
Ultimate Rewrite GO!!!

A rewrite of my story, "A song of Saiyans and multiverses"

Chad_Thundercock · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

That is one stupid name

After making my wish, I made my way out of the wish site and flew toward West City. I arrive there and begin skulking around for anything I could make use of. I take special care to stay out of the line of sight of any person or camera. After looking around for a few minutes I found a closed store and peered inside. Bingo! Capsules! I go to the roof and break down the door. With my speed, I blitz past the security system and browse through all the capsules. I *borrow* a few capsule houses, and the real reason I came here, a portable walk-in freezer/fridge. I found a few magazines advertising the fridge when I came here last time so I made it a priority to come back and snatch it after collecting the dragon balls. After all, even planet busters need food. Speaking of food, I'm kinda hungry. I quickly exit the premises and start flying around to look for a nice spot to settle down.

I found a beautiful spot in a valley next to a waterfall-lake combo surrounded by a massive mountain range. After breathing in the fresh air and taking in the scenery, I pull out my pod control remote and call my space pod to my location at medium speed. I then pull out my capsule container and with the click of a button, my new home appears in a poof of smoke just in time for my space pod too. I tell my pod to land beside my house and walk-in. The capsule home is fully furnished with a tv and appliances. The model of the capsule home seems to be the same one that Bulma and Goku lived in during the beginning of Dragonball, only with different colors. I pick up the user guide and manual beside the entrance and read it over.

It seemed the house has a decade of power before needing to be recharged at a capsule fueling station or have its battery charged manually by the owner. I walked out after understanding how to manage the house and let out my fridge capsule. With another poof of smoke, the Fridge appeared. It was a large walk-in fridge with a freezer section in the corner. It's meant for a small village to hold their food when migrating. It's got butchering equipment, shelving, and you could even attach it to an existing building, both capsule, and old-style. After inspecting it, I took it with me and flew away to search for food.

50 miles away, I found a rocky desert biome where I spotted a few dinosaurs and a few saber-tooth tigers. I one-shotted each of them with a crisp hit on the back of the head and butchered them before putting their carcasses in the large fridge. I continued to hunt and store food so that I would have a stockpile and not worry about food when training. I made my way back to my house and cooked myself a nice meal. After wolfing it down like a starved African child, I sat down on a bench I created by the lake and reflected on the vicissitudes of life.

"I can't decide what's better, tits or ass…" I said with a sigh.

"Personally, I prefer feet."

"Feet are ok I guess…"



"Wait, who the fuck are you!?" Feeling startled, I disappeared and reappeared 7 meters away. It seemed useless though as a sharp glint flew past me and a presence appeared to my side. I instinctually dodged a slash of my assailant's blade and counter-attacked with a ki blast. He dodged and tapped me lightly on the shoulder before Moving back slightly and positioning his hand in such a way as to pierce my chest. The crackling of lightning and the chirps of a thousand birds assaulted my ears as the arm shot forward at an intense speed.

"Chidori!" My assailant shouted at the top of his lungs. Having enough of this charade, My Ki power explodes outward in a Kiai. The force from my Kiai sent him flying. Using this opportunity, I charged my Ki and a furious white aura surrounded my body.

"Haaaaaaaaah..!" My power continued to rise as the surroundings responded to my growing power. The sky darkened and the winds were so strong that my assailant could only stand his ground, unable to move forward another inch. Cracks appeared on the ground and chunks of the ground broke off and floated all around me. Finally, the phenomena stopped as my power reached its peak of 6,357 battle power. Lightning sparks crackled across my body as I walked forward, stopping just in front of my opponent.

My assailant was a shivering mess as he felt the pressure I exuded. Male, approximately 175 centimeters and wearing a back coat with red clouds on it and combat sandals as well as a headband with a crossed-out leaf symbol on it. He was pale with black eyes and hair. I glanced behind him and saw his sword stabbed into the ground.

"Whats a two-bit wannabe Akatsuki looking putz like you doing here?" I asked him straight up. This seemed to shock him out of his fear-induced Stupor. He retreated a few steps and grabbed his sword. I raised an eyebrow at this. Did he not understand that he couldn't win? I was curious and decided to see where this would go. He closed and opened his eyes to reveal a fully matured Sharingan. His confidence seemed to skyrocket after this although it didn't make a difference, My mind was too strong for a mere three- tomoe genjutsu to affect me and the other two abilities of the Sharingan were no match for my raw speed and power.

He looked into my eyes as a fiendish smile spread from ear to ear on his face.

"I have watched all of Seth the Programmer's videos and know your weakness! Obediently become part of my harem or be enslaved! Don't worry, I'll take good care of you, I have a thing for loli's and lesbians!" The smile on his face grew lustful and malevolent. Disgust and anger were all I felt as I charged a Ki blast and shot it at him with extreme prejudice. Surprisingly, he was able to seemingly teleport or move at a speed I couldn't quite catch as he disappeared and reappeared right next to me. In response, I kept moving away from him only for the same thing to happen again. I remembered then that he had tapped me on the shoulder. When he did that he was probably marking me with the Flying Thunder God seal.

Having figured it out, I waited for him to teleport again. When he did, I landed a kick on his crotch. As he laid there, squealing on the ground, I atomized him with a Ki blast. I was pretty sure he was dead but just in case, I waited there a little while and just as I expected, he phased into existence a few meters away with one of his eyes being dull and grey. Sweat dripped down his face as he stared at me. Call it intuition, but I didn't think he was a particularly good fellow. Y'know with him trying to enslave me and all so I'm gonna give him some special treatment before I kill him for good. Me standing there all stoic-like seemed to wear down his nerve to the extreme, which caused him to crack.

"SYSTEM! BUY IT! I DON'T CARE, I'LL SACRIFICE JUST DO IT!!!" He shouted at the air in front of him. So he is a system user! I wonder why he wants to kill/enslave me so bad, especially with his insignificant strength. As though time was fast-forwarded, he seemed to age several years every few seconds. Wrinkles appeared all around his face, as his hair turned grey and hairline receded until he was bald. His eyes revealed a peculiar pattern different from the normal Sharingan. It was a mangekyou! He sacrificed his lifespan to reverse the effects of Izanagi and unlock the next level. This was pretty stupid in my opinion, he could've just run away with the flying thundergod technique and I would have no way to find him.

A cyan shroud engulfed him, producing an aura-like effect. The shroud grew until it was towering over the mountains, it was the perfect Susanoo! His nose pointed toward the heavens as his arrogance skyrocketed. Why is this guy so stupid, has he never watched Dragonball? What was a perfect Sussanoo going to do against a planet-busting ki blast? Then again most of the System-fic Mc's I've read are pretty stupid maybe this translates into reality too? How odd…

"...And that is why I am invincible and you will never beat me! I am Vengeance! I am the Darkness! I am Bob Uchiha! Now Die!" Oh right! I'm in a fight right now. If you could even call it that.

I stick my hand out and vaporize most of the Susanoo save for the head. As a result, Bob tumbles down until a wet pop signifies his unsuccessful landing. One Izanagi later and Bob's alright. I atomize him again so he had no more extra lives. Looking at Bob's defeated form, I walked over to gently coax some information out of him like a proper neighbor…..