

He was the king of entertainment a great singer but can not forget his first love . Every one wanted him but He was in search of his first love

Dreamer_Ana · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Life before Audition

Mino woke up by the alarm sound went out of her room. Her mom was on her job as usual her breakfast was on the table. She wore her old uniform tie her brown hair and left for school. On her way Jeong-hoon followed her. He was the most famous guy in the school. He had grey eyes with brown messy hairs and was very tall. It was their last year of high school. Jeong-hoon and Mino were childhood friends and were very close. Mino was very innocent and a pretty girl. They go to school together. Jeong-hoon was always very cheering and shy personality but Mino was very confident and sharp. Both were average in studies . Jeong-hoon had a voice from heaven which was only heard by Mino . He never showed his voice to the world because his step father did not want him to become successful and he always hated Jeong-hoon and praised his children. He never provided Jeong-hoon proper food and shelter.

One day they both were sitting at the park in cold weather. They both were worried about their financial conditions. "I wish we were also rich like the other students at the school" Said Mino "and I wish my father will come to take me after school", said Jeong-hoon. They both were shivering and the smoke were coming out from their mouth in that cold weather. "we will be rich one day we will make It together" said Jeong-hoon to Mino "done" Mino replied they both give each other a hug and and went to their houses. While Mino was on her bed she had a thought that she had to expose Jeong-hoon voice to the world no matter what she had to do for it. He had a voice from heaven and he can not waste it like that due to his cruel step father. All she had to do was to built some confidence in Jeong-hoon. She wanted to see his future bright. On the very next day Jeong-hoon went to Mino house to pick her up for school. Her mother came out of the house and said "dear Jeong-hoon Mino is not at home she took a day of from school" ."Took a day off where is she? Jeong-hoon said" he was surprised because Mino always told her before taking a day of from school however he went to school without her. Mino went to her friends father office and took documents for Jeong-hoon for his auditions. Her friend told her that her father company is looking for someone with good voice as they are going to launch a band. It was a time in Hanguk when there were no band and people were not familiar with music and Hanguk economy were in crises. She took everything needed for Jeong-hoon audition .When she came out of the building it was night already. she went straight to Jeong-hoon house. she was a little worried that how she gonna prepare Jeong-hoon for this contest. Jeong-hoon was waiting for Mino from all the day. He was very worried about her he looked anxious and searched for her everywhere. He become angry because he was so possessive for her and she was the only one special in his life. He saw Mino coming toward him from the corner of the street. He ran toward her "I am sorry I am too late actually I...." Jeong-hoon ignored what she was saying and immediately hugged her very tight and was not letting her go anywhere for straight five minutes. "why didn't you tell me before going" ."I was going to, but I was in hurry " Mino said ."promise you will not leave me like this ever again" Jeong-hoon said to Mino while holding her hand. Mino promised him and asked him to sit on the bench nearby. Now it was the time when Mino was going to tell Jeong-hoon that where she had been. She took his hand and made him sit on a bench .

Then she took a deep breath and said "Listen Jeong-hoon! you know you have a beautiful voice that you are hiding from world." "hey ! we agreed not to talk about this topic" Jeong-hoon said in a shocking voice "but listen to me only one time do you know if God has given something to someone so it mean that you have to use it, not to hide it due to someone. Listen to me Jeong-hoon you can change your world your life and can get rid of your cruel step father, your miserable life if you wish to . All you have to do is what I will tell you to do" Mino said. " But I don't have that confidence to go against my father" "Don't worry I am always with you leave your home and stay with me for a while. I went to my friend father Office they were hiring people with good voice and visuals I told them about you and they agreed to give you a chance. you have to go their with me tomorrow"