

ULTRA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, also known as UAI, is an adaptive technology from an unknown universe called XENDA. XENDA is a life force that exists within and outside the universe, beyond time and space itself. The people of XENDA saw that the multiverse could no longer be secured from powerful threats that endangered the multiverse itself. Pi-minus, the most intelligent being in the entire Maniverse, created a life force that exceeds the cosmos itself, which protects the multiverse from an omega destruction. The omega destruction is the end of every universe that exists within and outside the cosmos. It is the source of life, ideas, inspirations, imaginations, and everything else that exists. Every writer, artist, audience, and creator views their perspectives from this source. If it were destroyed, everything that you know of would cease to exist. In short, it is the LIFE SOURCE of the fabric of existence. There are two types of destruction: the Alpha destruction and the Omega destruction. The Alpha destruction was the first big bang that rewrote reality itself, making changes to every continuity that unbalanced existence. This affected every continuity you know of and every timeline that exists, recreating, destroying, and altering the cosmos itself. It was the yin-yang of reality. Pi-minus foresaw this coming, that the only thing that could produce an omega destruction is when the Alpha destruction is no more. Pi-minus saw the end of each world's destruction right from the 144,000 universes, and the only way he could save all existence was with the XENTORIUM CORE. A XENTORIUM CORE is the creation and birth of each universe. From the highest beings and points to the lowest beings and points, the XENTORIUM CORE holds the key to balancing the cosmos and saving all that exists. Author's note: The XENTORIUM CORE is a powerful source that is incomparable to anything else. Its capabilities are incomprehensible to most top tiers of supreme intelligence within and outside the cosmos. Not many are capable of its unique and limitless potential, which can change the fabric of existence with a mere thought of limitless capacity, be it conscious or unconscious. This book is just for fun and not meant to criticize any other works of authors. References will be made to keep the storyline consistent. This is just a fictional write-up.

richard_rick · sci-fi
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Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 8

In Maniverse 100 - Kepler-16b - Multiverse - Universe 776A, there was an intriguing advertisement airing for a wide variety of toys. The ads showcased numerous attractive toys, both big and small, offering a selection that seemed endless. The toy company responsible for these captivating creations was known as "Toys 4 Us."

Marketers enthusiastically promoted these toys worldwide, and they quickly gained popularity among children. These toys were unlike anything seen before, featuring innovative features and upgrades that set them apart from regular toys.

An enthusiastic presenter continued to display the ongoing ad for Toys 4 Us, captivating viewers with promises of their favorite action figures. The toys covered a wide range of beloved franchises, including Disney, Marvel, DC, Anime, and more. Each toy boasted cool features that brought children's imaginations to life.

"For all you X-Men fans out there, come on in and get your very own Wolverine action figure, available exclusively at Toys 4 Us!"

The ongoing ads showcased a group of children playing with different types of toys, demonstrating their remarkable features in ways reminiscent of animated shows. These toys possessed abilities and features that were not dangerous, as they were in the form of holographic projections. Activated through voice commands and finger recognition, each toy was uniquely assigned to a single child user, granting them special control over their toy's actions. While the toys themselves couldn't speak directly, they comprehended the user's instructions and gestures, responding accordingly. Additionally, the toys were equipped with voice-activated features, enabling them to say famous quotes or speeches at the user's command or with a small tap on the button located on their back.

The majority of children in the ads were seen playing with Dragon Ball action figures, Justice League action figures, Avengers action figures, X-Men action figures, Saitama action figures from One Punch Man, Ultra AI action figures, Voltron: Defender of the Universe action figures, TMNT action figures, Silver Hawks action figures, Biker Mice from Mars action figures, Power Rangers action figures, Toy Story action figures, RoboCop action figures, Terminator action figures, Turbo Man action figures, Transformers action figures, Smurfs action figures, Pixels animated action figures, Minions action figures, Naruto action figures, Ben 10 action figures, Invincible action figures, The Boys action figures, Demon Slayer action figures, Chainsaw Man action figures, Moana action figures, The Little Mermaid action figures, Pinky and the Brain action figures, Tom and Jerry action figures, DMC (Devil May Cry) action figures, Lord of the Rings action figures, Harry Potter action figures, Merlin action figures, The Seeker action figures, Paw Patrol action figures, Afro Samurai action figures, Luffy from One Piece action figures, and many more.

