
Unbreakable me

“Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime.” – Bette Davis The story is about Lilian Smith who comeback from depression after a miscarriage. Grow stronger with the support of her family. Will she be able to find love again?

Azie_Ahmad · Urban
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1 Chs

Always with you

Chapter 1: Accidents


The ambulance pulls up to the emergency entrance of the hospital, its siren blaring and lights flashing. The emergency team quickly jumps out of the vehicle, and they rush to the back of the ambulance. As they open the doors, they see a woman lying on a gurney, her face twisted in pain. She had been in a serious car accident and was in critical condition.

The medical team quickly moves the gurney out of the ambulance and into the emergency room. The woman's clothes are cut off to assess the extent of her injuries. The doctors and nurses work quickly to stabilize her, attaching an IV line and administering oxygen.

The woman's breathing is shallow, and her heart rate is irregular. The team moves her onto a hospital bed, and they begin running tests and taking scans to determine the extent of her injuries.

As they work, the medical team remains calm and focused, their training kicking in as they do everything, they can save the woman's life. The room is filled with the sound of beeping monitors, the rustle of medical equipment, and the murmurs of the medical team as they communicate with one another.

Doctor: "Nurse, what's the status of the patient?"

Nurse: "Doctor, the patient is a 28-year-old pregnant woman who was involved in a car accident. She has suffered severe internal bleeding and her vitals are unstable."

Doctor: "We need to act fast. Prep her for surgery immediately. We need to stop the bleeding and stabilize her as soon as possible."

Nurse: "Right away, doctor. I'll prepare the operating room and get the necessary equipment ready."

Doctor: "Good. And make sure we have a team of experienced nurses and anesthetists on standby. We may need them for the surgery."

Nurse: "Yes, doctor. I'm already calling in the team. They should be here any minute."

Doctor: "Great. And keep me updated on the patient's condition as we go along. We need to make sure we're doing everything we can to save both the mother and the baby."

After several tense moments, the woman's condition stabilizes.

*At the waiting room*

Lilian Smith's family is gathered in the waiting room of the hospital, anxiously awaiting news on her condition. Her parents sit huddled together on a couch, holding hands, and occasionally wiping away tears. Her husband paces back and forth, his face etched with worry.

Lilian's two eldest brothers are also there, trying to remain calm and strong for the rest of the family. They exchange glances and nod to each other in silent support.

Doctor Johnson enters the waiting room where Lilian's family is anxiously waiting for news on her condition. He greets them and sits down to explain the situation.

Doctor: "Hello, I'm Dr. Johnson. I'm sorry to inform you that we were unable to save Lilian's baby. We did everything we could to try and save the baby, but unfortunately, the injuries sustained in the accident were too severe."

Lilian's Mother: "Oh no, how is Lilian doing?"

Doctor: "Lilian's condition is stable now, and she's resting in recovery. We had to perform emergency surgery to stop the internal bleeding and save her life. She's in the ICU room now, and we'll be monitoring her closely for the next twenty-four hours before we move her to a normal ward."

Lilian's Husband: "Will she be, okay?"

Doctor: "The surgery was successful, and we were able to stabilize her. However, she's still in critical condition, and we need to monitor her for any complications. She's receiving the best possible care, and we're doing everything we can to help her make a full recovery."

Lilian's mother wipes away a tear and asks, "Can we see her?"

"I'm sorry, no family members are allowed in the ICU room. We need to keep the area quiet and free of any possible infections. But we'll keep you updated on her progress, and we'll let you know as soon as she's ready for visitors."

Lilian's Father: "Thank you, doctor. We appreciate everything you've done for Lilian."

After the doctor leaves the waiting room, Lilian's eldest brother, Mike Smith, confronts Bradley, Lilian's husband, about the car accident that left Lilian in critical condition. Mike's eyes blaze with anger and grief as he stands face-to-face with Bradley.

"Bradley, what the hell happened out there?" Mike demands. "How could you let this happen to my sister?"

Bradley looks up at Mike, feeling a mixture of anger and sadness. "I didn't cause the accident, Mike. I would never do anything to hurt Lilian."

Mike shakes his head in disbelief. "Then who did, Bradley? Who caused the accident?"

"I don't know," Bradley replies, his voice low. "But I'm going to find out. I'm going to talk to the police and get to the bottom of this. "

Bradley stands up, feeling a surge of anger. "I already lost my child, Mike. Do you really think I would do anything to harm Lilian?"

