
UNDEAD : The zombie Apocalypse

Well it's a generic zombie story focusing on survival, the entire narrative is crafted from the perspective of the reader. You're Sam a young man who is 20 years old stuck in this gory undead world. you met with few characters and some of them are important But the primary goal of this story is survival and the uneasiness of this world from the day of breakout too, worldwide government collapse and the world they live, the zombie threat and more As you progress through the story, you'll discover more about the world and how to survive in it. NOTE: Sometimes the story kind of go with three main character leads, SAM, Berus (A young who is 21 years old with mysterious background.), Anh (Son of a popular Asian Youtube couple, who is 19 years old and Chubby guy, he had keen interest in games and GUNS. He highly intelligent too). But the main focus is SAM and How he develops this whole story This story is a on going series and it might take at least 50 to 100 chapters to complete

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Chapter-3: Who Are The Enemies

They did their best to secure the right/east entrance door and used every broken bench they had in the ground floor and other large objects they found in principal office like safe, his desk etc., After everything was done Miss Yuri told everyone to get inside the main control room, where she could Treat their wounds

Anh glanced back at the door once more and commented, "I hope all those benches hold the door up."

After 10 minutes,

Miss Yuri tended to the wounds of all the girls except Hina, and then she asked her to sit on the chair.

Kneeling before Hina, she carefully untied the cloth wrapped around the wound on her left leg and inspected it closely.

"You did a good job tying your wound with the cloth," Miss Yuri remarked, "otherwise, you might have collapsed from blood loss."

"What do you mean?" Hina inquired.

Miss Yuri continued to tend her wound, commenting, "The cut was so deep. The good thing is you tied the wound tightly with that cloth. However, it will still need stitches to close properly."

Instructing Hina to hold the cotton to stop the bleeding, Miss Yuri exited the control room, guarded by Anh.

Entering the nurse's room next to the control room, Miss Yuri retrieved the items needed for stitches and took her handbag with her. Both Anh and Yuri then exited the nurse's room and returned to the control room.

Yuri swiftly entered the control room, she went straight to Hina and asking, "Do you have diabetes?"

Hina replied, "NO!"

"Fine," Yuri said, her tone casual as she reached into her bag and pulled out a beer tin, handing it to Hina. Everyone in the control room looked at Yuri with confusion and concern, wondering why she was offering alcohol in such a tense situation.

"We don't have anesthesia or sedatives to suppress the pain," Yuri explained. "So drink it. It will help limit the pain."

Confused, Hina responded. "What are you talking about? I've never drank alcohol before."

Yuri's tone turned serious. "Well, as a doctor, all I can do is give you a suggestion. Whether you follow it or not is your choice." She paused, preparing the needle and thread. "Without sedatives, alcohol or anesthesia, it's going to hurt. A lot." he looked straight into her eyes and warned, "It will hurt A LOT."

Hina reluctantly opened the beer tin and took two gulps, coughing at the aftertaste. Yuri insisted, "Not enough. Have some more," Hina drank with five more gulps.

Yuri chuckled before proceeding to clean the wound with medical alcohol. "Relax," she assured Hina, then asked Anh and Trident to hold Hina's leg steady.

As Yuri began stitching, the room fell into tense silence.

Hina let out a loud shout as the needle pierced her leg. "Ahh... my leg, please stop!" Still, both boys held her firmly as she struggled, punching them in distress.

Yuri reassured her, "It's almost done, just two more stitches." As Hina's body slowly numbed from the beer she had drunk earlier, Yuri skillfully stitched her leg.

As Hina slipped into unconsciousness, Yuri instructed the other girls, "Help me lay her on the ground. It's better than leaving her in the chair." With care, they lifted Hina, though Yuri noticed they were being a bit rough. "Be careful, girls," she cautioned.

After ensuring Hina was safely on the ground, Yuri turned her attention to Trident, who had only minor scratches. Calling Anh over, she examined his hand and concluded, "It's just a normal wound, no need for stitches. Let me clean and patch it up."

Miss Yuri tended Anh's wound and asked him, "What's the plan from now onwards?"

Anh responded, "I don't know. Let's rest for now."

Realizing his oversight, he muttered, "Oh shit, I forgot about people from the upper floors." He quickly contacted people from the upper floor through the walkie-talkie.

Lara, still harboring anger from a previous incident, lifted the walkie-talkie and clicked the red button. With frustration evident in her voice, she exclaimed, "You stupid! When someone talks, you listen! Why did you cut the call earlier? We're on the rooftop! How can we send your message to people on the 6th floor if you didn't even try to listen when I was trying to say that?" After a brief pause, she sighed, "I let out all my pent-up anger on you. Now, tell me, why did you call us again?"

Anh was startled by Lara's outburst. He replied in a low tone, "Sorry, but we are busy too." Expecting a retort from Lara, Anh waited in silence for a response. When none came, he continued, "Miss Lara?"

"Lara is fine," she responded sharply.

"So you guys are on the rooftop. Who is with you? And did you come across this plain guy called Sam? And how did you get the walkie-talkie?" Anh inquired.

Lara retorted, "You ask a lot of questions for a guy who cut the line without a thought." After a momentary pause, she added, "Quite a busy man. He even forgot about the people he saved. We're in the 8th-floor storeroom. The walkie-talkie is in the bag I took from the safe room."

You intervened and asked Lara, "Hey Lara, give me that. I'll talk with him." Taking the walkie-talkie from her. You said, "Yo Anh, this is Sam?"

Anh replied with a laugh, "Haha, you still alive, bro?"

You responded, "Thanks to these three."

Anh asked, "Who are those three?"

You replied, "Oh, I'm with Rena, Lara, and Ginny."

Anh said with surprise, "You mean Miss Rena and her friends, the ones we helped? They were supposed to be in the safe room."

Lara took the walkie-talkie from you and said, "It's a long story. We can talk when we're both enjoying our peaceful tea time. Why did you call? First, say that."

Anh continued, "It took a while, but we managed to clear out every zombie from the block. According to the live footage from the 135 CCTV cameras, there are no zombies, so you can come down. Sam, if you encounter any zombies lying on the ground with nails, smash their heads to pieces. A few of the zombies we fought on the fifth floor managed to get up. Be alert, they probably just staggered after sustaining head injuries."

You replied, "OK, I will."

Anh continued, "Also, don't make loud noises or shout around them. They're sensitive to sound and might become alert or start running. If you encounter any of them, eliminate them quickly. And Lara, something might have happened in the safe room, which is why you all left. Let's set aside our personal issues and ego. Please, help them."

A long pause of silence from both sides. Anh finally broke it, addressing Lara, "Lara… Miss Lara."

Lara responded, "Just Lara. OK, we will tell them!" You and Rena looked at her with a sense of relief.

Anh replied, "We're waiting for you on the ground floor. Just come to the Main control room." Then he hung up.

Rena said, "How about we start moving?"

Ginny interrupted, "Before we head out, let's prepare ourselves. This storeroom is filled with a lot of sports gear and other useful stuff. People from the ground floor might also need some of these items."

You chimed in, "Yeah, it would help them trust us more at a time like this."

Ginny, relying on her movie knowledge, gave directions, prompting Rena and Lara to playfully tease her as a "movie freak."

Ginny retorted, "Shut up and grab anything useful." Then, she turned to you and added, "I remember seeing this in a movie called 'Train to Gusan'. They wrapped their forearms with duct tape. But just duct tape won't cut it, I think. Find some cardboard too. We'll use it as a base layer and tape over it." Suddenly, another idea struck her. "And keep an eye out for a large bag. We'll need it to haul everything to the ground floor."

You noticed the sudden shift in her demeanor and wondered, "Just a few minutes ago, she seemed down and sad. Now, she's beaming with happiness and satisfaction. What could have caused this change?"

