
Ultimate Percy Jackson

Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Harem list: Thalia Grace Artemis Please write down in the comment for who do you want in the harem. (Can be in any universe if I can write in the story.)

PhamtomofThenight · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 7

"A bold one isn't he," one of the Fates stated as she spun a thread.

"Well we expected nothing else did we?" another said measuring it.

"After all that is exactly why we chose him," the last replied cutting the string.

Percy looked at this process with calculating eyes. He then pointed to the first one, "Clotho" the second, "Lachesis," and the last, "Atropos."

The three nodded as Lachesis spoke up, "very good Perseus Jackson very good indeed."

"Oh please call me Percy," Percy said rubbing his head.

"Well then Percy I must ask," Clotho asked, "do you like the abilities we gave you?"

"Y-you?" Percy asked with a jaw wide open, "you gave me these powers?! Why?!"

"A long story, which you don't need to know," Atropos replied in a neutral voice, "yet."

Percy looked at all three but their faces didn't give anything away. Percy sighed, "so what can I do for you?"

"What makes you think we want you to do anything for us?" Atropos asked with a cough, "and what makes you think you can even help us?"

Percy shrugged, "why else would you be here?"

Clotho laughed, "very good Percy," she then snapped her finger and Percy saw a box appear in front of him. Percy quickly grabbed it before it fell down and the title read, 'Greek Legends' with a bookmark sticking out.

Percy opened the book and on the bookmarked page was the battle between the Gods and the Titans."We are you showing me this?" Percy asked as he skimmed over the pages.

"The Titan Kronos rises again," Lachesis said, "and the Titan war will begin anew."

"Again why tell me? Shouldn't the Gods be the ones you tell?"

Clotho shook her head, "they don't care. Because this was isn't for the soul of Olympus, it's for the soul of all the demigods. Kronos wishes to use the demigods that feel betrayed by their parents to win back his throne."

Percy's eyes widened, "wow. I didn't realise that there were other demigods out there. I thought I was the only one."

Atropos shook her head, "No Percy there are several others out there and they all live in Camp Half-Blood."

"So what can I do to stop him?"

"You will know when it is time," Clotho spoke up.

"But for now this is goodbye Percy Jackson,"the three Fates spoke up at once as they disappeared in a flash of light.

Percy stood there with the book and quickly stored it away in his inventory. After waiting for a moment or two he boarded the bus for Manhattan and along the way thought about what the Fates had said.

There were demigods out there. Sure it might seem a little self absorbed to think he was the only demigod out there, but heck he had no idea there were others! Like seriously he had two greek creatures protecting him, and one of them was a freaking legend! And add to that fact that Alecto was also after him and a picture form that he is someone of importance, Percy first thought he was important because he was a demigod, but now he knows it is for something else.

The bus arrived an hour later in Manhattan where Percy got off and made his way to his home, his crappy, small home. His neighborhood was in the crappy part of town. As Percy earned his apartment he saw Gabe's yellow Camaro outside. Say what you will about the man, he does have a sweet ride.

Percy quickly got himself ready, you see entering his house was a ritual. YOu first had to prepare yourself mentally for the smell. Then you had to hide all your money, and with Percy's inventory system that was a piece of cake. and lastly you had to pray Gabe Ugliano was playing poker with his friends, because only then will that asshole will not bother you.

Percy sighed and quickly walked up to the second floor apartment and knocked on the door. Immediately the one who opened the door was Gabe, he blocked Percy's way into the flat and held out a hand, "hand all over all your money punk," the smelly man blurted out. Gods he smelt like moldy garlic pizza wrapped up in a used pair of gym shorts. Is this what the underworld smelt like?

"I don't have any money," Percy said as he emptied out his pockets for the man.

Gabe immediately started to search Percy's pockets and then proceeded to take apart his bag. After thoroughly searching and finding nothing Gabe gave up and walked back in. 'thank you dad.'

Percy then walked in and from the kitchen walked in the most beautiful woman in the world. Sally Jackson had black hair, like Percy, and blue eyes. Her smiled seemed to brighten Percy's day and right now it warmed his heart.

