
Prologue into the story

On this day the war between the underworld and the overworld, fight to conquer the land of the people, on this day god was not forgiven, however the Eight demon lords called the "Eight dark blood's" gave leniency, to the humans, demi-humans, elves, and dwarves. But the Eighth dark blood did not agree to this, the Eighth wanted to demolish gods walls and great his own humanity, however the other Seven dark blood's knew of this and took action, and so they all agreed to destroy the Eighth, and so they did, but a piece of his soul remained untouched, and so the piece traveled to a pregnant Queen an, so the boy was born with dark disorientated hands but is born with white skin and brown hair, that gave his father, King Midas of the gold touch a shock, leading to this war destroying the kingdom, the boy was sent down a river in a basket by his mother, Queen Elisabeth , before he was sent down the boy was given a note from his mother.

And so the Seven gates of hell were opened, and god was no where in sight, the demon inside the boy reads the note from the mother," Your name is Prince Nikolai of the Kingdom of piercing gold, by the time your reading this you with be seven years of age, please don't come to the Kingdom, by the time you come, me and your father will already have passed on to our next life, please find a village and don't speak of your family line, sincerely your loving mother and father." The Eighth demon, after reading the note, was driven with vengeance and at the same time rage from they Dark blood's after trying to destroy him, he was given a body but not as he wanted, however the Eighth has the urge to protect but also use Nikolai for his own desires.

The Eighth couldn't control the boy's but only speak to him, from their on the Eighth made himself, to look like an older brother but also being his teacher, knowing from where the boy came from looked back at Nikolai's hands seeing the dark aura and golden shine of his hand, knowing this curse as the golden touch, realizing the curse that the Eighth put on his father, King Midas, as the Eight chuckles softly to himself realizing how some finally went in his favor, as Nikolai had the golden touch as his father once had, but the demon looked closer at the boy's hand noticing how it was dark not gold, as the demon came to a realization, that this gold wasn't a overworld pure gold but, much better it was the dark gold, this gold could only be found at the end of time, where the end of everything exist, the demon was frightened a little bit, but composed himself. The Eighth wrights a mark on Nikolai's hand making it so the boy's touch was sealed.

The Eighth grins Widely "I'll teach you and make you strong and bring this world to its knees, for now ill teach you things such as speaking, writing, and all sorts of human family's do, hopefully i don't get to attached to you, Nikolai " as the Eighth chuckles at himself, the Eighth pats the boy's head, as the Eighth begins to transform his appearance to look like a brother of Nikolai's blood line, "an so it begins ".

I wish to entertain you, and open your eye's to my story, and so it begins.

ZombiePenguincreators' thoughts