Lara noticed you observing Ginny and inquired , "Are you pondering over Ginny's sudden happiness?"

You nodded, and Lara said with a smile, "I can assure you she's not a freak who finds joy in giving orders. She's just happy that she can help us. All this time, she's been comparing herself to us, feeling like she can't do anything on her own."

You replied, "I didn't interpret it the wrong way. I'm just curious why she's suddenly happy."

Ginny yelled with her cute voice, "What are you both doing? Move! We have a lot to do. And Lara, stop flirting with him. Do your work."

You and Lara went different directions, gathering various items. You found the duct tapes, four baseball bats, two cricket bats, baseball gear, several nail boxes, and other useful things. Which you brought back to Ginny. Rena and Lara also discovered medical supplies like bandages, ointments, medicines, wound-cleaning liquid bottles and a Large bag.

Ginny said, "I found some cardboard and duct tape," with a big smile.

The three of you borrowed a few cardboard pieces.

You said to yourself, "The process is simple. Just roll the cardboard around your forearm three to four layers and duct tape it tightly."

Ginny continued to observe and offer advice, often correcting any mistakes made by the three of you. Walking over to you, she suggested, "Tighten the duct tape even more. It's loose at the edges, and a zombie might be able to grab onto it."

You said, "Okay, thanks. I'll fix them."

Ginny nodded at you with a cute, shy smile, and you also covered your hands with cricket gloves.

She went running towards Rena and Lara, "What are you both doing?"

While Ginny is helping them both, you fill the bag with items you all gathered including, medical supplies, duct tape, baseball bats, gloves and more useful Items.

While you were packing, you looked at Ginny and remembered what she said on the rooftop, "She understood what would happen from that little info she got from Anh's call."

You looked at her, and she looked at you.

You gave a smile and gestured to indicate that you were putting stuff in the bag.

She replied with a smirk and nod.

Then you thought again, "If it's not for her understanding of the situation, what might have happened to us?" You paused your thoughts, realizing, "Thinking about it won't get us anywhere now," and proceeded to pack all the stuff in the bag.

Turning to the girls, you said, "Girls!" They looked at you with questioning faces. "I've filled the bag with the things we all gathered. Do you want to add more?"

Rena and Lara responded, "No, I'm good." Meanwhile, Ginny began asking all sorts of questions like a mother making sure her children packed everything they needed.

Ginny crossed her arms and nodded appreciatively, saying, "You packed everything, thank you, Sam."

You replied, "No need. In fact, we should be thanking you for your help."

Lara agreed, "That's true. We should be thanking you. None of us, not me, Rena, or Sam, fully understood the situation. That idiot Anh cut the line before giving us a complete warning, and you understood his half-hearted attempt at communication."

Rena gently placed her hand on Lara's shoulder, saying, "You have to understand Anh too. He's standing at the forefront of everything. One wrong move, and his life could be over."

Lara sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I understand that, but..."

Rena looked straight into Lara's eyes without a blink or a word. After a brief pause Lara spoke, "Okay, it's my fault. Getting upset with someone who helped us isn't right. I'll apologize."

Rena embraced Lara from behind, whispering, "This Lara is great." Ginny quickly joined in, running towards Lara and hugged her tightly.

Ginny remarked while hugging her, "Angry Lara is scary."

Three of them shared a warm hug once again.

You smirked to yourself, thinking, "They're like sisters. Rena is the eldest, Lara is in the middle, and Ginny is their little sister. What a strange gang."

While you were mesmerized by the trio's bond, you heard the Walkie-talkie beep.

You lifted it, "Hello Anh?"

You heard him say, "Sam, I need a little help. There was this guy from the 7th floor. He asked for some supplies like bandages and stuff from the security camera. Lara told me you guys are in the 8th-floor storeroom."

You replied, "Yeah, we're in the storeroom."

Anh said, "Miss Yuri said there are bandages and some medical supplies in the 8th-floor storeroom," he continued, "He says it is urgent. Please, can you help him?"

You replied, "Sure, I will help them."

Anh was elated and chuckled, "Thanks, Sam. He's on the 7th floor. Just head to block B. It's still under renovation. Just go straight and take…" Before Anh could finish, Ginny intervened.

She interjected, "Why are you giving him directions? You have the entire security system under your control. You can guide him while monitoring through security cameras and also alert him if there are any zombies lurking in corners or other places."

Anh and you simultaneously exclaimed, "That's a good plan."

Ginny, for the first time, wore an angry expression and exclaimed, "Wait, were you two really the ones who saved us?"

She continued, "Whatever. First, both of you change numbers." You both compiled. Ginny instructed, "Call him and put him on speakerphone, Sam!" and you did so. Addressing Anh, who was now on speakerphone, Ginny said, "Anh, can you hear me? Now, guide him while monitoring his movements."

Ginny then turned to you and handed over medical supplies such as bandages, painkillers, a large roll of duct tape, and several other essential items. She said, "Be careful, listen to Anh, and move."

You weirded out a bit but didn't show it. You thought to yourself, "Why is she acting like a mom?"

You said, "OK, I will."

You picked up the baseball bat and the supplies Ginny gave you before leaving the room.

Anh provided you with directions during the ongoing call, adding, "The entire 8th floor is clear. Just survey your surroundings and make your way to the 7th floor."

You reached block B on the 7th floor, and Anh instructed over the call, "Just go straight. There are some dead bodies lying on your second left." As you moved forward, something caught your attention — one of the bodies moved. Its head and body were twisted in opposite directions as it attempted to stir. Realizing it was a zombie, you took a deep breath. Anh's voice boomed over the call, "Take it down, bro." It took five powerful swings of the baseball bat to crush its skull.

Anh said over the call, "I'll try to be careful and give you a heads-up if anything starts moving." You replied, "Okay!"

He responded, "Proceed straight down the hallway. There are no more zombies in the path. Just continue straight, and on your third left, there is a security camera. Just look up to your left side, you will see. He's in the room opposite to it."

You replied, "Thank you. Stay on the line, bro. It might be helpful to either of us."

Anh replied, "OK."

You went to the room and knocked on the door. Someone yelled from inside, "Who is it?"

You said, "You called us from the security camera, right?"

Someone from inside said, "Please give us a few minutes."

You heard a lot of thump and sounds from inside. "They blocked the door, huh? Good decision."

You asked Anh on the phone, "When did he contact you?"

Anh explained with a reluctant tone over the phone, "He reached out to us about 30 minutes ago and asked for first aid stuff, but we're short on medical supplies on the ground floor. That's when Miss Yumi suggested reaching out to you, saying, 'There are supplies in the 8th-floor storeroom.'"

You said, "Ginny foresaw this. She probably anticipated the need for medical supplies and instructed us to gather them all."

You continued, "We'll bring them down to the ground floor once we're there. Let Miss Yuri know."

Anh said on the phone, "Thanks. I will say that to her."

It took them 15 to 20 minutes to open the door. A student with an average build and face, close to 5.5 feet, introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Boy B. Did you bring those things I showed on the Security Camera? Sorry, come inside."

You walked into the classroom and saw 7 members. Boy B closed the door, and a girl asked, "Did you bring the cotton, cloth, wound cleaner, and ointment?"

You handed her everything you bought. She expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you. You brought everything we need, but we don't need the duct tape."

She handed back the duct tape, and as you took it, you noticed a guy holding a girl nearby, her long hair covering her face. It almost seemed like he was grabbing her with all his strength. You asked, "Are you okay, bro?"

All eyes turned to them, and Boy b, who was standing next to you, explained, "She's his girlfriend, and she's having panic attacks. He's just trying to calm her down."

He replied with a fake smile, "Yeah, I'm restraining her, dude. She's one of a kind, attacks people while having panic attacks." He paused for a second, then tightened his hold on her body and head while she resisted, "See, this is the problem. She's been like this since morning."

