
Ultimate Spider-Man System

After waking up in an unfamiliar room, Alex discovers that he has been reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, inhabiting the body of a young Peter Parker with Tom Holland’s face. Guided by the mysterious "Ultimate Spider-Man System," a robotic AI designed to assist him in his new life, he is presented with a choice: rise to greatness and leave his mark on history or remain an unnoticed nobody. Equipped with Spider-Man’s powers, the protagonist sets out to redefine what it means to be Spider-Man, free from the constraints of Peter Parker’s tragic destiny and stupid way of thinking. With access to a shop offering abilities and tech from other Marvel heroes and the Multiverse, he aims to forge a new path, a Path that a not brain-dead Person would also take. But with great power come great... Wealth, Influence, Lady's? Will he embrace his old role, or carve out a destiny entirely his own? (AN: He will carve out his own destiny) Tags: r18, overpowered, reincarnated, marvel- MCU, Spider-Man, romance, harem, superpowers, system https://patreon.com/Sparky20049 Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction and is not intended for commercial use. All characters, settings, and intellectual properties related to Spider-Man, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and Marvel Comics are the sole property of Marvel Entertainment, LLC, Disney, and their respective creators and copyright holders. This story is a transformative, non-commercial fan project created out of love and appreciation for the original works. The author makes no claim of ownership over the characters or world depicted herein. No copyright infringement is intended.

Sparky20049 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


"Well, it seems like this is not your main base" Peter said out loud and the guy looked shocked up but didn't see anything.

"Who is there" he said out loud and pulled his old Gun, pointing it in the direction he heard Peter's voice.

"Peekaboo" Peter said after he kicked the guys' gun out of his hand though which he became visible again.

Everyone in the room looked at him in shock, before Peter tapped the guy on his head with a speed he couldn't react to. His eyes went up in his head instantly as the electricity cursed through his body, and the force of Peter's Finger let his head snap back, after which he collapsed on the floor.

"You guys turn around" Peter said with his Voice changer active from the start, which they did instantly, fearing him even more than the rude police officers they just got kidnapped by even as he broke their restraints.

"Follow me" Peter said after webbing the dude to the floor and kicking away his gun before searching him for his money.

He didn't find much, only $40, a phone, and a knife, only taking the Money.

Outside again, the two of them saw the KO guy webbed in the alley and both gulped.

"Hush now, you're free, these were no real cops, they just tried to kidnap you without you guys struggling"

Peter said and both of them instantly ran away to the Car and driving off.

"Now we wait" Peter thought as he went in again, got the guy and pulled him and the other guy in the alley up on the roof, webbing them there on the wall, searching the second guy for money and finding a total of $145.

"Host, Mission Success, Completion Rate 70, reward is 70 coins"

"Host, a new Mission has been assigned"

"What's it"

"Find the hideout of the kidnappers and take them out"

"I accept the Mission, I just need to follow the van as soon as they come here and see that no one is there, they probably go back home" He thought and went to a position from where he could see the alley and turned invisible again.

He waited a bit and then a van came around the corner, parking and four men got out, looking around.

"I knew they wouldn't come"

"You, search the area" one said, the one Peter didn't see, as the three left the car.

"The fuck happened here" another asked, while searching for anyone.

"Let's go" the guy in the car said, and the three others got in and drove away.

"Well, lets go" Peter said and started following them, swinging from building to building.

After some time, the Van stopped and the four of them got out, looking around as they entered the house, a big old thing, with the windows boarded up.

"Now, how am I going to enter without making a lot of noise" he thought, landing on the roof, trying to find a way inside.

After a while, he decided to just knock at the front door and ask to come in while invisible, as this was not the first time that a plan was this simple, but worked out.

He jumped down, his spider sense warning him as he quickly got invisible, seeing a guy open the door and walking around the house to take a piss leaving the door open.

"Or like that" Peter thought and quietly went inside, his senses going wild as he passed a room.

"Found it, well, something at least" He thought, hearing the sound of a printer inside.

He went in and looked around and could see a bunch of files, most with a red stamp that read 'suspects', others had pictures of people, mostly women.

"So, those are their victims, I hope I can still find them"

"let's see, there are a total of 24 prisoners, and 10 Kidnappers, all the data about them seems to be in this room" he thought as he picked up the first folder, which had a picture of a blond woman, maybe 25, wearing a blue summer dress.

The next had a picture of an old man, probably over 60, with short hair, balding on the top.

"That's weird, what are they doing with this stuff"

He took a few folders and tried to remember at least their faces, but after a short while he seemed to notice that he could remember any little detail, seen on each paper.

"I got a Photographic memory, that's good to know, as I didn't inherit Peter's memories I didn't get any of his genius, It's just me in here, well, next to the system I mean. At least now I've got to keep something from him" He thought as he got faster and faster while reading through the folders.

"And a certain processing speed is also there" He thought as the pages mostly just flew by at this point.

"Seams like this and enough time, my tiny brain could also one day become the Peter Parker of 2 days ago, just have to read everything from preschool till wherever I am now, to get the same grades as before, but I guess that is pretty easy with the Internet these days, or I just go into the library, there I should find everything I need" He thought while reading the last of the files to an end.

"Now I have to clear the house" He said out loud and canceled the invisibility and made himself read for a fight.

The first guy got surprised as Peter webbed his head and pulled him into his fist, before getting webbed to the ceiling, out cold.

"This is so easy" he thought as he moved on to the next one, finding him and a buddy playing cards but now looking up because of the sounds, one going for his gun.

