
Uncivil Relationships.

Ulfric, Galmar, Dengeir, and Korir fight their way out of the duelling hall while Solitude guards and Thalmor mages try to apprehend them, dead or alive.

Ulfric had wanted to kill Elenwen before they escaped, but the odds weren't on their side, especially with most of the Blue Palace turning against them...

The only real positive in this situation was the fact that the other Jarls were either neutral in this conflict, or were like Igrod, not strong enough to provide any obstacle at all.

Loud bells rang throughout Solitude as the city scrambles to take action, most had no idea what'd happened, but since the duel was known to most, they could make a pretty good guess. This was especially the case with the Imperial soldiers in the Castle Dour, who quickly formed units and started hunting the rebels.

Some Solitude guards actually decided to join Ulfric, but for the most part, the rest stayed out of it or were firmly on Elisif's side.


Lightning shoots from the hand of a Thalmor mage as the group makes their way to the front entrance of the Blue Palace, striking Ulfric and causing him to stumble to a knee as the electricity stabs into him and across his armour.

"Damned ELF!" Galmar roars as he avoids the next spell and buries Torygg's greatsword into the Thalmor's skull, almost cutting their head completely in half were it not for the spine providing further resistance.

"GODS!" Dengeir laughs as he runs past the dead Thalmor, eagerly clapping Galmar on his shoulder, "You've still got a good arm! Try to follow through next time though! Try to match the legend of Ysgramor!"

"Hah! Didn't he cut eight elves in half with a single strike!?"

"Yeah, and?"

Ulfric lets out a tired huff, "Enough lollygagging, we need to leave before they can muster the entire city against us. Those Legion bastards'll be on us in no time!" he rasps out, throat still torn from his earlier shouting.

Galmar nods, "The men stationed outside the city will be coming now that the bells are ringing... We just need to reach the ruined wall!"

"YOU THERE! HALT AND FACE JUSTICE, OR DIE!" a Legionary exclaims with many other men at his back, ready to charge the group.

"You'll slit your own throat before I surrender you imperial dogs!" Dengeir angrily shouts back.


The Legionary charges at the group in response and the two groups clash, Dengeir and Galmar laughing viciously as they brutally slam their weapons into the enemy, spraying blood and other viscera to the floor.

Korir stays at Ulfric's side, ready to defend the 'Rightful King' despite his relative weakness when ti comes to fighting, at least, compared to everyone else present.





Not long after the initial clash, all the group of Legionaries were dead, Dengeir and Galmar had been given slight wounds, but nothing fatal. Ulfric was utterly exhausted from his earlier fight with Torygg, but they couldn't wait around to recover themselves.

They moved closed to the left side of the wall and behind the building within the marketplace. A few Legionaries and Imperial loyalists attempted to obstruct them but they were cut down like the rest.

Once they reach the outskirts of the marketplace, they're able to see the clash between the Stormcloaks and the Legion, each side pushing the other back while civilians supporting either side assisted however they could. Some men and women stood atop the walls and buildings, throwing stones at those below, while others manning the marketplace simply threw the product from their fruit and vegetable stands.

All in all, it was utter chaos.

The Stormcloaks had streamed in through the part of the wall that'd previously been turned into a pile of baby hands. Nullifying any advantage the Legion otherwise might've had.

"LOOK! IT'S ULFRIC! CHARGE MEN! FOR THE TRUE KING!" a Stormcloak captain shouts, encouraging his men to fight even harder.

This, of course, does point a lot of attention towards Ulfric and his group, who were at the side of the clashing forces, slightly behind the Legion lines...

"TRAITOR!" some Legionaries shout, breaking their lines and charging Ulfric like maddened animals.

"The only traitor is you! ULFRIC STORMCLOAK RIGHTFULLY DEFEATED HIGH KING TORYGG IN A DUEL! YOU DARE SPIT ON OUR TRADITIONS!?" Galmar shouts, brutally swinging his greatsword and easily beheading the charging Legionary.

More Legionaries try to obstruct their escape, but Ulfric sucks in some more air, readying himself to shout once more, and the consequences that'd undoubtedly come afterwards. "FUS RO D-A-HUH..." the first two words are fine, but he chokes on the third, this unleashes the shout at half power, but also shreds his vocal cords, potentially stopping him from speaking ever again, even with the full attention of a Master Restoration Mage.

Still, his attack works, the shockwave rippling through the veritable wall of Legionaries, causing them to tumble overhead over foot as the group sprints past them and through the Stormcloak line.

"ULFRIC IS SECURED! RETREAT MEN! LEAVE THESE IMPERIAL DOGS TO LICK THEIR WOUNDS FOR WHEN WE NEXT COME!" Galmar shouts after Ulfric is far enough to safety, taking command of his men.

They listen, slowly backing away out of Solitude as the Legionaries follow, unable to do anything since both forces were evenly enough matched. That is, until mages start getting involved, firing various magics at the mystically inexperienced Stormcloaks.

The Stormcloaks retreat, fleeing back towards Windhelm via the path south of Whiterun... Unfortunately, the Legionaries were not far behind, chasing them in order to catch Ulfric and try him for the murder of High King Torygg...

And thus, the intensity of the Civil War increases.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts