
Chapter 6: Undead Sneezes (2)

Acknowledging her declaration, The Ethereal Inquisitor's staff began to pulsate emitting a resonant hum and moments later it conjured an array of yellow spheres each about the size of a bowling ball which hovered ominously before it. Shadow watched the spectacle murmuring to himself and despite their dire situation he exuded a calm demeanor, his mind working through possible strategies.

Facing the impending onslaught Lily asserted, 'It's now or never.'

Nonplussed Shadow replied, 'Relax woman.'

Sensing an opportunity to lighten the mood Lily grinned and said, 'If we emerge victorious you can peek under my skirt.'

Shadow tactfully ignored her remark instead invoking aloud, 'Moon Flower.'

In response a diminutive lotus palm-sized materialized before them and a continuous rain of white particles fell from its petals, and it quivered as if alive.

Perplexed Lily thought he was jesting, this frail blossom seemed utterly useless under the present circumstances however before she could voice her objections she heard The Ethereal Inquisitor chuckle, 'Intriguing. You're not entirely human. Let's raise the stakes.'

Suddenly the battlefield shifted once more replacing the grim labyrinth with a boundless verdant meadow beneath a sunless blue sky. Far off in the distance The Ethereal Inquisitor perched on an oak branch observing them with amusement and grinning wickedly he transformed their surroundings. Lily's nose twitched assaulted by a cloyingly sweet scent, and she coughed a searing sensation flaring in her throat.

Unfazed Shadow again uttered, 'Moon Flower.' And plucked a leaf from the tiny blossom instructing Lily, 'Swallow this.'

Without questioning his directive, she complied and instantly her breath returned the burning sensation subsided and her throat felt moisturized.

Amazed, she looked at the little flower regret washing over her for initially dismissing it.

'What just happened?' She asked her voice laced with confusion.

'That one.' Shadow clarified pointing towards a peculiar flower in front of them.

It resembled a lily, but its dark blue petals were speckled with purple and yellow spots and a cold shiver ran down Lily's spine; as her namesake lilies were her favorite flowers yet this one seemed to be a grotesque distortion of the real thing.

The Ethereal Inquisitor let out an amused chuckle his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight.

'Impressive. It's indeed remarkable that a being of your caliber would even bother aligning himself with a feeble human like her.'

His mocking laughter echoed through the open field igniting a surge of anger within Lily, but she swallowed her resentment resisting the urge to retort. Her previous mishaps with the access token had taught her a valuable lesson and moreover she was wary that her provocation might prompt The Ethereal Inquisitor to ratchet up the difficulty level potentially overwhelming Shadow.

Shadow, however, merely flashed a confident smile.

'A flower created by corrupt druids. How pathetic. Your species doesn't deserve to exist. You're not the genuine Ethereal Inquisitor.' He declared boldly.

This time the Inquisitor's laughter held an undertone of sinister glee, and he pointed his staff towards the lily which suddenly swelled in size vibrating as if it had a life of its own and without warning elongated blue tendrils shot out from the flower their ends mutating into what appeared to be hands.

Shocked by the monstrous spectacle Lily cried out, 'What the fuck!' Instinctively she retreated behind Shadow for protection.

Unperturbed by the unfolding chaos Shadow extended his right hand and invoked, 'Snow Field.' Almost instantly the lotus quivered shedding minute particles which transmuted into tiny lotuses and shot towards the blue tendrils.

Upon contact the tendrils solidified into a frosty white and a sudden chill enveloped the area so intense that Lily could see her breath misting in the cold air and she cautiously peeked from behind Shadow her curiosity piqued. In a blink of an eye the grotesque lily turned into a sculpture of ice which promptly shattered into fine snow that blanketed the grassy field.

Feeling a sense of victory Lily enveloped Shadow in a hug from behind lauding, 'Well done Shadow.'

Her triumph was short-lived though as he collapsed gasping for air and panic rose within her and glanced at The Ethereal Inquisitor hoping their ordeal was over however his next statement extinguished her hopes.

'Now for the final challenge.' He rose from his perch on the oak tree levitating towards them menacingly.

Weakly Shadow murmured, 'If I use my next move, it could kill me.'

Determined Lily nodded declaring, 'I'll take over.' Even though she had no idea what she had gotten herself into she stepped in front of him as the magical lotus dissipated.

The Ethereal Inquisitor sneered at her attempt to stand up to him belittling her with a scornful chuckle, 'You? You're a joke to begin with.'

In her desperation Lily recalled her accidental summoning of the skeleton army while trying to heal herself.

She considered whether she could replicate the same process to call forth her bony warriors once again and without further hesitation she knelt beside Shadow and placed her hand on him invoking the command, 'Cleanse.'