Mike stands up, getting in Bradley's face. "you tell me, Bradley. You tell me why there was a car chasing after Lilian's car, and why that car ran her off the road."

Bradley takes a step back, feeling overwhelmed. "I don't know, Mike. But I promise you, I'm going to find out."

Mike glares at Bradley for a moment longer before storming out of the waiting room. Bradley sinks back into his chair, feeling drained and defeated. He knows that he needs to clear his name, but he also knows that it's going to be a long and difficult road ahead.

After Mike storms out of the room, Bradley sinks down into a chair, feeling exhausted and defeated. He knows that Mike is angry and grieving, but he also knows that he is not responsible for the accident.

As Bradley sits there lost in thought, Lilian's parents come over to comfort him.

"Mom, dad, I swear to you, I had nothing to do with the accident. I love your daughter more than anything in this world. I would never do anything to harm her," Bradley says, his voice choked with emotion.

Lilian's father places a comforting hand on Bradley's shoulder. "We know that Bradley. We trust you. We don't believe that you had anything to do with this."

Lilian's mother nods in agreement. "Mike is grieving right now, and he needs someone to blame. But that doesn't make it right for him to lash out at you."

Bradley looks up at Lilian's parents, feeling a sense of gratitude and relief. "Thank you, both of you. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have your support."

Lilian's mother smiles sadly at him. "We know that you and Lilian love each other deeply. We want you to stay strong and support each other through this difficult time."

Bradley nods in agreement, feeling a renewed sense of hope. "I'll do whatever it takes to help Lilian recover. I won't give up on her."

Lilian's father pats Bradley on the back. "We believe in you, Bradley. Lilian is in good hands with you by her side."

With that, Lilian's parents sit down beside Bradley, and the three of them wait together, hoping for good news about Lilian's condition.

They wrap their arms around him and tell him that they believe him and that they know he would never do anything to hurt their daughter. Bradley feels a sense of relief wash over him as he realizes that not everyone blames him for what happened.

Lilian's second brother, Alex, sees Mike storm out of the waiting room in anger and decides to follow him, hoping to find out what was said between him and Bradley. He catches up to Mike in the hospital corridor and calls out to him.

"Mike, wait up. What happened in there?" Alex asks, his tone concerned.

Mike stops in his tracks and turns to face James. "That husband of Lilian's, Bradley, is the reason she's lying in that hospital bed right now. He caused the accident."

Alex: "Mike, I have to be honest with you. I'm not convinced that Bradley is having an affair."

Mike: "What do you mean? The evidence is pretty clear."

Alex: "Is it though? I mean, what we have is just a series of circumstantial events. We don't actually have any concrete proof that he's cheating."

Mike takes a deep breath before speaking. "I hired a bodyguard to follow Lilian after I found out about Bradley's affair. And according to the bodyguard, Bradley's mistress was following Lilian's car right before the accident happened."

Alex looks at Mike with a mix of disbelief and anger. "How could Bradley do this to Lilian? We need to confront him about this and get to the truth."

Mike: "But it's a delicate situation. Our sister wants to use the evidence to support her divorce case. We need to gather more concrete proof before we can tell our parents."

The two brothers make their way back to the waiting room, determined to get to the bottom of what happened to Lilian.

Two months earlier

Lilian Smith had always been a happy housewife, content with her life with Bradley Copper, despite their decision not to have children. She had always trusted him and never suspected him of cheating, until one day, when she encountered Ella Purnell and her husband outside of her courtyard house.

As Lilian walked out of her house to water her plants, she saw Ella and her husband sitting in a car parked outside of her gate. Ella was someone she knew from Bradley's work, and they had always been friendly with each other.

However, as soon as Lilian approached the car, Ella and her husband seemed flustered and quickly drove off. Lilian couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, and she started to have suspicions that her husband might be having an affair.

Lilian had been struggling with her suspicions for days before finally mustering up the courage to confront her husband about it. She sat nervously on the couch, watching as Bradley walked into the living room, a smile on his face.

"Hey, sweetie, what's up?" he asked, sitting down beside her.

Lilian took a deep breath before starting, "Bradley, I need to talk to you about something. I don't know how to say this, but I can't shake off the feeling that something is going on between you and Ella."

Bradley's face fell, and his eyes widened in surprise, "What? Lilian, where is this coming from? You know Ella is just a friend, right?"

"I know, I know, but I just can't shake off this feeling," Lilian replied, her voice shaky.

Bradley took her hand, "Lilian, I love you, and only you. I would never do anything to hurt you, especially cheat on you. You have to trust me."