Toys 4 Us was an incredibly successful company, offering an unmatched selection of toys. They seemed to have every toy imaginable, making them a favorite among children worldwide. One fateful night, after the employees had called it a day, a mysterious object made its way to Earth and landed at the Toys 4 Us company headquarters. This strange object, a glowing blue core, emitted a slight shockwave that infused the energy into all the toys, bringing them to life and granting them their distinctive abilities.

Amidst the advertisements showcasing toys from every beloved franchise, the world was blissfully unaware of the epic battles brewing behind the scenes.

As the years passed by, Toys 4 Us continued to thrive, unaware of any changes in their toys. The fusion of the blue core's energy had brought the toys to life, enhancing their realism while maintaining the company's profitability.

The Avengers action figures faced a relentless assault from Maleficent's minions and her accomplice, while the Justice League action figures fought back against Joker's diabolical forces in alliance with Darkseid's evil plot. Meanwhile, Saitama action figures from One Punch Man sparred with the formidable S-Class villains that had sprung to life.

The heroes were united together by the nerds among them from both of their respective franchises:

From the Ultra AI franchise, we have: Pi-Minus, Pius (Pi-Minus' brother), Luthax, Aiwass, Sophie McCoy (Ultra AI family), Pussycat (aka Meo Mi Sandra), Cramer the magician, Dr. Henry Monroe, Mr. Lyrecius, The Artist, Dr. Penys, Elizah Blenheim, Dr. Maxwell Man, Karl Ken, Velocity (aka Felicity Valmond).

From the DC franchise, we have: Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Batman, Mister Terrific, John Henry Irons (Steel), Cyborg, The Atom, Mr. Oz, Dr. Sivana, Maxwell Lord, Barry Allen (The Flash), Doctor Fate, Blue Beetle, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Booster Gold.

From the Marvel franchise, we have: Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Victor Von Doom (Doctor Doom), Tony Stark (Iron Man), Hank Pym (Ant-Man), Bruce Banner (The Hulk), Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Amadeus Cho (Hulkling), Hank McCoy (Beast), Nathaniel Richards (Kang the Conqueror), Nathaniel Essex (Mister Sinister), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Rocket Raccoon, T'Challa (Black Panther), Shuri (Black Panther's sister), Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange).

From the Disney franchise, we have: Merlin (The Sword in the Stone), Mickey Mouse (various films), Robin Hood (Robin Hood), Dory (Finding Nemo/Finding Dory), Tiana (The Princess and the Frog), Baymax (Big Hero 6), Aladdin (Aladdin), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Abu (Aladdin), Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story), Gepetto (Pinocchio), Timon and Pumbaa (The Lion King), Homer Simpson (The Simpsons), Stitch (Lilo and Stitch), Stewie Griffin (Family Guy).

From the Nickelodeon franchise, we have: Helga Pataki (Hey Arnold!), Zim (Invader Zim), Agent K (Men in Black: The Series), Timmy Turner (The Fairly OddParents), Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob SquarePants), Brain (Pinky and the Brain), Dib Membrane (Invader Zim), Tommy Pickles (Rugrats), GIR (Invader Zim), Nigel Thornberry (The Wild Thornberrys), Phineas Flynn (Phineas and Ferb), Yumi (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi), Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim), Tim Scam (Totally Spies).

