
I am not here for babysitting

Hazel's eyes darted around Francisco's room, contemplating the best way to search for the drive she believed he had safely tucked away. The closet seemed like a logical place.

His room exuded an air of security, adding to Hazel's conviction that the drive must be stored somewhere well-protected. A dilemma lingered in her mind — should she risk opening the closet? The potential reward battled with the fear of invading Francisco's privacy.

Frustrated by the lack of alternatives, Hazel pressed her lips together, determined to find a solution. Her gaze shifted to his table where the laptop and phone sat, tempting her with the possibility of uncovering the elusive drive. She took a deep breath, silently imploring divine intervention.

‘God, help me.’

‘I want to search his room by hook or by crook.’

With a resolve bordering on audacity, Hazel approached the table, fingers trembling as she considered her next move.

‘Just a quick look.’