
Undercover affair

A young girl Sama gets torn between two worlds with different people. She goes to a magical world every time she sleeps. She meets Sam and Daniel who are completely in opposite worlds. Mysteries begin to uncover when they dig deep to find out what they don't know. Soon they find out that the connection between the two worlds as they continue. Sama is torn between Sam and Daniel as she loves them both.

Lizzydiaz · Fantasie
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14 Chs


"I really don't want to lose you Sam. It's just that I don't know what is happening anymore. I like you a lot but that doesn't mean I can't like anyone else. I guess I can't control it Sam. I feel so guilty about this whole thing. I don't want to leave Oak but I don't want to lose you either."

Sama's POV

I was still tugging at his leg when I felt him stay still. He seemed to have remembered something."Wait .....did you just say Oak? Is that what it's called?" I wiped my tears and got up."Yeah, why do you seem interested?" He didn't say anything else. He turned and left the room. I was left hanging with a confused look. I decided not to sleep again. I got my phone and passed through the messages and read interesting books in order not to sleep.

Outside the apartment

"Gordon, we have to dig deeper and get to the root of all this. I'll ask mom if she knows anything else. Get ready and tell the whole team about the information we found out. There has to be something that can lead us to our victory. We might be getting close. I'll make sure to get more information from Sama."

I went to school and got the scolding from Dani and Liz. I knew they were only worried about me.

"Hey Jack, can we talk."I signaled for him to follow me to the testing area. "Actually, I felt I should ask if you're still comfortable with our relationship. Maybe you got someone else cause we're not as we used to be."I felt nervous. It took me the whole of me to gather all this courage.

He maintained his cool expression. It was like he expected me to say this. He didn't seem angry or surprise at the lightest. ' What is he thinking about staring at me?' I thought. I felt a little awkward under his gaze. When I come to think of it, we are not even similar in any way. How did we come out dating?

I waited for his response. He kept staring at me without a word.

"I found someone else I love so I guess that's what's best for the both of us. We're still friends, though." He wasn't mad at all. That was a relief. He leaned closer and took me in his embrace. He kissed me deeply and passionately. This was a goodbye kiss. I felt a little bad but this had to happen eventually since our relationship wasn't really promising. He hugged me tight as I lay in his chest listening to his heartbeat. Although I didn't love him, he was my boyfriend and I was automatically attracted to him.

I saw him leave and sighed in relief. I got rid of one problem but I have two left.

Soon, the classes were done and it was time to go back home. I waked out and found Sam outside. I was a bit surprised and I went over to him."Hey Sam, how come you're at my school. Did you come to look for me?" I went to him excitedly but he only gave me a cold shoulder. 'It must be because of what happened last night. I tugged at his arm and looked at him. He was taller and stronger but soft.

"Look Sam. I'm really sorry about last night. I'm just so confused about this whole situation. Please, don't be angry. Let me treat you to a meal today."I pleaded with pitiful eyes but he didn't budge. He looked disinterested about the matter.

"Let's go. I want to show you something." He opened the door of the car and I entered."Thank you."

We moved for around 4 hours. He didn't say a thing to me all the while and I also decided to respect the silence. "He walked out and opened the door for me. We came to a lake? I saw Sam sit down throwing stones in the water. "My mum used to bring me here. Every time we came, I used to feel so much loved. Did I ever tell you I had an elder brother? We used to play from here. He was so happy. I always counted on him for everything. He was eight and I was five. Just one night and he was gone. When we woke up that day, mum went to his room to wake him up forcefully. When she entered, he was gone. No traces of him escaping or anything. He just vanished.'" he quieted as he took in mouthfuls of air to calm down.

He looked so disturbed. I went over to him and hugged him from behind. I held on so tight trying to calm him down. "I don't want to see you like this. "

He turned around and looked at me. "He must be 29 now. Will he ever come back, Sama?" He looked expectant.He still had some hope despite all this. "I believe you'll meet again. I feel you will fulfill your mother's wish." he hugged me for a minute or two crying. He looked so weak but he never gave up hope. Even after breaking down, he still had the determination in his eyes.

Soon we had to go back. He never left my hand even for one moment. I felt good being there for him. "I think you should come over at my place. We could order some food and maybe watch a movie, what say?" I saw his lips curl up.

