
Unbounded Ruler of Death

Kanata Nagisa along with his classmates gets summoned to strange world facing the crisis of the demon king. However unlike the others he was not needed as a main character in the main act. He gets banished, fated to die a dogs death. Facing numerous trials in this unfamiliar world he seeks to overcome them all. ======================================== Original story by: Akemi Kyoshi

Akemi_Kyoshi · Fantasie
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64 Chs


Episode(51): Anxiety, Returning


Outside the Royal Banquet-

Behind the building there was a private underground parking lot.

Not many aside from those in directly high positions knew about this parking lot.

This was to ensure the royal family's safety during emergency events so they could escape under the noses of their enemies.

If others knew about this place then that would remove the whole point and existence of this place.

Right now, Maria stood watching as she placed her sister in the back of a black jeep.

She was still sleeping soundly unaware that she was being shipped away like drugs at a sea port.

Maria watched with a myriad of emotions on her face and in the end she could only sigh.

Really, why had it all come to this?

Thinking about her father she felt hatred and disgusted.

Before she had admired the man that sat on the throne.

That was because in her eyes he was a Emperor that many should strive to be.

But after the summoning incident the old man had showed his true colours. Lying, scheming, robbing and even setting up his daughters.

He had no bottom line and anyone on opposing forces to him was an enemy he would mercilessly attack without qualms. Even his family.

She had truly misjudged him and now her sister was suffering because of it.

Suddenly Marias face changed and she frowned slightly.

She could hear the screaming of people as if they were wailing ghost shrieking for a new life.

The sound wasn't loud and especially since it was in the banquet hall she normally shouldn't have heard it, however after she levelled up many times hearing sounds from far away distances wasn't and issue.

She turned with a puzzled expression on her face.

'What's going on up there?'

[My lady?]

The knights and servants around her were all women.

After the incident with Renji there was no way she would allow her sister to go near men again.

Who knew hoe traumatic it would be for her sister to see men after she woke up from whatever spell she was under.

At this time, they all looked at Maria.

She was frowning deeply and her forehead wrinkled with a puzzling look.

Even though she was frowning right now her beauty was still so exceptional that even though they were all females they couldn't help but be captivated.

But they were also confused as to why the princess had such an expression on her face.

A gentle breeze blew carrying along with a cold and eerie feeling.

Maria didn't know why she felt this way but she felt something was definitely wrong.

The strands of hair dancing in the wind were tucked behind her air and she turned to the black jeep and sighed.

[It's nothing, continue. Leave quickly and make sure no one sees you when you take the private roads]

The servants were curious, however after hearing Maria they no longer concerned themselves.

Hey, they were just servants.

If they recklessly got involved in the matters of royalty wouldn't they just be offering up their necks as fodder?

It was better to do as they were told and live a little bit longer.

Soon, the jeep had already been packed with several things that were brought over from the palace.

Elaine laid sleeping softly with a frown forming on her face. At this moment only she knew what dreams she was having.

What would be her reaction when she woke up?

Maria didn't know.

She only watched quietly as the jeep's engine quietly came to life and the car discreetly left through the exit of the secret parking lot.

The outline of the vehicle got smaller and smaller until Maria could no longer see it from afar.

She prayed silently in her hearty for Elaine to have a good rest.

After standing there for a few more minutes, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

By the time she opened her eyes again, she had once more transformed into Princess Maria.

All her anger and hatred, sadness and solemnness had seemed to vanished with the blowing of the wind.

Now then, she looked at the huge building with question marks appearing in her mind.

Her eyes sparkled in the darkness and she wondered just what in the world made the people inside the banquet so rowdy.

Although she could mainly hear the screaming from afar because her senses had been upgraded, even without her current senses she could still probably hear the screams from inside the building.

Now she just couldn't tell whether they were cheering or screaming in fear.

It sounded like a mixture of both and standing outside you might really consider this whole place to be a colosseum. 

However for some reason a wave of anxiety washed over her heart.

Holding a hand to her soft chest, she wondered why she felt so anxious.

Surely there wasn't someone idiotic enough to attack the royal banquet?

Then, it must have been that bastard hero!

Maria clenched her fist in indignation.

Can't that guy just keep a low profile, why be such a busy body?

Is he complaining that he's not dying fast enough?

Of course her first suspect had to be Renji.

He had caused so much trouble for her in the short span of a month that Maria wouldn't believe it if someone told her the promiscuous monkey wasn't seeking death.

Thinking about how he might have touched someone's wife and caused a national issue she felt a headache coming on.

Was it too much to be restrained?

He was the hero for gods sake!

Shouldn't there be a limit to how much of a scoundrel you can be?

She honestly hoped this time that it wasn't Renji that caused trouble.

Maria didn't know whether her emotions could handle leniency with that damned hero now.

She could say she would let him off now but seeing the person up close was a different person.

Would you let off someone who hurt you or someone close to you when they're standing point blank before your face?

She didn't have the confidence to do it.

If not for the fact that she was the host of the party she really would have never went back.

Please, she begged in her heart to not have to deal with Renji for the rest of the night.

Though she hoped this was the case, she sighed preparing herself for the future.

She would have never though that Renji causing trouble would have definitely been better than the current situation.

Since Elaine had already been sent off, Maria didn't stay in the parking lot for too long.

She used her communication crystal to get in touch with the guards and after making sure Elaine was on a smooth journey she left to return to the banquet hall.

Since there was a commotion she naturally had to be there to solve it.

Slightly lifting the hem of her dress, she walked with slightly hurried steps towards the banquet hall.

Because she didn't want too much suspicion on where she went, she took the private elevator back to her room before leaving the room and returning to the main hall.

This room was reserved for royalty so only she and her sister knew that an elevator existed there.

Not even their father knew this fact.

Maria abstained from telling anyone aside from Elaine too much because when it all came down to it, benefits were all this world functioned on.

No matter how much love someone showed it would all fall apart in the face of benefits.

And she was right.

Her father tore off all pretences not long after the heroes came and became a completely different person.

She could only sigh at how quickly relationships could fall apart.

There were only a handful of people that you could actually trust with your life and death secrets and even then, you were lucky to even find one out of those people in your entire lifetime.

One such person for Maria was Elaine. 

Thinking about her sister made Maria frown again but she quickly recovered her expression and hurried down to the main hall.

Since she was wearing heels, her posture was a bit awkward and it took a while before she could make it down to the main passage that lead back to the hall.

Damn heels!

Even though she was a princess she really didn't like these things that hampered her movements and she really just want to take it off and throw it into some ditch somewhere.

However she had to keep her image!

Not long after she entered the main passage leading to the banquet hall, she saw a sight that left her flabbergasted.

People were running like ants that had just encountered a mischievous child.

What was happening?

What was the situation here?

Maria watched in trepidation as the nobles that always acted high and mighty with their noses pointed at the heavens fled with a speed that even astounded her.

Since when did these nobles become so formidable that their speed could even make her surprised?

No, that wasn't the case.

Looking at the terrified expressions on these guys face Maria instinctively felt like something was wrong.

It wasn't that these nobles were all hidden experts, it was just that something was so terrifying that they had no choice but to run so fast to save their lives.

[What the…Just what's going on here!?]

Her brows furrowed and an anxious feeling arose in her heart again.

Did something really happen?

[Guard! What's the situation?]

As Maria approached the guard and patted him on his shoulder, the guard who escaped the nightmare of a massacre that was happening in the banquet jumped and shrieked like a frightened little girl that had just seen a horror movie at night.

He was terrified.


Hadn't he already escaped that monster?

Don't tell him the guy actually followed him out?

What was this, compared to the other heroes and those with higher status he barely had meat on his bones!

He was just a small fry guard that was enlisted three weeks ago.

The hell!

He didn't want to die!

Alright, so I have a bunch of chapters I was ready to release but realized that there were some typos so I have to, for the time postpone publishing these chapters. I am also busy all the time now so I barely have time to go over each chapter every single day now. Sorry soldiers but I can only give once a day!

Akemi_Kyoshicreators' thoughts