"Hello sweetie," Sally said as she hugged him, she smelt amazing like sunshine and daisies. Percy smiled as he finally felt like he was at home. Not because he was in this smelly apartment, but because he was with his mother.

Percy broke the hug and smiled, "how've you been mom?"

"Oh I've been better," she said with her signature smile. Did all Jackson's have a grin or smile they were famous for? Hmm maybe Percy should look into trademarking his grin.

"Beer!" came out Gabe's voice from the livingroom.

"Coming!" Sally cried out as a look of hate came across her face. She sighed and then turned to Percy, "we'll start to Montauk in just a moment dear I promise." She then left him alone to go and fetch Gave some beer.

Percy scowled at that, that man was the laziest sack of shit in the world. He drank dear ate food and gambled. He was not worthy of living, least of all his mother. Percy then went into the living room and scowled at Gabe. The man was playing poker again with his poker friends, at least he won't bother Percy for some time. All these guys do is talk about how bad the government has gotten and how their jobs are getting taken away from them.

Percy sighed and then went to his 'room' which basically was a floor mattress along with a cupboard. Percy never really kept anything over here because he knew his mom needed space for her writing work. So he kept this place empty to give her as much space as she needed.

After an hour Percy left his room and saw Gabe talking to his mom. "Wait you were serious about Montauk?" Gabe asked her as she stood next to him. All his poker buddies were looking at her with lustful eyes, Percy so wanted to scoop them out with a spoon.

"Yes and remember you promised Gabe," Sally said crossing her arms.

"But I need you here Sally! I need you to cook some things up for the boys and me and-"

Sally cut him off, "look Gabe I have been working my ass off for the past month for you. I deserve some alone time with my son. So I will be taking you Camaro and Percy and I will be going to Montauk this weekend. I will do whatever you need me to do after I come back okay?"

Gabe finally relented and nodded. Percy wondered why his mom even married that man, he then casually used Observe on her to find out.

Sally Jackson Legendary Mom of Awesomeness!











Sally Jackson is the mother of Percy Jackson and raised him to be the best that he can be. Teaching him morality and being kind Sally is probably reason Percy does anything good in his life. Sally loved Poseidon with all her heart and understood why he left her, though she does not forgive him for abandoning Percy. She also sacrificed her own happiness and dream to be a writer to ensure Percy's safety by marrying Gabe because the man's scent was so bad that it would hide Percy from any monster's coming to get him.

She loves Percy with all her heart and is willing to do anything to protect him.

Percy looked at her summary and stood there fixed on that spot. She...she gave up her life for him. She gave up everything for him. She gave up her life to Gabe just so that he could be safe. She gave up her freedom and her dreams.

Percy looked at the woman as she was packing for their weekend trip, she was the best human being that had ever lived. Percy's eyes slowly started to water but he beat his emotions down with a stick.

He needed to remain strong, if he became strong enough that no monster will be a threat to him maybe his mom will get her freedom again. Percy then decided then and there to be become strong enough that no monster would ever be a threat for him anymore.


Quest Alert!

Becoming the best! Become strong enough that no monster can harm you so that Sally will finally be able to divorce Gabe! Requirements- the head of Medusa, the tail of the Chimera, the teeth of the Nemean lion and the horn of the Minotaur.


1,000,000 Exp


Gabe will be around forever


Percy looked at it once and immediately pressed yes. He then smiled and looked at his mom who finally finished packing, "ready Percy?"

Percy nodded and he picked up the same bag he brought from Yancy academy now filled with fresh clothes, "ready mom."

As he and his mom left the apartment Percy turned around and looked at Gabe one last time. His curiosity go the better of him and so he Observed Gabe,

Gabe Ugliano Useless Shit Stain











Gabe Ugliano is a useless cruel and petty little man. He is employed at an electronics Mega Mart but never shows up for work. Gabe is also a gambler and is good at it due to his amazing luck with the cards. His luck also worked for him when he managed to marry Sally Jackson, though he treated her poorly and he even hits her some times.

Gabe hates Percy with a passion.