From the Anime franchise, we have: Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass), Light Yagami (Death Note), L (Death Note), Shikamaru Nara (Naruto), Shiro (No Game No Life), Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone), Ikkaku Madarame (Bleach), Bondrewd (Made in Abyss), Aoi Todo (Jujutsu Kaisen), Koro-sensei (Assassination Classroom), Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), Ban (The Seven Deadly Sins), Alucard (Hellsing), Trafalgar Law (One Piece), Anya Forger (Spy x Family).

Author's Note 1:

The information provided here is based on the characters' names and affiliations up to the knowledge cutoff date in September 2021. Keep in mind that character rosters or affiliations may change or expand beyond this date as new content or adaptations are released in their respective franchises.

Author's Note 2:

It is important to acknowledge that the information provided in this narrative may not be entirely accurate, including the hierarchy of intellects or the representation of characters from their respective franchises. Perspectives can vary significantly from person to person, and interpretations of these fictional universes are often subject to individual viewpoints.

The amalgamation of characters from different franchises and the events that unfold in this story are products of creative imagination and do not necessarily adhere to established canon or continuity. The intent is to celebrate the diverse and iconic figures from various fictional worlds while embracing the freedom of storytelling.

As fans, we each hold a unique connection to these characters, shaped by our experiences, emotions, and personal preferences. It is this diversity of perspectives that makes the exploration of these beloved universes endlessly fascinating.

Let us come together in the spirit of creativity and appreciation, cherishing the vibrant tapestry of storytelling that has woven these characters into the fabric of our lives.


In this revision, I aimed to retain the essence of the original message while adding a touch of appreciation for the creative nature of storytelling and the diverse perspectives that fans bring to their favorite characters. If you have any other requests or changes, feel free to let me know!

Amidst the gathering of the brightest minds from different franchises, including Pi-Minus (Ultra AI), Brainiac (DC), Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Stitch (Lilo and Stitch), Jimmy Neutron (Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius), Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass), and others, they shared the source of their existence from their respective cores that had granted them life. As they grew familiar with one another, they decided to form a united team to defend humanity from the evil forces that threatened the universe.

Initially, there were some notable encounters and misunderstandings among the hero franchises, such as Batman's confrontation with Tekno Boy. Batman, thinking Tekno Boy was Cyborg being manipulated by villains, called out to him, "Cyborg! Is that you?"

"It's Tekno Boy," replied Tekno Boy. "Who are you, man in a bat suit?" he added before scanning Batman's identity.

In another instance, the Ultra family met Cyborg and mistook him for Tekno Boy. "Tekno Boy!" called out Ultra White Peter, before realizing the difference in Cyborg's appearance. "What did you do to your upgrade?" he questioned.

"I always knew Cyborg was the best name for you," said Ultra Black Mark. "But I prefer your other perfect look to this upgrade."

"That's not Tekno Boy, guys. That's Cyborg, aka Victor Stone," corrected Ultra Orange Sophie. Peter and Mark realized their mistake after Cyborg introduced himself to the Ultra family.

"I am not Tekno Boy," clarified Cyborg. "I am Cyborg."

With these misunderstandings cleared up, the hero teams from various franchises were amazed by their newfound knowledge and began to interact based on their past experiences and encounters. Together, they stood united to combat the common enemies threatening humanity and their respective worlds.

In another instance, Dante from Devil May Cry found himself in a dramatic battle against Goku and Vegeta, unaware that they were actually on the same side. The misunderstanding arose when Dante had just defeated a demon that had transformed back into its human action figure form. Goku misinterpreted the situation, thinking Dante was trying to harm the toy.

"You look pretty tough!" Goku exclaimed to Dante. "Let's fight," he added, his tone serious as he prepared for battle. Goku and Dante engaged in a brief skirmish, and the intensity escalated when Vegeta arrived to back up Goku.

Vegeta joined the fray, and the battle became even more intense as Goku and Vegeta unleashed their strongest transformations. Dante, in his most powerful form, faced the mighty Saiyans, and the battleground was soon leveled by the sheer force of their clash.