"Don't even think about it" he said, his voice changer on again, and webbed the gun closed and to his hand, and then him to the wall.

"Oh shit" the last one said and threw himself out the open window, nearly crashing down onto the floor.

"No you don't" Peter said as he webbed his feet, halfway through the Window and pulled him back, smashing his head into the sill of the Window, before webbing him to the ground also KO.

"Guys, what is going on out there" said a guy, pants down with his pistol in hand, coming out of the toilet across the hallway.

"Fuck" he said as he saw the scene before him, and tried to shoot Peter, who jumped aside and shot a web, but missed, hitting the wall, before the guy went running but first pulling up his pants and Peter had to web himself scross the hallway to not lose him.

"Why do they dodge so fast" he thought as he ran after the guy, jumping over him, shooting a web and pulling his feet away, making him fall to the ground and breaking his nose.

"Fuck" he screamed as Peter kicked his pistol away and webbed him down, the guy crying now.

"Where is your Boss" He asked, but the guy wouldn't answer, so he knocked him out.

"Four left, this is easy," He said, seeing them coming down the stairs, without any pistols drawn, but bats and knifes.

"Ok, they are serious, or just stupid" he said, seeing them straight into him, down the stairs.

Peter stepped away and took a closet and threw it up the stairs, hitting all four.

"That was easier than I thought" He thought, seeing them all on the floor, screaming in Pain.

He went up and webbed the closet to the floor and with it two of the guys, who he shocked into unconsciousness.

The other two, who were further away from the closet, now got up and charged at him, but he just jumped aside and kicked one of them against the head, making him fly into the closet, then he webbed the other guy, the last one, to the ground and started beating him like a punching bag and practicing how hard or soft he should punch for which result, while dodging every counterattack the guy through at him.

He webbed him, shocked him and stuck him to the ceiling after getting the hang of it and searched the house for more, but didn't find any.

"I beat up a junkie, a dealer, two kidnappers at the other place, and eight here. One more and I got the daily mission and get a 30% reward increase for this Mission too" he said, thinking of the best way to find a bad guy, when the sound of a police siren came to his ears.

"Well, time to go" He thought and quickly made his way to the roof, turning invisible, jumping and out of reach, swinging away, leaving the criminals webbed and knocked out behind him.

After some time, he reached the first destination he remembered from the folders, and with it the first kidnapped person he would save.

He knocked on the door and waited a bit.

"Who is it" a voice asked from inside.

"The person you are waiting for" he replied, his voice deep.

"Come in, the door is unlocked" she answered, and Peter opened the door invisibly looking at the pistol directly pointed at his head.

"Where are you" she asked, seemingly really scared.

Peter grabbed her pistol and took it away from her.

"Yours?" He asked, holding up the pistol.

"His" she said, pointing her finger at a guy, looking to be KO on the ground.

"Seems like I was not needed here after all" he said and turned around, knowing she would strike him, didnt move at all though.

"POW" made his helmet as the woman's hand hit against it.

"Ouch, fuck" she screamed, tears coming from her eyes, as she held her Hand in pain.

"Well, you're lucky you didn't break your hand" Then he let his fist fly and broke her nose.

"Host has successfully finished today's Mission. 24h 30% Coins boost is activated now, do you want to access your other reward?"

"Yes" He thought.

"Host, receiving a random low-tier item, in Progress"


"You got a Low-Tier Cloaking Device. This device allows you to remain undetected by advanced surveillance systems, including heat sensors, motion detectors, and basic magical detection spells. Duration: Unlimited while activated. Recharge time after prolonged use: 10 minutes"

Peter sighed as he looked down at the unconscious woman on the floor. He didn't feel bad about breaking her nose, she had, after all, she kidnapped someone, or guarded a kidnapped person. But still, it left a bitter taste in his mouth to hit a woman.

"Always a catch," he muttered, glancing at the cloaking device the system had rewarded him with. "Guess that's going to be useful soon, just can't get hit by stray bullets or something, a 10-min cooldown would be catastrophic in situations where I'm forced to use this."

He checked the house quickly, ensuring no other surprises were lying in wait. There was nothing notable, just the man she had knocked out. Peter hoisted the unconscious man over his shoulder and stepped back outside, his invisibility reactivating once he had him on his shoulder.

"Never tried this, but good to know" He thought as he looked at the also invisible dude on his shoulder.

As he swung off into the night, he couldn't help but think about the situation.

There were people out here, victims like the man on his shoulder, who needed someone to stop the predators.

But he also knew that he couldn't save everyone, and had no bad feelings about it or imposter syndrome, like the original Peter Parker often had.

There he decided that the most Important should always be his and his loved ones' safety and social life, second came saving others.

Reaching a nearby safe spot, next to a police station, he sat him down, shot a web next to the foot of a nearby police officer and swung away, leaving a note behind that read, "Kidnapped person, Kidnapper at this address, more coming soon"

It was signed with a spider emblem drawn hastily in ink.

Peter disappeared back into the shadows, his mind already shifting to the next target on his mental list from the files.

"Time to keep cleaning up this mess," he thought, and with a burst of speed, he vanished into the night, the faint sound of police sirens echoing behind him.

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Author's Note:

Hey everyone!

I’ve read a ton of Spider-Man fanfics, and since there aren’t so many great ones out there, I decided to write my own! This is my take on Spider-Man, and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to leave some comments and critiques if you like, as I’d love to make it even better for everyone!

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