You doubted him and asked, "Are you sure, bro?"

He replied with an angry face, "Yeah, my girl has panic attacks. Ask her friend If you don't believe me. "

The girl who took medical supplies from you remarked as she tended to one of the boys with a leg injury, "She has panic attacks, but not this long. Maybe 30 to 40 minutes max."

He intervened, "Why are you both acting like I'm restraining a zombie? It's impossible for anyone to restrain them, especially not for 5 hours."

The girl replied, "I'm not implying she's turned into a zombie or anything. Suffering from such a prolonged panic attack isn't healthy for her. Even if you suggest I'm restraining one of those zombies, I wouldn't believe you. It's impossible for anyone to manage that, especially not for this extended period."

You thought to yourself, "What she said makes sense, but something isn't adding up with his behavior. Anyway, why should I even care…"

You thought of leaving the room, but seeing his struggle to restrain his girlfriend made you feel bad for him.

So, you gave him a suggestion, "You've been holding her since morning. Why not switch with someone else?"

He gave you a smile and said, "She's mine. I don't want other people touching her." You thought to yourself, "He seems genuine."

"Then why not at least tie her hands and legs using this duct tape." You walked to him and handed it to him.

He asked, "Can you help me tie her?"

You said with a smirk, "You said, you don't want people to touch her."

He replied while holding her body and face tightly, "I'm just joking, bro. Please, help me."

You said, "Okay!" Starting from her legs while he held her upper body and head, you asked the boys to help you. It took three boys to hold her feet up and steady. Then, you taped her legs, using almost a quarter of the tape.

You jokingly remarked while looking at her, "Your legs are now like a mummy's. I hope you get well soon, girl." While trying to lighten the mood, something caught your eye: a slight bleed on the underside of her right thigh. Upon closer inspection, you discovered a bite mark and glared at him with an angry expression.

He was sweating much more than before, as he understood why you were looking at him with an angry expression. 

You wanted to alert the people around you, but then you remembered Anh's words, 'They are attracted to loud sounds.

You didn't know what to do. You looked at him again and heard the boys who were helping you wrap her praising him, saying, "He's a really good boyfriend. He's been holding her since this ordeal began. If it were me, I wouldn't try this hard."

You thought, "Yeah, Boy b also said he's been holding her since morning." Despite your discomfort with the situation, you trusted in his strength. Continuing your thoughts, you pondered, "How is he holding her this long? If it wasn't for Hina saving me while that zombie pinned me down on the third floor, I would have been done for."

You then posed a serious question to him, "Now, should we tape her hands or body?"

He responded, "I'll hold her head. You can then tape her body and arms together."

He held her hand while pressing his hands on the up and down sides of her head. She was now moving her body however she pleased. You felt a surge of fear and thought while looking at him, "This is a zombie. If anything goes wrong, we are all dead. Can I really trust this guy?" He nodded as if he heard your inner voice. You then said out loud, "Hold her tight."

You asked boys to hold her body and arms together and lift her hair and began taping her body. As one of them lifted her hair, her face emerged, contorted with anger. It struck a chord with you, reminiscent of the zombie that had pinned you down. Even in her furious state, she retained a certain beauty, one that could rival Rena's.

You tightly wrapped the tape around her shoulders and upper body, almost completely binding them together. 

Glancing at him, you asked, "Should I tape her fingers too?" He replied with a nod of approval. Continuing, you then completely wrapped her forearms and lower body with the tape and began wrapping her fingers one by one.

While taping her fingers, you remarked aloud, "I'm lucky she doesn't have giant fingernails." After completely taping her fingers, you turned to him and said, "Hold her head steady. I'm begging you."

He replied, while pouring with sweat, "Trust me, dude." Instructing the boys to hold her hair from both sides, you began taping her mouth. However, her friend suddenly shouted, "Why are you taping her mouth?" Startled, you glanced at her, and the zombie girl's head twitched. In that moment, you thought, "This is the end."

But the next moment, he held the zombie head back. You looked at him, veins popping all over his body, more visible than before. His face turned red, veins bulging on his forehead.

Ignoring her friend's earlier shout, you tightly taped her mouth shut. He said to the boys, while holding her head from the sides, "Guys, pull her hair towards her back." The boys complied. He then turned to you, saying, "Tape her from upside down to her head." Finally, you completed the entire mummification of the zombie and sat down with a heavy sigh.

As you breathed heavily, boyfriend released her head and the zombie girl tried to move and crawl, you looked at her body completely wrapped in tape. Despite her attempts to open her mouth, the amount of duct tape we used, combined with the strength of the FLEX TAPE from that madman company who once taped a broken boat and went for a ride in it. It is called "FLEX TAPE. IT CAN EVEN LIFT 100 KG WEIGHT. It won't peel away easily."

As you watched him while sitting on the floor. He took the zombie girl to his chest, tears visible in his eyes.

When you see them both, it reminds you of the last moments with Nita.

Nita said while vomiting blood, "Sam, it is painful." She continued, "Sam, sa…"

You slapped your cheeks two times with both hands and muttered to yourself, "Thinking about that won't change anything."

You called him, "Oye, boyfriend!"

He looked at you, and you said, "We need to talk, come outside."

You stood and addressed the boys. "Guys, you don't have to block the door anymore, just be silent; that is enough."

You took the baseball bat you brought with you and opened the door, standing by the entrance. Glancing back you said to him, "Boyfriend, bring her with you."

He replied with a nod, "OK. Let's meet in the first room of block B."

You agreed by nodding to him.

As you walk down the hallway, the phone in your shirt pocket remains on an ongoing call with Anh. He asks, "What happened? Your tone changed midway while talking to them."

While walking, you replied, "It's a little complicated to explain. Just stay on the line and listen. You'll understand. Get away from all those people on the ground floor. You're the only one who needs to hear this. If anything goes wrong, I'll say 'help,' then contact the girls through the walkie-talkie and tell Lara to bring the shotgun and help me. There's a chance I might die; he's strong enough to fight zombies one on one. I'll be in the first room of block B, remember that. And lastly, whatever you hear, don't talk or make a sound."

While you waited in the room, the boyfriend arrived with his zombie girlfriend after 15 minutes.

He put the zombie girl on the floor very carefully, and she began to crawl very slowly. It almost seems like she wants to break the tape around her.

After that, the room filled with silence; the only sound you both hear is the zombie girl's muffled groans.

After a few minutes, you initiated the conversation. "You must be incredibly strong to restrain a zombie for 5 to 6 hours"

He replied, "Please, as you can see, I can restrain her. Please don't tell this to anyone; we won't cause any trouble for you or anyone. Once we all get out of this hell, we'll go our separate ways."

You replied with a sad face, "Bro, you are not getting it. I know you're in pain, but if you let her live as a zombie, you will regret it. We don't know what is going on, and those things can run now. There are a lot of things we don't know about them. You might be thinking there might be a cure, and I can restrain her until then."

He was just silent, looking at the floor.

You then continued, "Dude, if your grip on her fumbles even for a second, you'll be the reason for hundreds of people's deaths."

He replied, looking at the floor. "That won't happen. I will hold on to her until she returns to normal. Trust me."

You responded with a slightly angry tone, "What is there to trust, bro? Your power? After a few days, you'll lose it because you've been guarding her day and night. You're hoping for a cure, but in that time, she will kill and eat hundreds of people. Why do we have to think about the future? Even in the present, how many people has she turned into zombies, and how many people has she eaten before you restrained her?"

He replied, "None."

You said, "Pardon?"

looking straight at you,He replied, "She didn't bite or eat even one living or dead person. I was restraining her from the moment she became a zombie."

You were shocked for a moment by what he said and then you replied, "Still, you can't hold on that long, bro."

He said, "Think about yourself. I can take care of myself and her."

