
Undead Love In Deadlands

Korea is transformed to a Deadlands after a project went south. The aftermath turns people into monsterous zombies. Meet Kyung Jisoo and his team as we follow their adventures in the Deadlands as they seek to find a solution.

zainzel · Horror
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11 Chs

Chapter 5. infection

Terror had already begun its insidious crawl when the nurse, a woman once seen as a pillar of calm in the face of medical crises, succumbed to the horror. A swift, silent lunge, a flash of teeth, and she too was a part of the growing nightmare.

The boys, their courage faltering in the face of such rapid contagion, found themselves overwhelmed. Their attempts to restrain the nurse were futile against the monstrous force that had consumed her. With each thrashing movement, she inched closer to freedom, her inhuman strength a stark contrast to the woman they once knew.

Seung Min, the class president, his composure finally shattered, realized the gravity of the situation. This was no longer a contained crisis; it was a plague, a horror show unfolding in the heart of their school. With a surge of adrenaline, he broke free from the chaos, his mind racing with a single, desperate thought: escape.

The infirmary doors slammed shut behind him, echoing through the silent corridor. The once familiar halls now seemed alien, a labyrinth of shadows and impending doom. The low hum of fluorescent lights, usually a comforting constant, was now a sinister backdrop to the nightmare unfolding.

Seung Min's heart pounded in his ears as he sprinted down the corridor, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The echoes of his footsteps seemed to amplify the silence, a haunting counterpoint to the growing chaos behind him. He could hear muffled screams, the desperate cries of those caught in the escalating terror.

With each passing moment, the realization of his isolation sank deeper. He was alone, a lone survivor in a world turned upside down. The school, a place of learning and growth, had become a breeding ground for horror. And he was its unwitting witness.

As he raced through the corridors, he saw glimpses of the infected, their forms distorted, their eyes burning with an unnatural intensity. They moved with unnatural speed and agility, their bodies contorted into grotesque shapes. The once familiar faces of teachers and classmates were now masks of horror, their humanity consumed by an insatiable hunger.

Seung Min knew he had to warn others. He had to escape and find help. But with every corner he turned, the sense of impending doom grew stronger. The school, once a safe haven, was now a death trap. And he was trapped inside.

Seung Min burst through the classroom door, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The sight that greeted him was a far cry from the sanctuary he'd imagined. The room was occupied by a motley crew of students, their faces etched with fear. Ah-rim, with her usual nonchalance, was perched on a desk, while the imposing figure of Hwang Jin stood near the back of the room.

Before he could process the situation, a desperate rapping sounded against the classroom window. Kyung Jisoo's face, contorted with fear, was pressed against the glass. A wave of panic washed over Seung Min as he realized the danger. Without hesitation, he swung open the door, pulling Kyung Jisoo inside just as the first infected hand reached for the door.

Slamming the door shut, Seung Min locked it into place. The weight of the situation hit him with full force. They were trapped, a small group of survivors in a world gone mad.

Kyung Jisoo stumbled into the classroom, his breath ragged from the ordeal. His eyes scanned the room, searching for a familiar face. When they landed on Seung Min, he blurted out, "Where's Suji?"

A wave of silence washed over the room as everyone turned to look at him. One of the students, a girl with short, cropped hair, spoke up, "She went out looking for you, Jisoo."

A sharp pain shot through Kyung Jisoo's chest. He had to find her. Without a second thought, he turned to Seung Min. "I have to find her."

Seung Min's face paled. "You can't go out there, Jisoo. It's too dangerous. The infected are everywhere, even in the infirmary hallways."

Kyung Jisoo's determination was unwavering. He knew the risks, but he couldn't just sit idly by while Suji was out there. Ignoring Seung Min's protests, he moved towards the back of the classroom and spotted a window. With a swift movement, he hoisted himself up and squeezed through the opening.

The ledge was narrow and slippery, but Kyung Jisoo was focused on his goal. He carefully made his way along the exterior of the building, his heart pounding in his chest. The fresh air was a stark contrast to the stale air of the classroom, but it did little to calm his nerves. The world below was a terrifying spectacle, the infected swarming like a plague of locusts.

