
Chapter 152 Ye Tianlong Steps In

"Damn it, listen, is that something you say?" the tall, skinny young man shouted, "You're the damn owner, and now there's been food poisoning in your place, and you still sit around feeling pleased with yourself? Spouting conspiracy theories here, that's really something."

"He doesn't want to admit it," grumbled the middle-aged man's companion, "Once he admits it, I bet this store wouldn't be able to stay open. Pfft, such businessmen are truly rotten to the core. I fear even if someone died, he'd still keep his store open. Human lives will never be as important as his little shop."

"Swindler, why don't you just die?" Suddenly, among the customers, someone roared in anger.

"Don't say anything more, Uncle Policeman, just quickly arrest this scum."