Shadow looked puzzled unsure why Lily would attempt to cleanse him when he was not poisoned but before he could voice his confusion there was a pop and a figure materialized in front of them. It was a skeletal knight clad in black armor its skull-like face accentuated by glowing red eyes and a blue cloak billowed from its shoulders, and a red scarf was tied around its neck, the bold colors contrasting sharply against its dark attire and the knight gripped a large sword with a red blade in its bony fingers.

It glanced around in confusion before its gaze fell on Lily and blinked a few times before asking, 'Who the fuck are you?'

Clearing her throat Lily responded with a hint of pride, 'I am your master.'

Unimpressed the knight retorted, 'You're not my master so who the fuck are you?' It was clear it was growing irritated.

From afar The Ethereal Inquisitor let out a mocking chuckle. 'You can't even control it.'

Lily had no time for arguments or explanations but before she could utter a word the knight said, 'Goodbye.' And disappeared with a puff.

Stunned Lily could only listen to the wind whistling through the silent battlefield and annoyed and desperate she used 'cleanse' once again and this time another skeletal knight even taller than the previous one appeared. It was dressed in black armor and a matching cloak, its attire oddly complemented by a light pink scarf around its neck, and it wore a helmet with red glowing eyes and held a massive broadsword in its skeletal hand.

The newly summoned knight turned around catching sight of Lily.

Scratching its bony cheek in thought it remained silent for a moment before announcing, 'Heh. Now I can finally make children.'

Its behavior suddenly shifted becoming overtly lecherous as its fingers twitched in anticipation.

Lily felt a wave of goosebumps spread across her skin, yet she remembered the daunting army of skeletons and decided to make a quick deal, 'If you help me you can look between my legs.'

The skeletal knight pondered her proposition for a moment before replying, 'I can't see anything when you're wearing pants. Do you think I'm an idiot?' It appeared to be scolding her highlighting the ludicrous nature of her offer.

Frustration bubbling within her Lily was nonetheless aware that time was of the essence and therefore she conceded promising the knight that she would remove her pants once the battle was over granting him the view he sought. With a nod of acceptance, the knight readied his sword and charged toward The Ethereal Inquisitor without hesitation. As the knight's sword clashed with the Inquisitor's staff sparks flew and a colorful wave of energy was released striking both Lily and Shadow and sending them sprawling. Recovering quickly, they looked on to find the knight and Inquisitor engaged in intense combat neither yielding to the other.

'Tch. You're pretty stubborn.' The knight grumbled leaping back to gain distance.

He raised his sword towards the sky and shouted, 'Nether Pulse.' Instantly a massive swirling fireball erupted above him, and the surrounding air grew stiflingly hot, grass blades whirled in the wind and Lily's nose prickled uncomfortably. Pointing his sword at The Ethereal Inquisitor the knight sent the flaming orb hurtling towards him and in response The Ethereal Inquisitor gave a cunning smile and lifted his staff to defend. Simultaneously Lily sneezed loudly, and an invisible wave of force burst forth from her and the wave merged with the fireball amplifying its intensity. Upon contact with the Inquisitor's staff the flame exploded into a shower of sparkling embers and The Ethereal Inquisitor vanished from sight. Following a loud snapping sound their surroundings abruptly shifted replacing the grassy battlefield with the familiar white temple where they'd first met the librarian.

In front of them black smoke coalesced into a figure and within moments the librarian stood before them but this time his hood was off revealing a strikingly beautiful face bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. His pale skin, mid-length white hair and heterochromatic eyes exuded a mysterious yet majestic aura. The power he radiated seemed to dwarf even Shadow's stirring Lily's curiosity about his true identity.

'Who are you?' She asked her curiosity piqued.

The man offered a smile before replying, 'Here I am known as the librarian, but you can call me White.'

Without missing a beat Lily introduced herself as well eager to learn more about the intriguing man. 'I'm Lily.'

White's face turned grave as he stated, 'I come with a warning.'

Having already been pulled into a human body within an unknown game world Lily felt that she had already faced the worst possible scenario and shrugged and said, 'Go ahead.'

White's words left Lily unfazed.

'You are connected to a prophecy that you will destroy the balance of the world.' He declared.

Instead of recoiling or denying his claim Lily merely blinked processing his statement before responding.

'Thank you for your warning.' She replied coolly.

She then proceeded to recount the prophecy she had discovered on the wall and her intentions to avert it.

Amused, White chuckled at her response.

''Be careful not to cause too much trouble.' He advised before turning away to leave but Lily wasn't ready to let him go just yet.

'Wait.' She called out causing White to halt and turn back towards her.

She had learned only his name and she was eager to know more.

In response White flashed a friendly smile.

'If you're lucky we'll probably see each other again.' He told her cryptically.

Then with a final nod he continued on his path and moments later he disappeared into a shadow leaving Lily and Shadow alone once more in the silent expanse of the white temple.