Percy's stopped moving as he finished reading Gabe's info. H-he beat up his mom? He hurt his mother?

Sally turned around and saw that Percy had stopped moving, "what wrong Percy?"

Percy looked at his mom and then quickly grinned, "nothing mom." But as Sally and Percy walked to the car Percy's rage grew larger and larger, but this wasn't the kind that made a man cry out to the heavens kind of rage. No, this was a cold and deadly rage that would make friends kill one another.

Percy put his suitcase in the trunk and slammed it down. Gabe had hurt his mother, he deserved to die. Then and there Percy decided he was going to kill Gabe, screw the consequences. He will cut of his head along with his friends and stuff their bodies in his inventory, no wait he didn't need to do that. His gaming ability automatically dissolves the bodies of the people he killed he wouldn't have to hide them after all.


Quest Alert!

Kill Gabe.


Sally doesn't have to suffer anymore.


You can't afford to fail so don't even think about it.


Percy immediately pressed yes but then another box popped up,

Warning if you select to complete this quest the quest, Becoming the Best! will become impossible to complete since Sally will longer need to leave Gabe if he is dead.

Do you want to continue?


Again Percy pressed yes. Who gives a crap if he didn't complete some quest? all that mattered was his mom. Percy turned to his mom who was already in the car and smiled, "hey mom I forgot something upstairs. I'll be right back."

Sally nodded, "okay Percy I'll be here."

Percy then turned around and walked back in, his smile falling off the moment he was out of Sally's sight. He took out Riptide and uncapped it. Wait, no. Riptide was made of Celestial bronze, it can't kill mortals. Sighing Percy put the blade away and opened his inventory. He took out a greek style sword he got as loot from his first dungeon run and walked into his flat.

There Gabe saw him come in, "what do you want brat?"

Percy didn't stay anything but simply walked closer and then one of the men in Gabe's little group saw what Percy had in his hand, "G-Gabe he has a sword!"

The slimy man looked at Percy and his eyes widened at the sight of his blade. But Percy didn't give anyone of them the chance to move or say anything else. He jumped onto the table and with one swing killed all the people in Gabe's group.

Like Percy thought his gaming ability activated and all of them disappeared into dust leaving behind a few dollars. Percy then stood on top of the table and slowly turned towards Gabe.

"Don't come near me you demon!" Gabe screamed as he fell down trying to get away. Percy jumped and landed on Gabe just as the man got up pushing him onto the floor. Percy then lowered the blade onto Gabe's neck and pressed allowing a small amount of blood to come pouring out.

"Why did you hurt my mother?" Percy asked in a cold voice.

"S-she threatened to leave me! I loved her I didn't want-" Gabe wa then cut of by a punch to head by Percy.

"Don't you dare say you love her," Percy said as he then pressed his blade deeper into the man's neck, "you don't even deserve to look at her."

Gabe then had tears in his eyes, "please, h-have mercy."

"Sorry, all out of mercy," Percy activated his Blood Lust as he drew back and swung his blade down and cut of Gabe's head in one clean swipe. The rest of Gabe's body disappeared leaving only his head behind as a loot. Percy took his head and shoved it into his inventory, he'll burn the thing later.

He then gathered the 40$ left behind by the other people there and quickly walked out of the apartment. he left no clues behind, there was no blood nor anybody left behind. Nothing to say a crime has been committed and nothing to link him to said no-crime.


Kill Gabe.


Sally doesn't have to suffer anymore.

Percy sat on the front seat of the Camaro and shut the door. "Did you get what you went for?" Sally asked him as she started the car.

Percy grinned, "yup."

Percy wondered, 'did he do the right thing?' Yup he did. And then he wondered, 'was there another way?' No, there wasn't. Then why did he still feel so bad about what he just did? He figured in the end Sally Jackson was just too good in teaching him morality because it made him sad even if he killed a complete monster like Gabe.

The whole trip to Montauk Percy remained quite which worried Sally but she figured it must be something to do with school, maybe he got kicked out again. but it didn't matter. Montauk always seemed to cheer him up.

