
Ultimate Pokemon reincarnation system: unlimited reincarnation

A man reincarnated in the world of Pokemon with a unlimited reincarnation system

Only_omnipotent · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Unlimited reincarnation from starting

"I actually turned into a bug!"

Li Xuan lay on the green leaves and checked his own condition in surprise.

He was clearly cooking in his own restaurant, but why did it suddenly turn dark and he come here? He even turned into a bug?

"Eh? What is this?" Li Xuan found a virtual frame.

There were many things in the virtual frame, and in the center was a book called Survival Guide. Li Xuan tried to click on it.

[ Welcome to the Pokemon World. ]

[ This is a dangerous world where the strong prey on the weak. It is also the starting point for becoming a god. ]

A series of female voices sounded in Li Xuan's mind, causing his expression to turn grave.

"Reincarnated into Pokemon? Who Is this female voice? Could it be a god?"

Li Xuan secretly guessed that apart from a god, he could not think of anything else that could silently send him to this World.

"Forget it, let's think of a way to understand the situation around us first. Then, let's see what kind of Pokemon I am."

Li Xuan opened the Survival Guide and quickly saw a brief introduction about this world. There were also many explanations about Pokemons.

Self-destructive worm : a undiscovered Pokemon that self destructs itself and dies.

"I became a self-destruct worm? But what the hell is death after self-destructing?"

Li Xuan looked at the introduction speechlessly. He felt so stifled in his heart. He really wanted to say, "Can they not be so deceitful?"?

[ Ding! Unlimited Resurrection System activated. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations on obtaining Unlimited Resurrection. After death, you will be randomly resurrected from the corpses of other Pokemons. You will also obtain a portion of the corpse's skills and memories. ]

[ Ding! Each resurrection consumes a very small amount of Soul Power. Like physical strength, you can automatically recover soul power. You can also increase the Soul Level. ]


Name: Li Xuan

Type: Self-Destruct Worm [lost Pokemon]

Soul: Human

Move: Self-Destruct


"Unlimited Resurrection? I can even obtain other people's abilities and knowledge. It seems like it consumes a very small amount of Soul Power. That's great!"

Li Xuan was pleasantly surprised as he listened to the mechanical notification. Having read many novels, he naturally knew what a system was.

With this Unlimited Resurrection ability, Li Xuan felt that everything in front of him was filled with light.

Of course, at this stage, he had to face many problems. The most important thing was to familiarize himself with this world.

There was also how to improve his soul. Resurrection consumed Soul Power. Even if it consumed a very small amount, Li Xuan still wanted to make his soul stronger.

With curiosity, Li Xuan flapped his wings, wanting to fly higher and see more scenes. At the same time, he also looked at the surrounding environment.

The most important thing was to understand the situation around him.

He flapped his wings and scanned the surroundings. Soon, he saw many magical scenes.

At this moment, an instinctive fear surged into his heart, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.


Li Xuan's figure rapidly danced, using his agile speed to frantically dodge. At the critical moment, he entered the tree hole and quickly drilled towards the tree roots.


The sound of air being torn apart suddenly rang out. A figure burning with flames suddenly appeared, pecking into the tree hole and biting Li Xuan in his mouth.

"If you want to eat me, then let's die together! Explode!"


A loud boom rang out, and the earth trembled. Smoke and dust rolled along with the flames. Li Xuan only felt a sharp pain coming from his body, and then darkness.

[ Ding! Infinite resurrection activated, random resurrection... ]

A mechanical sound rang out. Along with this sound, the darkness in front of Li Xuan's eyes gradually turned into light, and the crisp chirping of birds gradually entered his ears.

He silently raised his head. Li Xuan looked at the blue sky with white clouds, green mountains, and rivers. He breathed in the fresh air. His heart was filled with joy.

"I'm actually alive."

Li Xuan's heart was filled with joy. With Unlimited Resurrection, even if he died a million times, he could be resurrected again.

With Unlimited Resurrection and the ability to self-destruct, Li Xuan felt that he would become the most reckless creature in history.

Li Xuan was pleasantly surprised. When he thought that he could take over skills, he hurriedly opened the data panel.