there bud don't worry you'll feel blue soon enough".Right as he saud that used blue magic on the ghost yanking out his soul.

Ghost not in consumed by anger was ignorant to what was happening.Whereas sans took out summoned a massive blaster and shot it at the vulnerable ghost.The blast blew through all of ghosts attacking blowing through his hp.secobd after seconds ghost hp kept on depleting.






Noticing this ghost grew shocked,but knowing the horrible situation his in.He pleaded fpr sans to stop.Sans didn't listen until ghosts hp reached to 10/100.

Sans then stopped but his firmly magic kept ahold of ghosts soul.

"Now then buddy would you like to start talking".Sans asked his smile widening,ghost without a choice answered sanses question.

"yes sir"replied ghost

"what's your name"sans asked

"napstablook"replied napstablook

"but if I am not mistaken ah so thats why".Relization hit him napstablook must be the anomaly sans detected.Going by what fell said this must be the others fell was talking about.

"look who sent you start talking or else your gonna have a badtime".Said sans as his eye lights faded what remained was an eerie expression.Scaribg napstablook so he quickly answered.

"A guy sent me their name was Vandal,they introduced me to cool music.Made a deal with them they promised to give me some cool dvds containing cool music for killing supposedly wrak enemy".Napstablook answered.

"Alrighy Napstafell you know anythibg else about him?"Sans continued interogatting napstafell.

"No execpt that I couldn't really see his face it was covered by large amount of clothing.When I accepted the deal I was suddenly teleported behind you and so I attacked you thats all I swear".Napstafell pleaded desperately.

"All right I'll leave you of the hook for now but do you even know how to get back to your home?."Sans wondered if he had anyway leading back to napstafells place which can give him more clues.

... napstafell fell in deep thought sans sighed it looks like the ghost themself didn't have a clue.

"Buddy I won't kill you but promise you have to promise you won't kill others".Sans said threateningly,napstafell quickly nooded and scrammed.

Sans went back to his station thankfully it didn't take any damage from the battle.Sitting back down on his sentry post sans fell planned his next move.