You said while walking towards the zombie with the baseball bat in the right hand, "I'm doing this for myself. I promised three girls that I will protect them. She is the obstacle for that. I understand your pain, I know how you are feeling now, but she needs to die."

You said this while walking past him, "Just stay still. I will do it for you." He grabbed you by the neck, pinned you against the wall. Then you realized, "In the heat of the conversation, I forgot that he is powerful enough to withstand zombies. This power is close to that zombie that pinned me down. If I don't respond now, I will die." You yelled out with everything you got, "Help!" Your voice became strained and rough. You grabbed his hand with both of yours and tried to stop him from choking you.

He started talking, "You don't know a damn thing about my pain, how I feel. Did you know how it feels to be forgotten by someone who loved you?"

You said with a strained voice while struggling to get his arm away from your neck with both of your hands, "I'm the only one in this world who knows your pain. She forgot me too and tried to attack me. I'm okay with it, but three girls saved me out of their own selfishness."

You continued, "She is dead, completely dead." Tears started coming to your eyes. You looked at the zombie girl and continued, "Just think, bro. There is no way she wants to live like that."

He replied, "I don't care what you think or about your life; I just want her back. I don't want to hear your voice anymore. If I kill you now, no one will know she's a zombie anymore. Sorry, but you'll have to die."

The pressure on your neck increased. You started punching and pinching his hand, trying to reach his face and tried to kick him in the groin, but he blocked it with his left hand. "Am I going to die? Sorry, Lara, Rena, and Ginny, I can't protect you anymore. Anh, get them to a safe place." You were almost out of breath and seeing some vivid images in your head. You stopped fighting back, likely out of oxygen, which made your body become weaker.

At that moment, Lara rushed into the room yelling, "Leave my Sam!" She instantly jumped on the zombie girl, sat on her, and pointed the gun right at the zombie girl's head. She said, "Leave him, or see your zombie girlfriend completely dead."

 Bonus Story 2: Anh Plan- The nightmare floors-1

It was nearly five hours ago, just thirty minutes after the breakout. Thanks to Anh's guidance, both Anh and the group following Slyde made it safely to the safe room on the sixth floor.

Everyone settled down in the safe room after narrowly escaping the slow-walking zombie hordes. Along the way, thirty people blindly followed Slyde, unknowingly shielding him by keeping him in the center of the group.

But now, only seventeen remain in the safe room, including Anh and Slyde. Fifteen members have perished—most of them students. The room is thick with grief as they mourn the loss of friends, boyfriends, and girlfriends.

The irony of the situation couldn't be more bitter. The students who put their trust in the professors died or turned into zombies for nothing. The twisted humor? Not a single professor was lost, but the number of students in the group has drastically dwindled.

Out of the 30 members, including Slyde, there were 8 professors and 22 students who blindly followed their lead. Now, 15 students are either dead or have turned into zombies—who knows what they're doing out there.

Anh chuckled darkly at the remaining students in the safe room. They believed their friends and loved ones' deaths were mere accidents, but in reality, they were just sacrifices made by the very adults they trusted.

He glanced over at the professors, who were busy trying to console the grieving students. Watching them struggle to calm down those who had just lost someone close, Anh murmured to himself, "Do these fools really think they'll survive if they keep blindly trusting these professors?"

One of the professors was consoling a girl who was sobbing over the loss of her boyfriend. Anh watched him and thought to himself, "Isn't he the same professor who pushed her boyfriend to save his own ass?"

"I don't think the professors are entirely wrong. That whole 'the old must protect the young' line? It's just words. When it comes down to it, everyone wants to save their own skin. But what pisses me off is these students. They relied so heavily on these professors, and because of that, their loved ones are dead. And they still think sticking with these professors is the safest option. At the very least, they should be looking out for themselves, paying attention to what's happening around them. But no—fuck them. I need to figure out a way to get out of this hell. If I stick around these professors, they'll definitely sacrifice me to save their own lives."

Anh sat in the corner of the safe room, running through ways to escape this hell. He had plenty of ideas, but each one carried a 70 to 90 percent chance of ending in death. As he was trying to come up with the perfect plan, he suddenly heard someone say, "Gun!"

His eyes snapped open, focusing on a student who had just pulled a semi-automatic shotgun from one of the lockers. "Isn't that a Benelli M4 Super 90? Should I take it?" he thought. It looks like the shotgun is unloaded."

Another student found a bag filled with shotgun shells in the same locker and tried to load it, but it was clear they didn't know how.

Anh thought to himself, "Maybe I should handle this. Who knows what those idiots will do with that shotgun? Worst case, they'll end up breaking the lock."

Before Anh could say anything, the Chemistry professor walked over, grabbed the shotgun from the students, and yanked it away from them. "This isn't something a child should be handling," he said. "I'll take care of it."

One of the students looked up and asked, "Do you know how to use a shotgun, sir?"

The Chemistry professor responded, "Why would I take the shotgun if I didn't know how to use it?"

Anh remained seated in the same spot, letting out a slight sigh as he thought to himself, "At least someone's handling that gun. Who knows what those idiots would've done with it. Besides, that thing's only going to cause problems—reloading takes too long, and the noise will just attract more zombies. I don't need that."

He then considered, "I've always thought I was the only one who could escape and survive this, but what if I worked with a group?"

Finally, an idea clicked. "After thinking it all through, the only way I survive is with a group that can fight, and we've got to make it to that bus in the parking lot."

He paused and thought, "This isn't the time to dwell on past fights or grudges. I need her help."

"She acts as a cute lady but she has a fierce lady Lion in her and her sword skills and martial arts are just next level. If she wants she can gather a group of skilled people. I just need to make my cousin trust my plan."

Anh glanced around the room, searching for anyone who might be useful, but found nothing. Everyone was shaking in fear, and even the professors, though trying to mask it, were visibly trembling. "These guys are useless. Do I really have to get to the third floor all by myself?"

He slowly made his way to the door, muttering to himself, "I hope there are no zombies outside this floor."

As Anh slowly opened the door, eerie groans from zombies started seeping into the safe room.

Panic erupted among the occupants. "Why are you opening the door? Close it!" they shouted. Anh ignored their pleas and stepped outside, but Slyde grabbed his arm and warned, "Don't get cocky just because you've killed a few zombies."

Anh shrugged off the remark and peered into the hallway. The classrooms opposite the safe room were empty, and the corridor lay silent, littered with a few dead bodies. He looked back and said, "The whole hallway is silent, but where's that sound coming from?"

Anh stepped outside and quickly pinpointed the source of the sound. "It's coming from the lower floors. There's an echo to these groans; they're probably coming from the ground floor."

He paused for a moment, then decided, "I need to change my plan."

He hurried back into the safe room, pulled the walkie-talkie from his pocket, and handed it to Slyde. "I've got a plan. If everything goes as expected, I'll call you on this walkie-talkie. Let's be clear: I don't like you, and you don't like me. Who knows why, but I might need your help now. Help me out, and I'll help you in return."

Anh looked directly at Slyde, waiting for a reaction. Slyde gave a slight nod, accompanied by an arrogant smile. Anh continued, "Keep the walkie-talkie with you." He then grabbed the nail gun and left the room.

On his way to the stairs, Anh called his cousin and hoped she'd pick up. "Pick up," he muttered. As he waited, he wondered, "I haven't encountered any zombies yet. Where did they all go?"

After three attempts, she finally answered. [Are you okay, Anh? Are you still alive?]

Anh stopped in his tracks, entered an empty room, and bolted the door. "Really, 'are you alive'? Are you making fun of me?"

[It's called concern, gas factory. You might hate me for messing up your school project, but I still think of you as my little brother.]

Anh's tone was a mix of slight embarrassment and frustration. "Shut up. I need help, and there's a chance we can get out of here. So help me."

[What is it?]

"Simple. We need a group to protect each other and get to the college bus parking lot."

