
019 Powerful and Generous Boss

Skeleton Cave, second level, a passage just wide enough for two or three people, where a delicate skeleton head cautiously peeked out.

A moment later, about thirty centimeters below the skeleton head, a human head also emerged from the passageway.

Undoubtedly, that head belongs to Dean McKenzie.

At this moment, he was on all fours, observing the end of the tunnel in a rather subtle posture.

As Dean McKenzie popped his head out, he was immediately astonished by the abundant Pupil Fire in front of him.

Hundreds of Pupil Fires, like dim candles in a gloomy crypt.

The not so bright light illuminates the pale skeleton heads, each of which is frantically throwing themselves towards a passage on the opposite side.

The scene was simply like a living hell, extremely creepy and awe-inspiring.

If someone of faint-heartedness saw this, they would certainly piss their pants.

But Dean McKenzie was okay. After all, he wasn't faint-hearted. He had dared to spend half a year in the sewer alone before changing his job and become a skeleton player.

This view didn't scare McKenzie.

However, while McKenzie wasn't afraid, the person in the opposite passage was even bolder.

That person was soloing this skeleton group!


McKenzie was watching when a loud noise came.

McKenzie saw a flash of fire, followed by a dozen or so skeletons blown high up into the air.

Then, while the skeletons were still rising, a fiery figure carrying a red battle hammer, like a headstrong calf, charged out.

The battle hammer in his hand was this fiery calf's horn.

All those skeletons who touched it got injured, or killed.

This sight left McKenzie utterly flabbergasted.

An Appraisal Skill was unconsciously thrown out.


McKenzie tried again, and failed again.

After failing three or four times in a row, he finally managed to succeed once.

[You have successfully used the Appraisal Skill and identified some of the target's attributes.]


Name: Bell Bella

Template Quality: Unknown (Above Excellent)

Level: 5


Strength: Unknown (Above 10)

Skills: Unknown

Equipment: Unknown


This attribute panel instantly appeared in front of McKenzie.

At the same time as this attribute panel appeared, that fiery figure halted, turned his head, and gave McKenzie a very displeased look.

Doesn't this guy know any better?

Didn't anyone tell him not to misuse detection skills?

At this time, Dean McKenzie had already snapped back from the shock of seeing the person's attributes, his face full of shock and admiration: "Holy shit, he has the Excellent Template or above! His strength also exceeds 10, no wonder he's so awesome, what a badass!"

Seeing the other person's attributes, McKenzie subconsciously reverted to his pre-transmigration gamer mentality.

He started fanboying, heaping continuous praises and calling him boss.

The moment McKenzie shouted 'boss', Bell Bella, who was initially displeased, suddenly had a different impression.

He's calling me boss!

Suddenly he felt that this guy might not be that terrible after all!

Then, Bell Bella took back his gaze and continued to rampage in the skeleton group with his battle hammer.

Meanwhile, Dean McKenzie instantly transformed into a cheerleader.

"You're awesome, boss! You're badass!"

"That hammer is so cool!"

"666, the world of the boss is indeed terrifying. If only I could be as cool as the boss!"

Dean McKenzie was genuinely excited in his role as a cheerleader.

He genuinely thought Bell Bella was extraordinary.

With one swing of her giant hammer, skeletons exploded, and the image was an incredibly satisfying release. It made Dean McKenzie quite envious.

After all, a big hammer is a form of romanticism for men.

Unfortunately, he was a mage, and he probably would never experience the freedom of swinging a big hammer in his life.

"Hmm, maybe not necessarily.

If I can increase my strength, perhaps I can be as carefree!"

With this thought, Dean couldn't help but anticipate his future.

The cheering from his mouth became even louder.

"Boss lady is amazing!"

"Behind you, Boss, there's an elite monster..."

"Holy shit, she just blew it up, Boss is incredible!"

"Nice move, Boss lady!"


As Dean cheered from the side, Bell Bella gradually lost herself in the applause.

The battle hammer in her hand danced more flamboyantly.

These exaggerated skills left Dean in awe.

The cheering won't stop, the applause won't stop.

The more Dean cheered, the more pumped up Bell got.

In the end, a battle that she originally planned to finish in half an hour was over in just over ten minutes.

Because of this, she downed quite a few potions.

Just the potions she consumed, if converted into skeleton kills, could probably replace the whole skeleton crowd.

But Bell Bella didn't mind at all.

She could always make more money, but such a zealous cheering squad wasn't always around.

After the fight, Bell Bella intended to clean up the battlefield.

But she paused when she was about to reach out; her head subconsciously turned towards Dean.

Image! She needs to maintain her image!

Picking up items all over the place at this time would ruin the aura of a pro player.

This can't happen!

Dean calls her 'boss'! She can't lose her boss's dignity in front of Dean!

So, Bell Bella gave up the items all over the ground, stepped over the remnants of skeletons and walked to the center of Skeleton crowd. There, she found a treasure chest in the central position and picked some things from it.

Bell Bella checked out.

It was level 5 mage equipment. Not bad, she could sell it for some money when she returns!

She was about to keep it, but then she remembered Dean, and the satisfied expression on her face faded a bit.

"What a disappointment, not what I wanted. Kiddo over there, fate brought us together, so I'll give these to you!"

With that, Bell Bella casually put the equipment back into the chest. Then, she slung her pink war hammer on her shoulder, flicked her twin tails, waved her hand, and this sixteen-year-old girl turned around and walked away in large strides.

From behind, from Bella's imagined perspective, her departing footsteps were calm and composed, very befitting of a strong character.

If one looked from the front, they could see her little face excited to the point of distortion.

She rushed to the channel with difficulty, Bella immediately found a corner to hide.

Whoever says, criminals like to admire their works on the scene.

Although Bella was not a criminal, she was also very curious about Dean's appraisal of her.

She wanted to know if Dean would continue to praise her after her departure or secretly curse her for being an idiot.

"If this guy dares to secretly curse me for being an idiot, I'll take back all the stuff and beat him up."

Bella pondered with her fists clenched. As soon as her voice fell, she heard Dean shout in surprise.

"Holy shit, the boss lady gave me all these things?

Doesn't she want them?

Well, it makes sense. Someone as great as her probably wouldn't care about these trifles; she probably thinks they're just taking up space.

Anyway, it's so lucky to meet such a strong and generous boss lady!"

Listening to Dean's words from the channel, Bell Bella was very satisfied and nodded. This handsome guy speaks so well, don't stop, say more, she loves to listen!


Thanks to [Not Handsome An] for the reward and support!

Seeking monthly votes!