

Genesis rocked Charm gently, her body too weak to protest as he cradled her in his arms. 

Everyone else was forgotten in that room.

The more time she spent in his arms the better she got and being able to tolerate the pain.

After a few more minutes passed the pain was almost gone. 

Genesis told the others. "I'll escort Charm back to her room now, she should be feeling better."

His words shocked the others, how could this be the case when they had all been worrying about Charm having a concussion and if to get the school administration involved.

Ever since the SDA took over all the students were afraid to have any dealings with school's administration.

It just seemed like even the headmaster had become a mouthpiece, just parroting what had been told by the SDA to the students.

Everyone knew that the SDA was in total control school and manipulated the staff to do their bidding.