[Do you think this plan will work?]

"I hate to say it, but if we work together, we can make it."

[Where are you?]

"I'm hiding in an empty room on the sixth floor."

[Hmm… I would have said no, but I need your help too. There's this guy coming upstairs. That idiot is risking his life just to see his sister—well, should I say, his love. He went to the fourth floor a few minutes ago. Help him get to the rooftop, and I'll help you.]

Anh thought for a moment. "What the fuck? Is this guy out of his mind? Heading upstairs is definitely not the right choice right now. It's even more dangerous starting from the third floor."

He responded, "If I come across this daredevil heading upstairs, I'll definitely help him. By the way, who is he?"

She chuckled. [Oh, you know him. Remember the guy from our first year who nearly killed Slyde and sent him to the hospital?]

Anh was stunned. "Fuck, really? I thought he was just a bully, using that incident to scare people and show off. He and I share the same class. Not even one student dared to approach him."

She snapped back with a belligerent tone. [Shut up. I've told you so many times, there's a difference between what you see and what's actually going on.]

"Okay, don't shout. If I come across him, I'll help him. I promise. Where are you?"

[You have to help him; otherwise, I won't help you. I'm in the girls' restroom near the stairs on the third floor. Just knock on the door three times, and I'll open it. Be safe.]

Anh felt a sense of relief hearing her say, 'Be safe.' "Okay, you too. Be… safe, Hina."

Hina ended the call with a chuckle.

Anh glanced around the room one last time and said, "Let's go."

Anh slowly opened the door and peeked out, scanning the hallway for any signs of zombies. The coast was clear. Without a second glance, he slipped out and made his way toward the stairs.

After a few minutes...

Anh stood by the staircase, pondering, "Is that guy really heading up the stairs? Whatever. If I run into him, I'll help him and..."

Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed through the building. "AHH…"

"What the fuck was that shout?" Anh muttered, immediately starting down the stairs. As he reached halfway to the fifth floor, he spotted a horde of zombies shambling toward the source of the scream. He quickly ducked behind the staircase railing, peeking out to assess the situation. That's when he saw him—a tall, athletic guy with black hair. Anh instantly recognized him. "That's Sam from class 2A... the same guy Hina told me to help."

Sam shouted, "Who the fuck is screaming right now?" Despite the overwhelming odds, Sam fought off the zombies with impressive skill, but the number of undead kept increasing.

"He's fighting well, even in close combat, but he looks exhausted," Anh thought, shocked by Sam's abilities.

Anh glanced at his nail gun, thinking, "If this were just an ordinary nail gun, it would only hold 20 nails, but I've modified it. With my knowledge and experiments, I increased the capacity to 75 nails and the fire rate was way better than normal Nail Guns. I took down 20 to 35 zombies when I was with Slyde and the group. I can't be sure, but there should be at least 30 nails left."

Anh stood up, his resolve hardening. "There are 20 to 25 zombies, and he's holding his own. We can take these zombies down."

He aimed and fired, nailing a zombie straight in the head. "Boss, aim for the head! I'll cover your back and support you!" he shouted, ready to join the fight.

After taking down the zombies, Sam and Anh headed toward the source of the earlier scream. They found a few girls huddled together, terrified of the chaos unfolding around them. With quick thinking and teamwork, Sam and Anh managed to save the three girls—Rena, Lara, and Ginny—and led them safely to the fifth-floor stairs.

Despite working together, both Sam and Anh had different objectives. Sam planned to get to the rooftop while ensuring the three girls reached the safe room on the sixth floor. Anh, on the other hand, was heading to the ground floor as part of his own plan.

Before they parted ways, Sam turned to Anh, "Anh, could you do me a favor, brother? There's this girl named Hina on the 3rd floor. She's hiding in the girls' washroom. There are zombies swarming that floor. Can you help her out?"

Anh raised an eyebrow, "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Nothing like that. She saved me. I just want her to be safe," Sam replied earnestly.

Anh nodded, "I'll see what I can do."

"Appreciate it, bro," Sam said, giving Anh a nod of gratitude. He then led the girls upstairs while Anh continued his descent.

As Anh made his way down the stairs, he thought to himself, "That dude is definitely useful for the plan. Helping him was the right choice. He fights those monsters face to face with just an iron pipe—takes a lot of guts to do that."

He smirked slightly, "Just as Hina said, he's a bit of an idiot. He took my word seriously and went to help Miss Rena and her friends. His thought process is on point, though. If it were me, I'd just keep shooting, hoping something would hit."

Anh glanced back up the stairwell, "I truly hope I see you again, Sam."

Anh moved quickly, his shooting skills allowing him to take down a few zombies that crossed his path. But for the most part, he relied on speed and agility, constantly on the run, dodging the undead as he made his way to the third floor. The women's restroom, where Hina had told him she was hiding, was just off the stairwell.

He knocked three times on the door, and it creaked open slightly. A hushed voice from inside whispered, "Come in."

Anh leaned closer, replying in the same low tone, "I can't enter with the door like this." He was a chubby guy, and the small opening they'd made wasn't enough for him to squeeze through. He sighed internally, thinking, "At least they're cautious, but with my size, there's no way I can fit through this tiny gap."

He could sense the fear from the other side of the door—those inside were clearly terrified of what might be lurking outside, too scared to open it any further. But Anh needed more space to get in. He glanced around to ensure no zombies were nearby, then leaned in again, trying to keep his voice calm and reassuring, "I need a little more room, just a bit wider. I promise it's just me out here."

They cautiously widened the door just a bit more, allowing Anh to maneuver himself through the narrow gap. He first slipped his right hand and leg inside, then carefully pushed the rest of his body through, all the while being mindful not to make any noise that might alert the zombies scattered across the third floor.

As he squeezed himself into the room, Anh thought, "I've learned something from all these encounters—these zombies seem to be drawn to sound." Finally, with a careful push, he managed to get fully inside the women's restroom, the door closing softly behind him.

Anh sat on the floor, panting heavily. "Huh…" he exhaled, trying to catch his breath. He looked around the room and noticed a man around his age, beaten to a pulp, lying in the corner. Turning to his left, he saw four women staring at him, one of whom was Hina. She had a humorous tone and a slight smile on her face as she said, "You really came all the way from the sixth to the third floor."

With a bright smile, she walked closer and added, "I'm happy you made it." She extended her hand to help him up, and Anh, still a bit winded, took it gratefully.

As he stood, he glanced at the beaten man and asked with a fearful expression, "Did you do that to him?"

Hina walked over to the guy and, with a cold smile, said, "Well, he thought that pointing a gun at me could make me kneel before him naked and suck his damn cock." She grabbed the man's hair and added, "So I just put him in his place."

Hina let go of the man's hair and asked, "Did you come across Sam?"

Anh nodded. "Just as you said, he's a big stupid. I helped him on the fifth floor. Don't worry, as far as I saw, the whole sixth floor is almost empty. If he keeps his voice and surroundings in check, he can reach the rooftop with no issues."

Hina softly muttered to herself while looking down, "A big stupid, coward, and a crybaby."

Anh interrupted her thoughts, eager for her response. "Well, what about your answer? Are you interested or not?" He looked at Hina intently, hoping she would agree to his plan.

She met his gaze, her expression suddenly turning cute and shy. "What are you talking about, Anh?"

"Hmm… What's with that expression? We talked about you helping me," Anh replied, his face showing surprise.

"What are you saying?" a harsh voice from a woman standing behind Hina interrupted. Anh glanced at the girl with average looks, black hair, and a cut on her face. she glared at him. "WHAT CAN THIS LIL BITCH DO?"

Anh's face showed his shock. "What the fuck is she saying? Even after seeing what Hina did to that guy? Yo, girl, you're playing with fire."