"We need to show him the true power of Saiyans, Kakarot!" Vegeta shouted.

"Agreed, let's fuse and become Ultra Instinct Ego Gogeta!" Goku proclaimed.

The two Saiyans fused, giving rise to the breathtaking Ultra Instinct Ego Gogeta, who continued the ferocious showdown with Dante in his final superior demon form. Their titanic powers shook the very foundation of the battlefield. However, their battle was unexpectedly interrupted by Naruto and Saitama, who managed to explain the misunderstanding to all parties involved.

As the Saiyans unfused, returning to their base forms, Goku complimented Dante on his impressive abilities, acknowledging that there was no definitive winner among the combatants.

"Wow! You're pretty strong. I'd love to fight you again someday when all of this is over," Goku said with a smile on his face. Meanwhile, Vegeta looked away with a grumpy expression, muttering his trademark nickname for Goku, "Kakarot, you're so stupid."

With the misunderstanding cleared, the heroes got along well, realizing they were all on the same side and united against the common threats they faced. They decided to join forces, combining their unique powers and skills to defend humanity and their respective universes from the forces of evil.

In another encounter, the Power Rangers found themselves facing off against the Ultra Family. Initially, the Power Rangers were in awe of the Ultra Family's unique transformations, particularly their updated suits as Ultra Rangers.

"These Ultra Rangers sure know how to rock their outfits!" remarked Power Ranger Red.

"And you guys have been setting the standard for hero outfits for years!" acknowledged Ultra Black Mark.

During another instance, the Power Rangers and the Voltrons had a chance to interact with the Ultra Family, complimenting them on their various outfits and massive giant battle robots.

After all was said and done, the heroes united to battle against the villains, who no longer hid in the shadows but instead revealed themselves to the public, terrorizing the city and instilling fear in humanity, especially among children. This compelled the heroes to step out of the shadows and into the light to confront the villains and protect humanity.

Together, they fought valiantly against the evildoers, using their unique powers, advanced technologies, and exceptional skills. The heroes' cooperation and unity proved to be a formidable force, and they managed to thwart the villains' wicked plans and save the city from destruction.

As the battle came to an end, the heroes were showered with appreciation and gratitude from the people they had saved. The Ultra Family, Power Rangers, Voltrons, and all the other franchises stood as symbols of hope, courage, and unity, inspiring not only the entire city but also the entire world. With the villains defeated, they reaffirmed their commitment to defending peace and justice in their respective universes and resolved to continue their alliance to protect humanity from any future threats.

The epic battle concluded with the forces of good triumphing over the malevolent villains, saving humanity from annihilation. The heroes' unity and friendship transcended their respective franchises, proving the extraordinary power that comes from courage and cooperation.

However, the story did not end there. With newfound knowledge of the Maniverse and the vast multiverse beyond, the toys' adventures continued. They ventured into uncharted realms, facing new challenges, and embracing the wonders of the Maniverse. Their journey became one of legend, and Toys 4 Us became a symbol of hope and joy, forever etched in the hearts of children and adults alike.

The toys' legacy lived on, serving as a reminder of the power of imagination and the strength that comes from unity and empathy. The Maniverse flourished, a tapestry of diverse realities, each brimming with infinite possibilities.

As the adventure continued, it beckoned everyone to explore the boundless wonders beyond the stars. In a universe where heroes, both big and small, united to safeguard the marvels of the Maniverse, the journey became a testament to the resilience of humanity and the beauty of unity in the face of adversity.

And so, the toys' inspiring quest continues, sparking hope and igniting the imaginations of generations to come. Together, they stand as guardians of the Maniverse, protecting its wonders and facing every challenge with bravery and camaraderie. The Maniverse thrives, forever inviting those who dare to dream, explore, and believe in the magic that lies beyond the boundaries of ordinary reality.