The moment they reached the vacation spot Percy and his mom walked into the light house on the hill. The fresh sea air that battered the cliff excited Percy as he took a deep breath and let his anger for Gabe flow out of him. He was dead now, there is no reason to think any more about him.

His mom will probably have questions for him, and if he answers he truthfully she might hate him, but he didn't care, she was safe now, that's all that counts.

"Percy!" Sally called out, "come inside!"

"Okay mom!" Percy replied as he carried his bag in. The two began dinner with Percy helping a little. At dinner that night it started to rain outside, badly. Percy however didn't care about that all that was in his mind was how he was going to tell mom he killed Gabe, or whether he should even tell her in the first place.

"Percy," Sally called out breaking Percy's train of thought, "why are you so down?"

Percy smiled, "it's nothing mom I promise."

Sally sighed, "I would believe you but you have your 'cake face' on."

"Cake face?"

"Yup, it's what I call that smile you do every time you are lying. I found out you do that everytime you lie I caught you stealing piece of your birthday cake during your 6th birthday."

Percy burst out laughing, "that does sound like me."

"Yes it does," Sally smiled as she laughed, "so tell me Percy, what's really going on?"

Percy sighed, "mom.. it's-"


Percy turned around quickly and already had his hand in his pocket around Riptide. He ran to the door ignoring Sally's cried for him to stop. He quickly reached the door and there standing soaked was Grover.

"Grover?" Percy asked as he willed the water off of his best friend, "what are you doing here?"

"Percy we need to get out of here now!" Grover said in a panic not noticing he was suddenly dry, "they are after you!"

"What?" Percy replied before Sally came into the room and saw Grover.

"Grover what happened?" Sally asked in shock, "did they find him?"

Grover nodded and turned to Percy, "Hades found out you took out Alecto and he is pissed. The Council of Cloven Elders were tasked in distracting me and Chiron so that we couldn't warn you by Hades. I managed to get of there in time and ran all the way."

Percy quickly nodded and then noticed Grovers legs, they were hairy, "so that's your goat legs huh? I shouldn't be surprised but I still am."

Sally looked at Percy and Grover talk, "wait Percy why aren't you freaking out?"

Percy shrugged, "I found out Grover was a Satyr long ago mom, not that big a deal."

"What?!" Sally said as she gave Grover the stink eye, "you promised me he wouldn't find out!"

Grover looked nervous but Percy came to his rescue, "it's not Grover fault mom. I kind of sneaked out and found all this stuff out," Percy then became serious, "but more on that later. Grover," he turned to his friend, "just what is coming for us?"

In a shaky voice replied, "the Minotaur."

Percy's eyes widened at the name of the legendary monster. He knew already about how most monster reform in Tartarus and all that, but knowing the half man half bull monster of legend himself was coming after him was a little hard to take in.

Sally quickly gathered her mind first, "alright we need to get out of here first, Grover it's time to take Percy to the camp."

Percy's knew what she meant, "camp Half-Blood," Sally nodded, "will we be safe there?"

Sally nodded and quickly all three got into Gabe's camaro and they started to drive. Along the way Percy drew out Riptide and kept it out, just in case of a nasty surprise. Sally eventually spoke up, "Percy….do you know...about you father?"

"Do I know that he is Poseidon god of the seas? Yeah I know," Percy said in a chuckle, "after I found out I was surrounded by greek myths come alive, and add to that the fact I can breath underwater and it's not that far a stretch."

Sally smiled, "we meet over there you know, at Montauk. He was, amazing. And the time we spent together was the best in my life. He was amazing, and in the process he gave me something I always wanted," Percy looked confused and Sally smiled, "he gave me you."

Percy's cheeks turned red in embarrassment, god damn it! Work Gamer's mind work! But it didn't maybe the Fates were pulling his leg or something. "Why did he leave?"

"He was a god Percy," Sally said, "loving him is like loving the ocean. You can't expect the ocean to love you back."

Percy opened his mouth to reply but Grover suddenly lurched forward, "look out!"

Flying in front of them was a giant tree the size of the car, Sally moved the car as to not get hit but the camaro spun out of control and eventually rolled towards the side of the road.