Hina turned to face the girl, and one of the other two girls chimed in, "You're still talking like that after what she did to Trident? Still, it's not good to talk like that, Ora."

ORA grabbed the short-haired girl who had spoken to her and yanked her head back, snarling, "You think I couldn't beat Trident? The only reason I didn't mess with him is because he's the fucking son of the college founder. And now you all think you're brave just because you've seen a little blood?" She punctuated her words with a punch to the girl's face.

Without hesitation, Hina walked up to ORA and kicked her right in the neck. ORA fell back, clutching her throat, gasping for air. Hina grabbed her by the hair and said coldly, "Everyone has their own reasons, just like you." Then, without mercy, she kicked ORA in the face, drawing blood from her nose. "You fucking bitch," she spat, delivering another brutal kick.

The other two girls, Lyra and Gwen—one taller than Hina with long hair, blue eyes, and fair skin, the other shorter with tan skin and short hair—quickly stepped in and pulled Hina back.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop," Hina said as they held her.

They let her go, but Hina immediately delivered one final kick to ORA's face, ending the assault.

Gwen, her voice laced with anger, said, "You said you'd stop!"

"I did!" Hina replied with a big smile, then turned to Anh and said, "I'll help you, but only after I see Sam."

Anh scolded Hina, "Don't be a baby. I don't know what's going on between you two, but if we wait for him, we might lose our only chance of surviving. It's just a hunch, but Sam and I ran into two weird zombies. One of them suddenly sprinted at us after the horde thinned out, like it was triggered. And then there was this bulky dude—every other zombie I've faced dropped after a single nail to the head, but this one took five straight to the forehead and kept going like it was nothing."

Hina interrupted him, "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying these zombies aren't just mindless. You might have kicked a few, dodged them, and hid here, but what can you do when they start running? What can you do when a horde chases you?"

Anh looked at Hina with a serious expression. She responded with a sarcastic smile.

"You've been playing too many zombie games. You're exaggerating. Are you seriously saying they can all learn to run and climb in just a few hours?"

"I'm not saying they can learn. I'm saying they haven't forgotten. I saw a zombie run. There was too much going on at the time to figure out why, but I think they can still do basic things." He slowly walked toward her.

Placing his right hand on Hina's shoulder, he continued, "I want to get out of this college before the situation gets even worse. Who knows what will happen when night falls?"

"If we clear our block, it'll help him too. He'll be worn out after fighting his way to the rooftop. If we clear the block, he can rest for a few hours."

Hina looked at him with a sharp glare and demanded, "What's the plan?"

"The first part of the plan is we need to get to the main control room on the ground floor. I'll explain the rest when we get there. One thing's for sure: we need to watch each other's backs and stay alert. Also, I need some nails. Without them, I'm pretty useless."

Lyra, her voice barely more than a whisper, said, "There are some repairs going on in the men's restroom. You might find nails there. It's right across from this room."

Anh's eyes flicked to Lyra with a hint of skepticism. "Are you sure about that?"

Lyra nodded, her gaze steady. "Yeah, I'm the class representative for 2A. I personally handled the complaint the boys submitted."

Anh muttered to himself, "If she's a class rep, she's probably right. There might be something useful in the men's restroom."

"Wait here; I'll go check," Hina said, stopping Anh with a firm grip on his shoulder.

Anh looked at her, breathing heavily. "You've been panting a lot. Take a rest. I'll fetch what you need," Hina added, glancing at Trident, who lay on the floor, battered and unconscious. "Give me the gun."

She strode over to Trident, yanked the pistol from his grasp, and handed it to Anh. "I don't know how to use this, but you're the expert. The gun's empty, but I'll get the extra clips from his bag. Just hold on."

A few minutes later, Hina returned with a confident stride. She carried four pistol magazines and a box brimming with nails, most of which fit the nail gun's magazine.

Anh swiftly set to work, preparing his nail gun and examining the pistol for damage. He cleaned off the grime, loaded the magazine, and checked the gun's chamber.

"It's a 9mm with a 15-round magazine," Anh mused, raising an eyebrow. "Why does he have this? A 15-round mag is banned for the public."

"Who knows," Hina said, her gaze steady as she looked at Anh. "Can we get started on the plan now?"

Lyra and Gwen exchanged half-smiles, the tension in the room palpable as they awaited Anh's response.

Anh steadied himself, taking a deep breath. "For starters, I have a rough idea of what's happening outside. I think you've noticed too—these things react to sound."

Lyra, standing slightly behind Hina, spoke in a low tone. "We didn't do anything; it all happened so fast. If it weren't for Hina, I'd be dead by now. How can you be so sure they react to sound?"

Anh nodded, his gaze sharp. "It's easier to show than to explain. Give me a moment." He turned to Hina. "I heard that in your normal classes, there's a guy who makes a lot of noise. I heard he once set up a high-powered speaker on this floor and had a party."

Gwen pointed at Trident, now beaten and bruised. "He's the troublemaker."

"I need that speaker," Anh said, his voice firm. "Where is it?"

Hina replied, "It's probably on the first floor. We should ask him."

"Do you know where that room is? Are you sure the speaker is there?" Anh pressed.

Hina turned to Trident, who lay groaning. "Trident, where are the Speakers?"

Trident, barely able to move, rasped out, "You know where it is. I took you there so many times. The keys in my bag."

Hina's face filled with irritation. "We'll have to go back to the classroom, but when I went to get the magazines, a swarm of zombies got inside."

Anh stood in the middle of the room, his voice firm and commanding. "Before we head out, a few things need to be clear. First, stick close together and keep your eyes open. Second, no panicking or shouting. Third, if you're unable to move or are too scared to face what's outside, stay here."

He paused, scanning the faces around him. The room was silent, a tense expectancy hanging in the air.

"I'll take your silence as agreement. Hina, you're bleeding from your left leg. Are you sure you don't need to rest?" He glanced at her, concern etched in his face.

"No need," Hina replied resolutely, gripping an iron pipe tightly.

Anh moved to the restroom door. "Alright then. Let's go!" He flung open the door, and one by one, they slipped into the hallway, their footsteps muted against the backdrop of distant groans.

"Anyone, unlock your phone and hand it over. Don't ask questions—this is crucial."

Ora reluctantly handed her phone to Anh. He quickly switched it to normal mode, cranked up the alarm volume, and opened the Clock app. He set the alarm to ring 40 times, spaced out in 1-minute intervals. With a decisive motion, he tossed the phone down the second right hallway of the corridor.

Ora's eyes widened in shock. She opened her mouth to protest, but Hina swiftly covered it.

The group waited in tense silence. Exactly 5 minutes later, the blaring alarm shattered the quiet, sending a shrill warning through the hallways.

Anh said, "You're a pushover fan, huh?" Ora didn't respond. Anh continued, "Hide in the men's washroom."

Everyone moved into the men's washroom. Hina, Anh, Trident, and Ora peered through the door gap while Lyra and Gwen stood behind them.

The four of them watched as the zombies slowly gathered towards the sound of the alarm.

Anh said, peeking through the gap, "I set the alarm 40 times with a 1-minute interval."

"The alarm will go off nearly every minute, giving us a maximum of one hour to get in and out. You might think an hour is plenty, but there's a 15-second gap between each alarm. Those 15 seconds of silence could mean our deaths. So we need someone fast, capable of carrying a lot, and sneaky."

Hina asked, "What do we need now besides those keys?"

"Since the zombies are drawn to any sound, we can use the phones of the deceased to lure them, and we need food supplies. I'm not great at quick jobs."

Anh looked at Hina. "Sorry, but I need you to go again and take Trident with you."

Trident stopped peering and retreated into the restroom. "No way, I might die."

"Well, if you don't go, I'll throw you to those zombies myself. They'll be happy to eat you," Hina glared at him.

"Why me? I can't be of any help. I don't know how to fight."