"I think we should pass by the store and buy groceries. It's much better if we cook ourselves." He sounded excited. I agreed without hesitation.

We got the groceries and headed for my apartment to cook. We went straight to kitchen and started working immediately. He was chopping vegetables with his sleeves rolled up. He worked with a serious expression. He looked so handsome in the apron. He has strong arms and broad shoulders. His well built chest was slightly showing and I was in awe. His hair looked silky and well maintained. He had a perfect jawline with a well groomed beard. I was in a daze and his eyes met mine. I had been caught red-handed. I felt my cheeks burn and I looked away.

His gaze stayed on me as I felt him coming closer. He hugged me from behind and I felt his warm breath behind my ears. I felt an electrifying shock pass through my body. He then walked back to his work and continued seriously.

He just does that and leaves? How mean! I pouted my lips and left the room before my cheeks burnt to ashes. A satisfied smile appeared on his lips as he saw me leave.

I went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I had to calm down fast. What's happening to me? I closed my eyes and washed my face. "Sama, come-on food is ready. Hurry up!" I heard Sam call me. "Coming quick."

I went to the kitchen and helped him serve the food and we sat at the dining table to eat.

"It's quite late and I cannot leave so can I stay? "he asked me. I don't know how I will stay all night long with Sam successfully but I had to try. I gulped down a glass of water and thought for a while. "Sure, there's a guest room. You can use that for the night though it's a little messy since I've never had any guests before."

He ate the food slowly."Hmmmm I'll check if I can manage. If it's too messy then, I guess I'll have to sleep on the couch." The food was really great . I assumed maybe he was always cook but I didn't ask.

Soon we were done with washing the dishes . He looked at me and came closer. "Since you didn't help me in cooking, don't you think you should atleast do me something." I took a few steps back as he kept coming forward. "W...W...What do you want me to do?" I Stammered.

He touched his chin pretending to think then his face lit."I want a kiss. A kiss is the only reward you can give."he said with a charming smile. He's so unbelievable . How can he say something like that? I run to my room as fast I could although he wasn't chasing after me.

I entered my room and went straight to bed. I kept shifting in bed without sleeping for a long time. I got up and went to the kitchen to drink some water. Sam wasn't on the couch so I thought that maybe he used the shabby guestroom and I felt somewhat bad. I opened the door for the guestroom sneakily and swept my eyes across the room. He wasn't here either so where was he? Did he maybe go back home without informing me?

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I screamed. "Ahhh"

"Sama relax , it's me Sam."he held me tight as he whispered in my ears worriedly. I slowly calmed down and looked up at him. Tears had already rolled down my face."Sam, you scared me to death." I was a little angry with him for scaring me. "I only tapped your shoulder and you jumped up. It's me you see." He tried to calm me down turning around to prove to me that it was him indeed.

"Come , sit here. Let me get you a glass of water okay." he came back with water and handed it to me. I gulped it down and remembered the reason I came here in the first place. I turned to him. "Sam, where were you? You weren't in your room and then you suddenly came from behind and scared the hell out of me."

"I was just out here. I thought I would get some fresh air but you tell me what were you doing peeping in my room?" I blushed and started looking for a way to escape but before I could run, he held my wrist and moved closer to me. The light was a little dim so I couldn't see all his features.

"Did you perhaps come to give me my goodnight kiss, Sama?" he spoke slowly and deeply. His voice was just so seductive. I had to leave from here before I get tempted by his sweet music voice."Wh ....what no no no.....I ....I... just." I ran away back to my room ready to sleep and forget about his voice. It kept ringing in my ears although I covered them with a pillow.

Sam had a wide grin on his face after he realised the impact he had on her.

I drifted to sleep after some efforts. I opened my eyes and found myself walking with Crusella in the garden as we headed to the library. "You haven't been reading the politics and all the information about Oak. You have to know that you can't meet Emilia until you've learnt everything."

I also felt that I should meet Emilia once. We arrived at the library and found David reading a book seriously. He seemed so concentrated on the book. "Hey Daniel." he got up immediately. It seemed like we scared him.

He was reading a book but when we came he covered it and hid it behind him. He didn't want me to see what he was reading. I saw a small part of its cover that had the word prophecy.