Percy's head was spinning but quickly Gamer's mind activated and Percy found himself upside down stuck to his seat. Seat belts, always wear them.

Percy then took his off and quickly readied himself for the fall down. He then rolled out of the car crash and crawled out of the open window. Percy then helped his mom climb out, she was still concious and then the both together got Grover out who was knocked out.

"Where is the camp?" Percy asked as the mother and son duo dragged Grover away from the car wreck.

"Just over that hill!" Sally said pointing at a hill just a short distance away. Percy and her dragged Grover away to camp all the while kept looking back to make sure the Minotaur wasn't following them.

Just then a loud roar rang through the forest startling Percy and Sally. "Shit," Percy said as they doubled their efforts to reach camp. When they reached the hill Percy felt a barrier around the camp, he and Grover slipped passed it easily but Sally it seemed couldn't enter. Percy turned back, "mom!"

"Go Percy I'll distract him!" Sally said running towards the forest.

'Yeah right!' Percy said as he took out his gauntlet of Kefka and his bronze shield. He also took out his plate armour and guided it through the equip option in his inventory which automatically put the suit on his body meaning he didn't have to take out each individual piece on. He then put on his helmet of Troy and summoned Zed and Alecto with his gauntlet, he handed Zed his sword and spoke"we are going to fight the Minotaur any suggestion?"

"Not fighting the Minotaur," Alecto said.

"Other than that."

"Aim for the human bit and never hit the horns," Zed replied and Percy nodded.

Another roar broke out prompting Percy to move, "Zed you're with me, Alecto take to the skies and find my mom and the Minotaur, if the monster attacks her do everything in your power to save her from any form of harm."

And with that Alecto took to the skies and Percy and Zed hurried to the place where they think they heard the Minotaur.


Quest Alert!

Defeat the Minotaur!


Horns of the Minotaur

2000 Exp




Percy quickly pressed yes and charged ahead trying to sense out where the thing was. Just then he and Zed heard another roar in the forest, this one very close. Percy stopped in his tracks, Zed following his master's actions.

Percy then uncapped Riptide and waited for the monster to jump out at him. The armour he was wearing was heavy and restricted his movement, but it would save his life. Just then Sally came running out of the forest, "mom!"

Sally saw Percy standing there and ran. but just then crashing out of the tree lines was a huge figure standing at around 7 feet in height. It's head was of a bull and it's arms were big as trees and ripped with muscles. He had fur from above his belly button and a pair of white underwear on. It charged ahead and nearly ran over Sally but in the last minute Alecto swopped in and saved the human.

Percy sighed in relief and quickly charged Zed swung his blade at the monster only to have the bull punch the blade away, seriously? You can do that?

Percy took out several bottle of water from his inventory and then threw it at the Minotaur. The monster held up a hand protecting his face as the bottle landed harmlessly on the ground. Zed then jumped back knowing full well what was coming, Percy lifted on hand up and spoke, "Water Spike."

The water in each bottle exploded outwards and came up in the form of a spike. Eight spikes of water was rammed through the Minotaur as the creature roared in pain.

Percy then Observed his enemy;

The Legendary Minotaur,



MP: 300/300







Born of the human Pasiphae and a bull, this monster hades Poseidon and his children in particular due to the fact that Poseidon cursed his mother into giving birth to him after making her fall in love with a bull. The Minotaur is all muscle and no brain but is considered one of the most feared monsters in Greek legend due to his size.

This guy really doesn't like Percy.

Percy read through this all quickly and turned to Zed, "Zed charge him!"

The red clad servant nodded and charged the Minotaur with his blade. The monster saw Zed coming and quickly moved breaking the water spikes. Before Zed's swing could even reach the Minotaur the monster grabbed Zed's blade and then punched Zed so hard the servant exploded into smoke and then went back into Percy's gauntlet.

The minotaur grabbed the huge red sword of Kfka and turned to Percy. He lifted the sword up with one hand and then brought it down sending a wave of wind from the swing crashing into Percy.