Lilian nodded, tears forming in her eyes, "I do trust you, it's just these thoughts won't go away. Can you just promise me that there's nothing going on between you and Ella?"

Bradley pulled her into a hug, "I promise you, Lilian. You have nothing to worry about. I love you, and only you."

Lilian hugged him back, feeling slightly reassured but still uncertain. She knew that she had to trust her husband, but the doubts kept creeping back into her mind. She hoped that she was just being paranoid and that her worries would fade away over time.

Bradley woke up early in the morning, feeling restless and anxious. He knew that Lilian's suspicions were weighing heavily on her mind, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her. He decided to call Ella, who had become his mistress for past year.

He got out of bed and went to the living room, trying not to wake Lilian. He picked up his phone and dialled Ella's number, feeling his heart race as he waited for her to answer.

"Hey, Bradley, what's up?" Ella answered, her voice groggy from sleep.

"I need to talk to you," Bradley replied, his voice low.

"Is everything okay?" Ella asked, concern evident in her voice.

"No, it's not. Lilian is getting suspicious, and I don't know what to do," Bradley said, frustration and fear creeping into his tone.

"What do you mean? Suspicious of what?" Ella asked, her voice now fully alert.

"I think she knows about us. She's been asking me questions, and I can tell she's been watching me closely," Bradley explained.

Ella sighed heavily, "I knew this was a risk, Bradley. We have to be careful. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I'm going to have to be extra careful, but I can't stop seeing you. I need you," Bradley said, desperation creeping into his voice.

"I know, I know. But we have to be smart about this. Maybe we should lay low for a while, just until things calm down," Ella suggested.

Bradley thought about it for a moment before nodding, "Okay, that might be the best thing to do. But I can't stay away from you for too long."

"I know, I feel the same way. Just be careful, Bradley," Ella warned.

"I will. I love you," Bradley said before hanging up.

As he walked back to his bedroom, he couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and shame. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. He just hoped that Lilian would never find out and that he could continue his affair with Ella without any consequences.

The next day, Bradley woke up early and found Lilian already awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with a worried expression on her face.

"Good morning, Lilian," Bradley said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Good morning, Bradley," Lilian replied, her voice quiet.

"I know you're worried about something. Can you tell me what's on your mind?" Bradley asked, sitting down next to her.

Lilian hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, "Bradley, do you still love me? Are you having an affair?"

Bradley's heart sank as he heard her words. He knew he had to do something to reassure her, to make her believe him. "Lilian, I love you more than anything in this world. You know that. And no, I'm not having an affair. I could never do that to you."

Lilian looked at him, her eyes searching for the truth. After a moment, she nodded slowly, as if she wanted to believe him.

"Look, I know things have been stressful lately. How about we take a little break and go on a weekend trip, just the two of us? We can spend some quality time together and forget about all the worries," Bradley suggested, hoping to distract Lilian from her doubts.

Lilian looked at him sceptically, "Really? You want to go on a trip?"

"Yes, really. Let's go somewhere new, explore the city, try new food, and just enjoy each other's company. What do you say?" Bradley asked, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Lilian thought about it for a moment before nodding slowly, a small smile appearing on her face. "Okay, Bradley. Let's go on a trip."

Bradley's heart lifted as he saw Lilian's smile. He knew he had to make it up to her, to show her that he loved her more than anything and that he was committed to their marriage. He would do anything to make her happy, even if it meant putting aside his own desires and needs.

Bradley Copper finished his shower and got dressed in a comfortable, casual outfit for the day. He had chosen a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt, perfect for the weekend getaway he had planned with Lilian.

He made his way down to the kitchen, where Lilian was already waiting for him. She looked up and smiled as he walked in.

"Good morning, Bradley. You look great," she said, admiring his outfit.

Bradley smiled back, "Thanks, Lilian. You look beautiful as always."

As he sat down for breakfast, he pulled out his phone and dialled his secretary, Rose Chou.

"Good morning, Bradley. How can I assist you?" Rose asked.

"Good morning, Rose. Listen, I need you to reschedule all my meetings for next week. I'm taking a trip with my wife, and I don't want to be disturbed by anyone. Understood?" Bradley said his tone firm and commanding.

"Of course, Bradley. I'll take care of it right away," Rose replied, making a note of the request.

"Also, make sure that no one contacts me during this period unless it's an emergency," Bradley added.

"Got it, Bradley. I'll inform the team," Rose confirmed.

