
Unbreakable Bond.

"Ms Charlotte" Sebastian begins, his voice measured. "This contract outlines the terms of our arrangement. After two years of companionship with a clear understanding that our bond is temporary and in its conclusion, we part ways amicably." Charlotte, the woman with five lives intertwined in hers, nodded in acknowledgment. The weight of financial necessity, heavily resting on her shoulders. This contract offers a lifeline to stability.

Laurina_Eri · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: Daniels Suspicion 2

"Mom, where have you been?" Daniel's look was firm.

Charlotte's words were soft and hesitant, and she kept her gaze averted, as if afraid to meet his eyes. "I went to visit an old friend who was in the hospital," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "She's been really sick, and I just... I wanted to see her."

She took a deep breath, still avoiding Daniel's gaze.

"What's your friend's name? Do we know her? Daniel asked.

"Em em, no you don't know her, she's an old-time friend. I'll just go upstairs to rest a bit.?

Daniel watched her as she walked upstairs.

Charlotte's hand rested on the doorknob, but she couldn't bring herself to turn it. She took a deep breath, her thoughts racing. "I think Daniel doesn't believe me," she said aloud, though she knew no one could hear her. "His face said it all. He thinks I'm lying."

She leaned against the door, her head in her hands. "I just want this all to be over," she whispered, feeling a tear slip down her cheek. "I'm so tired of all this."

She knew that the next few weeks would be hard, and she wasn't sure if she could do it.

Evening came she prepared and served dinner. As they eat her phone rang it was Sebastian.

"Hello?" Charlotte said, answering the phone. She listened for a moment, a look of concern crossing her face. "Okay, I'll be right there," she said, hanging up the phone.

She turned to her kids, her expression serious. "I'm so sorry guys, but I have to go," she said. "But don't worry, I'll be back in time to read you guys bedtime stories. I promise."

She quickly got dressed and headed out the door.

She came back late at night, unknown to her Daniel saw her been dropped off by Sebastian. He quickly pretending to be sleeping.

Charlotte went straight to their room. "They are all sleeping thank goodness." She sigh, and went straight to her room.

The next day, she hurriedly made breakfast for her kids, got them set and they went off to school. She had to tied the house, and had along nap after a long cleaning.

She was awakened by a call.

"Hello, what do you want this time?" Charlotte asked in exhaustion.

"I'm sorry, it's the last time, I promise to fix this." Sebastian said over the phone.

"My children aren't cool with my frequent absence, it's been two weeks now, especially Daniel. Please let this be last time." Charlotte's said with a furrowed eyebrow.

"This is the last time, I promise." He reassured her from the phone.

She stood up and quickly made herself ready and stepped out.

Sebastian dropped her late as usual. "I hope they're already asleep. " She muttered. Slowly she turned the door knob, and peep.

She sighed, She kissed each of them, on their forehead. And moved straight to her room.

The sun is just beginning to rise, and the sky is a soft, pale blue. There is a light breeze, carrying the sweet scent of flowers. The birds are chirping, and the air is fresh and clean. The world seems to be waking up, slowly but surely, and everything is still and quiet. It's a beautiful, serene start to the day.

Saturday mornings were always a special time for Charlotte's kids. They were allowed to stay up a little later than usual, and they could watch cartoons and play video games to their heart's content. They always woke up full of excitement, ready to make the most of the day. And Charlotte always loved seeing their faces light up with joy as they enjoyed their favorite activities. It was a small thing, but it meant the world to her.

After breakfast, Charlotte went about her usual Saturday routine, doing laundry and cleaning up the house. But she knew that the kids were having more fun without her hovering over them, so she left them to their games and went to her room to relax.

Shortly after that Charlotte was nicely dressed about to move out. "I'll be right back kids." She said, as she turned to move out, Daniel called her back.

"Mom, where are you going to?"

"To the.. Hospital." She smiled. "I want to check up on Mia."

"But I thought you said Aunty Mia is at work and she will be joining us for dinner," Daniel cuts in.

"Huh, I did? Yeah," she gave a nervous laugh. "I forgot, did I say Mia, it was a slip of tongue. It's another colleague actually…."

"Aunt Mia is the only Colleague you have Mom," Daniel interrupted her.

"Why do you choose to keep lying. Daniel yelled. I thought you would say the truth eventually but you kept on lying to me.

know you've been sneaking into the house, for past week, and you are usually dropped by a man, who's he mom."

Daniel continues. Who is he and why does he drop you off at night?"

"Daniel it's not what you think, trust me." Charlotte said calmly.

"I don't think I trust you anymore." He ran to his room and closed the door.

Charlotte chased after him.

"Honey mom is not lying, please open the door, let me explain. Daniel! Daniel! She kept banging the door, but he refused to open to the door.