"No one's asking you to fight, boss. I just need you to carry as much as you can and stay alert. My cousin will keep you alive. Nobody can save themselves and gather supplies alone." Anh walked over to Trident and placed his right hand on his left shoulder. He smiled and closed his eyes. "You can do it, boss." Leaning closer, he whispered in Trident's ear, "Watch your surroundings and think carefully. Your father won't be here to save you this time."

Trident glanced at Hina. Her cold stare made it clear: if he refused, no one in this room could protect him from her.

With a deep breath and sweat dripping down his face, Trident took two steps forward, his eyes welling up with fear. "Let's go."

Anh turned to Hina and said, "Come back safely, pig."

Hina nodded and left the room with Trident.

After they left, Anh sank to the floor with a long sigh. "The first stage of the plan has begun."

"How many stages are there?" Lyra asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Maybe three, but I'm not entirely sure."

"Do you think it will work?"

"I don't know, but we have to try. It's better than doing nothing and waiting to die."

"Yeah," Lyra said, pausing before adding, "We received a message in our block's WhatsApp group saying there are survivors in the safe room. Do you think it's true?"

"I believe so. I came from there myself, and Slyde is looking after them."

"Professor Slyde is in that room too. I really want to go there, but I'm scared." Lyra's eyes widened with a mix of joy and admiration. "He's the best professor in our college."

Anh looked at her intently and said, "You seem like a decent person, so take my advice: stay away from him, especially in times like this."

ORA and Gwen, who had been silently listening, suddenly raised their voices. "What are you talking about? He's the only professor we can trust in this entire university!"

Anh stifled a laugh, covering his mouth. The three of them stared at him, a mix of confusion and anger on their faces.

Finally, Anh stopped laughing and, with a sarcastic grin, said, "He really is a master manipulator, isn't he? Even getting a bully to say he's the best professor."

He turned to ORA. "Let me guess what he told you, ORA. Something like, 'Whatever you did, it wasn't wrong. They just don't understand you.' Am I right?"

ORA's eyes widened in surprise.

Anh smirked. "Judging by that look, I nailed it."

He then shifted his gaze to Gwen, the girl with short hair. "And you, Gwen. You're probably the kindest girl in your class, aren't you? You even stopped Hina from beating a bully. He likely said something along the lines of, 'If you have any worries, you can always talk to me.'"

Gwen's face turned pale. "How did you know?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Anh smiled knowingly and continued, "And then we have Lyra, our Class Representative. You're even easier to manipulate than those two. As the one in charge, you handle a lot, but no one really gives you the recognition you deserve, right? I bet he said something like, 'Great work, you're the best. Without your help, we'd never get it done in time.'"

He paused, letting the words sink in before adding, "But the truth is, you're the one doing all the work of his and your's, all the time."

He leaned in slightly, his voice softening but still cutting through the air. "He gave you the recognition you craved, but at the same time, he made you his slave. Am I wrong?"

Lyra looked away, unable to meet Anh's gaze, and said nothing.

Both Ora and Gwen exchanged puzzled looks before turning back to Anh. "How did you know the exact lines he said to us?" they asked in unison.

"Simple," Anh replied with a shrug, "I just studied him."

"What do you mean?" Ora pressed.

Anh paused, considering how to explain. Then he looked directly at Gwen. "Why do you think Slyde can talk to you so freely but not to me, even though you both didn't know each other?"

Ora chimed in, "Because she didn't know you."

"That's one way to look at it, but your answer is incomplete," Anh said. "Gwen didn't know him at first either, yet she gave him the space to talk to her. Why?"

Lyra, still facing away from Anh, finally responded to his question. "Because he's a professor, and they both share a student-teacher bond."

"Wow, correct. So, you're still listening." Anh remarked, trying to draw her back into the conversation. She remained silent, her back still turned. "No reply again?"

Gwen, still puzzled, continued, "But how is a student-teacher bond connected to Slyde's compliments, suggestions, and reassurances being just manipulation?"

"Wait, I'm getting there," Anh said, holding up a hand. "Think about it. Most girls wouldn't let a playboy or a bad guy get too close to them, right?" The three of them nodded in agreement. "But a teacher? A lecturer? They can cross that line easily and reel you in with the right words."

The three girls glared at Anh. "Stop glaring at me," he said, raising his both hands in mock surrender. "I'm not saying Slyde is some kind of creep trying to lure women to bed. Well, maybe he is! But what I'm saying is, 'He's using you guys.'"

The three of them stared at Anh with puzzled expressions. "Oh, you didn't get it, did you?" Anh sighed, leaning back. "Alright, let's try this. How many of you asked other students to vote for Slyde as our Lecturer of the Year in our first year?"

Ora spoke up, "But why does the vote matter now? It was just a normal vote. He won because people like him."

Anh shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "It's not just a normal vote. You might not care about university politics, but our school is in the top 10 across 45 countries. Winning that award isn't just about popularity—it's a big deal. You said students like him, but do you really think he's better than Miss Yuri?"

A brief silence fell over the group as Anh's words sank in.

"And do you know for sure he isn't manipulating other students too?" Anh continued, his tone serious. "Let's say my class rep started a campaign to vote for him, and 20 to 40 people did it just because she asked. Now, think about how many class reps we have in our block, and how many ORAs and Gwens asked others to vote for him."

Both Gwen and Ora exchanged surprised glances, the realization slowly dawning on them.

"Do you still think he's liked by all the students?" Anh asked, his tone pressing.

Lyra, still looking away, muttered, "But they're just votes. It's not like he did anything bad."

Anh's eyes narrowed. "Nothing bad? Have you all forgotten about the incident in our first year? Slyde mistook someone else's parents and hurled racial slurs. He even had the nerve to say to your classmate's mother, 'You don't deserve to be called a mom if you can't raise your son well,' and 'You shouldn't have given birth to him.' And you all just forgot about that?"

Lyra, who had been avoiding his gaze, turned around sharply, locking eyes with Anh. "It was a misunderstanding. He apologized to them later."

"'Later'? You mean after that mom and your classmate filed a complaint, or after your classmate beat the hell out of Slyde?"

Lyra's face tightened as Anh continued. "It wasn't just our block—half the university was against your classmate for beating Slyde, even though they had no clue what really happened. If it wasn't for that mysterious video of Slyde mocking that mom during the parents' meet, which somehow got sent all over the university, your classmate would've ended up in prison."

"But Sam is also a troublemaker. How could he beat a professor?"

Anh's expression darkened. "How can a professor say whatever he wants to someone's mom and not even apologize? And then the whole university sides with him, saying, 'He didn't do anything wrong; Sam and his mom are just trying to frame him.' You've forgotten all of that?"

Lyra stammered, her confusion and anger evident. "That…," she trailed off, lost for words.

"What?" Anh's voice sharpened. "You're just some cheap woman who falls for a few compliments and trusts a man with cheap words?"

Before he could finish, Lyra's hand flew across his face, the slap echoing in the room.

Anh looked at her, stunned. Tears streamed down Lyra's face, her expression heartbroken as she grabbed his collar. "I'm cheap? Who are you to say that to me?"

Anh, realizing he'd crossed a line, tried to backtrack. "I didn't mean it. I was just out of words and called you cheap—yeah, I mean, an easy woman."

Another slap landed on his left cheek, harder this time. Anh winced, holding his cheek. "Oye, that hurts."

Lyra burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. Gwen quickly moved closer, wrapping her arms around her friend, trying to console her.

Anh stood silently, watching the scene unfold. His thoughts raced. "I don't know what to say in this situation, but what I said is a hundred percent true. Half of the university took Slyde's side, praising him while mocking Sam and his mom for filing that complaint. Some even went as far as sending death threats to their social media accounts.