He knew he had to be quick. Every second counted.

Kyung Jisoo finally reached the top floor, his breath ragged from the exertion. He pushed open a classroom window, seeking refuge from the relentless wind. The room was empty, save for a few overturned desks .

He didn't have time to rest. His mind was consumed by the image of Suji, somewhere out there, vulnerable and alone. With renewed determination, he stepped back out into the hallway. The sight that greeted him was a chilling reality. Infected roamed the corridor, their movements jerky and unpredictable.

His eyes scanned the room for a weapon. Spotting a fire axe hanging on a wall, he grabbed it with a firm grip. The weight of the tool felt reassuring in his hands. It was time to fight back.

With each swing, he cleaved through the infected, their bodies crumbling under the force of the axe. The sound of his blows echoed through the empty corridor, a stark contrast to the eerie silence that had preceded it. Adrenaline surged through his veins, numbing the pain in his arms. He moved with a deadly efficiency, his mind focused solely on survival.

The corridor was slowly clearing, but the infected seemed endless. With each fallen enemy, a new one took its place. Kyung Jisoo knew he couldn't afford to stop. Not until he found Suji.

Kyung Jisoo moved from classroom to classroom, his heart pounding in his chest. The once familiar spaces were now eerie and desolate, filled with the haunting echoes of his footsteps. His search was relentless, driven by a primal instinct to protect.

Finally, in a classroom bathed in the dim afternoon light, he saw her. Bae Suji lay on the floor, her back against the wall, her breathing shallow. A wave of relief washed over him, quickly replaced by a surge of anger when he spotted a figure at the window. It was a monstrous creature, its back turned to him.

Without hesitation, Kyung Jisoo hurled the fire axe with all his might. The weapon found its mark, the axe embedding itself deep into the creature's back. With a sickening thud, the monstrous figure crashed to the ground.

Kyung Jisoo rushed to Suji's side, his heart pounding in his ears. He knelt beside her, his hands trembling as he examined her injuries. His relief turned to horror when he saw the bite wound on her leg.

Time seemed to slow down as he assessed the situation. He knew he had to act fast.

Suji's eyes, once filled with love and fear, now held a chilling emptiness. She reached out for Kyung Jisoo, her voice a mere whisper, "Thank you, for everything." Tears streamed down her face, a stark contrast to the unnatural pallor spreading across her skin.

With a strength that belied her frail appearance, she pushed Kyung Jisoo away, her voice rising to a desperate plea, "Leave me, please. I don't want to hurt you." But Kyung Jisoo was rooted to the spot, his love for her a stubborn anchor.

A transformation began to overtake Suji. Her skin turned an ashen hue, and a strange, pulsating growth erupted from her head, resembling a grotesque mushroom. Her eyes, once filled with life, now held a vacant, predatory glint.

The once gentle Suji was gone, replaced by a monstrous creature. With a feral growl, she lunged at Kyung Jisoo, her movements swift and deadly. Kyung Jisoo narrowly dodged Suji's first lunge, his heart pounding in his chest. A desperate chase ensued through the labyrinthine corridors, their echoes amplifying the terror of the moment. They careened around corners, their bodies colliding with walls and furniture. In a moment of panic, Kyung Jisoo stumbled, tumbling down a flight of stairs.

As he lay at the bottom, winded and bruised, he looked up to see Suji standing at the top of the stairs, her monstrous form silhouetted against the dim light. A surge of despair washed over him. This was the end.

Yet, something within him refused to give up. Love, a powerful force, ignited a spark of hope. He called out to her, his voice filled with desperation and love, "Suji, please, let me help you. Let me share this with you." He extended his arms, inviting her to come to him.

A flicker of recognition seemed to pass through Suji's monstrous form. The unnatural growth on her head began to wither and crumble, cascading to the ground like decaying leaves. Her hair transformed into a crimson hue. Her eyes, previously vacant, widened and elongated, taking on an otherworldly intensity.

Exhausted, she collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Kyung Jisoo crawled towards her, his heart filled with a mix of relief and terror. He knew this was just the beginning, but for now, he held onto the hope that they could find a way to survive this nightmare together.