

Hoonie_Ling101 · Fantasie
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3 Chs



The sound of the doorbell has woken up Tanya from her nap in her couch. Despite the the loud sound coming from the T.V. the sound of the doorbell still reached her ears.

"Who the hell comes up to my house uninvited?", she said while sitting herself up.

With a sleepy yet mad look, she stood up and went to the door to check the person on the other side.

"Hey, princess? Whatcha doin'?", a very flirty voice came out of the man as soon as the door open. Tanya's face turned from sleepy to a dissatisfied look.

"Why would you bother me late at night, Carl?", "I just want to see my bab---", not letting Carl finish, she placed a finger in front of his lips indicating him to shut up.

"Dare call me "baby", and I will make sure to burn you in hell", Tanya said in a mad tone while glaring deeply into Carl's eyes.

"Now, get the fuck out of my property and off of my face before I turn you into corpse.",

"Okay, okay. I'm leaving.", Carl finally left and Tanya slammed the door shut in annoyance.

"Damn asshole."

• Tanya BlazeLing. What kind of name is that? The hell were my parents thinking while coming up with my name? •

Tanya lived alone, her parents died when she was just 15. Since then, her Grandfather took care of her. But the day she turned 20, her Grandfather died due to old age. Now she was alone. Of course, the death of her Grandfather lead her to being depressed for 2 whole years. But when she turned 23, she tried to fix herself and get a life.

So she did, for one whole year she searched for jobs that she could work at and earn money. She did not have the need to pay rent coz her Grandfather gave her his house that he and her Grandmother bought.

After about 1 year and 3 months, she finally found a job at a local store that sells weapons for the military, police and soldiers. There were guns, knives even swords. The store had good sells and she was paid well. She had enough money to keep her from starving.

"Hey Tanya, can you work the shift tonight. I need to deliver some guns to the military. I can count on you and Jake right?", Tanya's manager ordered her. "Yes, sir".

As the night went on, the shop was empty. Tanya was at the counter trying not to fall asleep while Jake was at the back filing up some documents. It was a one quiet night shift when suddenly loud sound of the opening door filled the silent room.

"What in the--", confused both Jake and Tanya walked in front of the entrance just to find a tall man in his 20's, all in black but his clothes were almost covered in dirt.

"Who are you?", "Can we help you?". They both took turns asking. But the man gave no reply, instead his breathing got heavier that it was clearly heard.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!", she shouted as the man suddenly fell to floor turning unconscious.

"This is bad. Tanya, I'll call an ambulance.", with that Jake rushed to the phone and started to call for an ambulance.

While Jake was on the phone, Tanya took a closer look at the unconscious man lying on his back. She wanted to see his face because she wasn't able to see his face clearly the moment he entered coz he was always looking down, and his curly long black hair made it difficult to even catch a glance of his face.

Hesitating, Tanya put some of his hair aside to get a clear look of face and to her shock his face wasn't that disappointing at all. Handsome, clear white skin, kissable soft looking lips and eyes that will surely make you fall the moment it opens. Tanya was of course star strucked by the man's beauty.


Tanya flinched when loud sirens were heard outside the store,. bringing her back to reality and then she realized she had been admiring the man's face for a long period of time.

"Ma'am, I need you to please back off a bit, we'll take this man to the hospital.", "O- okay."

As the man was taken to the hospital, a few police stayed at the store to ask both of the some questions.

"Ma'am, do you by any chance know this man? Have you ever met him?", "No. I've never met him before.",

"When did he pass out? And did he tell you anything before he lost conscious?", " He passed out moments after he entered. And no, he never said anything. He just came rushing in and not even giving us any reply despite us directly asking him."

Tanya went straight home after the cops left. Jake was the one who stayed longer nger to close the store.

"That was one helluva scene.", she said before throwing her bag including herself to her bed before letting out a loud sigh.