Bradley grinned, feeling satisfied with his control over his work life. He knew that Lilian was watching him, so he made sure to speak loudly and confidently.

"That's all, Rose. Thanks for your help," Bradley said, ending the call.

Lilian poured him a cup of coffee. Bradley took a sip and savoured the rich, bold flavour.

"So, are you excited about our weekend trip?" he asked, looking over at Lilian.

Lilian nodded, "Yes, I am. It's been a while since we've had some time to ourselves. I'm looking forward to it."

Bradley grinned, "Me too. I've got everything planned out, so we're going to have a great time."

As they finished their breakfast, Bradley gathered their bags and loaded them into the car. Lilian got into the passenger seat and Bradley took his place behind the wheel.

"Let's hit the road," he said, putting the car in gear and pulling out of the driveway.

The two of them spent the day exploring the countryside, stopping for lunch at a quaint little cafe and taking in the sights and sounds of the area. Bradley was glad to be spending this time with Lilian, and he knew that it was important to cherish every moment they had together.

After a long drive, Lilian and Bradley finally arrived at their vacation house outside the city. As they pulled up to the front entrance, the housekeeper was waiting for them with a warm smile.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Copper! It's so good to see you again," the housekeeper said, grabbing their bags from the trunk.

"Thank you, it's good to be back," Bradley replied, taking Lilian's hand as they made their way to the front door.

As they entered the house, Lilian couldn't help but admire the beautiful interior design. The housekeeper showed them to their room, which was spacious and well-decorated with a stunning ocean view.

"Wow, this is beautiful," Lilian said, taking in the view from the balcony.

"I knew you would love it," Bradley said, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Let's freshen up and explore the area."

After changing into more comfortable clothes, they went for a walk along the beach, enjoying the fresh sea breeze and the sound of waves crashing against the shore.

Bradley and Lilian sat on the sandy beach, with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore in the background. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the horizon.

Bradley took Lilian's hand and looked into her eyes. "You know, Lilian, I love spending time with you like this. Just the two of us, away from everything and everyone else."

Lilian smiled back at him. "I love it too, Bradley. It's peaceful and beautiful out here."

Bradley took a deep breath and continued, "I know we've talked about this before, but I want to bring it up again. How do you feel about starting a family? I know I said before that I wasn't ready, but now, with you by my side, I feel like it's the right time."

Lilian's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "Really? Bradley, that's wonderful! I've always wanted to be a mother. I'm so happy that you feel ready too."

Bradley smiled, "I want to make it happen, Lilian. I want to create a family with you that we can cherish forever."

Lilian leaned in and kissed Bradley, feeling the warmth of his love radiating through her. "I love you, Bradley. I'm excited to start this new chapter of our lives together."

As Bradley and Lilian walk back to their vacation house, they hold hands and talk about their plans for the rest of the day. Bradley suggests that they take a swim in the pool before lunch, and Lilian agrees, happy to spend more time with her husband.

As they approach the house, the housekeeper greets them and offers to prepare a light lunch for them by the pool. They happily accept and make their way to the outdoor dining area.

As they sit and enjoy their meal, they continue to talk and laugh together, cherishing this time alone with each other. Lilian feels grateful for this moment and for her loving husband by her side. She knows that she made the right decision in confronting Bradley about her suspicions and is relieved that they were able to work through their issues together.

They spend the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch and talking about their hopes and dreams for the future. Lilian feels blessed to have such a wonderful husband and a bright future ahead of them.

As they drove back to their home in M city, Lilian and Bradley reminisced about their college days and how they fell in love with each other.

"It's crazy to think that we've been together for almost six years," Lilian said, a small smile playing at her lips.

"I know," Bradley replied, glancing over at her. "It feels like just yesterday we were in college, sneaking out to go on dates and study together."

"I remember the first time I saw you," Lilian said, her eyes lighting up with fond memories. "You were walking across the quad, and I couldn't take my eyes off of you."

Bradley chuckled. "I remember thinking the same thing about you. You were sitting under a tree, reading a book, and I just knew I had to talk to you."

They both fell into a comfortable silence, lost in their own thoughts for a few moments.

"I'm so glad we found each other," Bradley said, breaking the silence. "I can't imagine my life without you."

Lilian smiled and reached for his hand, lacing her fingers through his. "I feel the same way. You're my everything, Bradley."

As they continued to drive, they talked about their hopes and dreams for the future, both individually and as a couple. They knew that no matter what life threw their way, they would always have each other to rely on.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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