Sam lost his cool after everything the students did—mocking his mother, ridiculing them both. He couldn't take it anymore. That's when he snapped, stormed into the classroom, and dragged Slyde out. He beat him all the way to the main ground. It took the entire volleyball team to pull Sam off him.

And then, after all that, Slyde had the nerve to try and file a complaint against Sam for beating him. If it hadn't been for that mysterious person who sent the video footage of the parent meeting—showing exactly what Slyde said to Sam's mom—who knows what might have happened to them?"

He glanced at Lyra, her tears still flowing, and felt a pang of guilt. "Maybe I shouldn't have said it like that…"

ORA glared at Anh, her anger evident. "You started it, say something. How can you call a girl cheap and easy?"

Anh shrugged, his expression nonchalant. "Well, I'm better than you. At least I'm not picking on someone just because I'm stronger." He flashed her a smug smile, clearly provoking her.

"You fatty!" she yelled, lunging at him with a clenched fist. Anh swiftly dodged her punch, his movements quick and practiced. "I may look like this, but I used to practice martial arts with Hina. I'm not that easy to catch."

ORA gritted her teeth, frustration bubbling over. "Wait, let me beat you at least once!"

Anh smirked, continuing to evade her swings with ease. "You really think I'll just stand still because you asked?"

The two went at it for a few minutes, ORA swinging wildly while Anh skillfully dodged her attacks, staying just out of reach. Despite the tension, there was an almost playful energy in their exchange, as if the argument had turned into a strange game.

After a few minutes, Lyra's tears finally stopped, and Anh, still holding ORA's hands to keep her from throwing another punch, spoke up. "I know what to say to her—no, to all three of you."

He let go of ORA and smiled. "We can spar again later. Your punches are getting sharper; let's practice again sometime. But for now, girls, please sit down side by side. I want to say something."

The three girls sat together as requested, their curiosity piqued. Anh took a deep breath and began, "First off, I'm not trying to undermine the respect you have for Slyde. On the surface, he seems like the best professor—caring, knowledgeable, and dedicated to his students. But people like me, who've studied him and seen the harm he can cause, know that he's not what he appears to be. Whether you respect him or not, he's not someone you can trust, especially not in a situation like this. That's what I've been trying to get across."

The three girls exchanged glances before turning back to Anh, and in unison, they said, "We'll think about it."

Anh raised an eyebrow, slightly frustrated. "They still believe Slyde is innocent?" he wondered but decided to let it go. "Alright, fair enough. And sorry for calling you all those things earlier. I didn't really mean it."

The tension in the room lightened as all four of them exchanged small smiles. Just then, the door swung open, and Hina and Trident walked in, breaking the moment.

Hina entered the room, her clothes drenched in sweat and zombie blood. She looked at the group of four, who were still recovering from their recent interaction, and glared at them with a mix of anger and frustration. "Do you guys think this is a picnic? Why are you laughing, jumping, and shouting? Are you idiots? Do you have any idea how many zombies gathered outside? five zombies. because of the noise you four made."

She stormed over, gripping a metal pipe that was still dripping with blood. Her face was a mask of fury. "We could have both become zombies because of your carelessness."

Anh, visibly shaken, bowed his head and spoke with genuine remorse. "I didn't mean to make noise. I forgot we're not in the safe room and got carried away. I'm sorry."

The three girls followed suit, apologizing and bowing their heads in unison. "We're sorry," they said, their voices tinged with guilt.

ORA added, "We forgot where we were while getting caught up in our pitiful conversation."

Hina's anger was palpable, but she struggled to control it. She took a deep breath, trying to rein in her frustration.

Trident asked, "What do we do with these phones?"

Anh replied, "You did well by putting them in the bag. First, sort through the phones to separate the unlocked ones. For the rest, switch them to silent mode and pack them back in the bag. Carry it with you."

"Got it," Trident said. He looked at Gwen. "Can you help with this?"

Gwen nodded, moving to assist Trident.

Hina, who had walked over to join them, sat beside Trident and Gwen.

Anh addressed Gwen, "Gwen, are you okay with helping out?"

She nodded in agreement and continued assisting.

Anh then spoke to ORA, "Your punches pack quite a punch. How about trying one of these pipes?"

ORA picked up a pipe slightly longer than her arm. She took a swing at Anh, who quickly called out, "Stop. I didn't say to swing it at me. Swing it to the side."

ORA adjusted and swung the pipe to the side, impressing both Hina and Anh. "What do you think?"

Anh observed her with a thoughtful expression. "After dealing with zombies and seeing how Sam fights, I realize I need a strategy for facing them head-on. Do you think you can handle them face to face?"

"Alright, I can try, but why are you asking me?" ORA asked.

Anh replied, "Your punches are strong, and I need someone who can handle a direct fight with zombies. I'll guard your back and make sure they don't get to you. It's a team effort—help me, and I'll help you."

"I'm not sure. I'm not ready to fight those things."

"We can wait as long as you need, but we won't survive without each other's help."

"Give me 30 minutes to prepare myself."

"Okay," Anh said with a reassuring smile. "Take your time."

While ORA was getting ready, Anh approached Lyra. "If you're okay with it, ORA and I will guard you. What do you say, CR?"

"Thank you. I'm in your care," Lyra responded.

"Great," Anh said. "Everything's set to continue the plan. We just need to finalize how many phones are usable and wait for ORA to finish preparing. In a few minutes, we'll resume."

A little later, Gwen reported, "Anh, we have a total of 30 phones, and 6 of them are unlocked."

"Perfect. Put the remaining phones in silent mode and pack them in the bag. If you can't silence them, just throw them away."

Anh turned to Trident. "Can you carry the phones? Hina and I will each take two, and you handle the rest. When we encounter a group of zombies, set off the alarms on the phones 20 to 30 times and then throw them."

Trident and Hina nodded in agreement.

"What is the situation outside Hina?"

Hina replied, "We need to be cautious and move quickly. I've cleared a path to the second floor, but the longer we wait, the more zombies could gather. For now, they're distracted by the dead bodies and the alarm sounds, but that won't last forever."

ORA, still hesitating, asked, "Do we really have a chance to get out of the college and find my sister?"

Anh gave her a reassuring smile. "I don't know for sure, but it's better to try than to give up."

Hina added, "I've tried calling the police and fire department at least ten times, but no one's responded. If we students can fight these zombies, trained officers should be able to handle it too. But why haven't they come? Is there something different about our situation compared to what's happening outside?"

Anh nodded, "There's definitely something off. I've seen different types of zombies, like the running and buff ones, which don't fit the usual patterns. We need to stay alert and be prepared for anything."

Everyone in the room took Anh's words seriously, their faces reflecting the gravity of their situation.

After 10 minutes, Ria stood up and declared, "Let's go. It's better to try than die. I want to see my sister."

Hina, with a smirk, responded, "Why don't we both lead the pack?"

"OK, and also, call me 'Ria' from now on. That's my real name."

"Let's go, Ria." Hina opened the door, and Ria followed her. The rest of the group trailed behind as they moved out of the room.

"Hi everyone, this is NPC. What did you think of the first chapter of “Undead”?

First Thanks for reading chapter 3

I want to talk 3 thinsg in this afterword

1. Chapter length, if you read my chapter you probably know my chapter length and wrtiing format is different to so many webnovel writer

after some guys who remarks that my chapter lenth needs to trimmed and popular webnovel I found that most of those chapter comes with 3000 to 5000 words in chapter

So I will try to follow there remarks and from now on every chapter will be around 2500 to 6000 words So you read it in on go.

2. Bonus story, it includes both Anh and Hina side of story, WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT

3. Zombie girlfriend, She is my first step to dive into zombie lore, If i talk more about her i need to spoil you what you think comment down

Yeah I really want to explore more into this story and write

I'm itching to write more

Also please subscribe to a tier on my patreon link avaliable in my about

Once again thanks for reading my story


Npcof200creators' thoughts