Percy lost his balance and fell back but quickly jumped backwards and got ready. The minotaur seeing this roared again and charged Percy. Percy held his ground and in the last minute jumped away to the side causing the Minotaur to turn to try and strike him only for the monster to trip and fall to the ground.

Percy saw this as an opportunity and as the Minotaur was pulling itself up Percy launched his newest move,

"Stardust Wave!" Percy roared out and charged ahead. He swung Riptide into the Blade of Kefka as the Minotaur held it place as a defence. Percy then opened his inventory and took his left hand off of Riptide. He pulled out one of the swords he looted from a skeleton and swung a backhanded slash toward the Minotaur.

The beast moved the giant blade a little blocking the second strike, but Percy did not stop there. Letting go of the spare blade he reached into his inventory again and pulled out another blade slashing downwards at such an angle that the Minotaur had to lift the red blade he stole in order to protect himself and in doing so gave Percy the chance he needed.

The moment the second spare blade struck the sword of Kefka Percy used all his strength and brought his right hand, still holding Riptide up pushing the stolen blade away from the Minotaur leaving the Monster exposed. Percy held Riptide in a two handed grip and began the special move.

Percy swung the blade tearing into the monsters abs and then swung diagonally ripping into its shoulder. He then slashed again and again tearing the Monster's muscles.

The Minotaurs experience kicked in and quickly brought his stole blade down in order to protect himself, but there was a reason the move was called Stardust Wave. Percy struck the blade away and kept attacking.

Every time the Minotaur brought his sword up to defend itself Percy knocked it back so hard that it chipped away at the blade of Kefka. The chipped away metal flew into the air wave after wave like stardust from a comet.

Percy's eyes were near black in fury. He attacked with his soul and heart. All the anger he stored up inside of himself was now out and he used it to fuel his strikes.

"ROAAAR!" With a finally roar filled with Bloodlust Percy gave a final strike ending the 32 strike combo on the Minotaur.

The calculation when on in his head as fast as lightning. The Stardust Wave was [(Number of strikes x Vit)+ Dex]% more damage. Riptide had an attack of 100 which increased to 250 when it is used against monster by a child of the sea.

(32 strikes x 11 Vit) + 7 Dex = 359%

359% of 250 = 897.5 Attack

Including the +45% more damage bonus from his sword mastery skill,

897.5 + 403.5 = 1301.3 Attack.

The last attack Percy landed had enough force to send the Minotaur crashing into a tree. Percy held Riptide as he put his whole weight on the blade. He could have done more, but his body was exhausted beyond anything. Around him were chips of the sword of Kefka scattered around the battlefield.

Percy panted and saw Alecto carry Sally towards Percy. Percy's eyes widened in shock and he yelled out, "no!"

But it was too late. The Minotaur was not yet defeated, it's HP stood at 378.7, it wasn't yet dead. The monster roared and swung the huge blade it stole causing the Fury to move away to try and get away however the wind pressure the sword gave out struk Alecot in one of the wings causing her to drop Sally.

Percy charged to try and catch his mother mid fall but the Minotaur caught him by his leg and threw him away. Percy landed on the ground and watched as the Minotaur grabbed Sally and suddenly the woman disappeared in a flash of light.

Percy's eyes turned to those of a madman as anger grew inside of him and he let it out. He charged the Minotaur, Riptide thrown to the side, and climbed the beast's body. He grabbed the side of it's neck and pressed his thumbs into the monster's eye blinding it.

"I'll kill you!" Percy roared holding the monster horns as it tried to get him off it's back. Finally Percy let go and back flipped away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out Riptide which appeared there due to its charm and pulled the sword out.

He charged the half-man, half-bull and thrusted the pen towards its neck. Halfway there Percy flicked the cap open causing Riptide to enlarge right thought the Minotaur's head.


Critical strike! Attack- 250 x 300%= 750!

The beat roared and then bursted into golden dust covering Percy head to toe with the suff.


Quest Completed!

Defeat the Minotaur!


Horns of the Minotaur

2000 Exp


Due to your acrobatics you have gained, +1 Dex!


Percy looked down and saw two horns there. He picked them up and Observed them,

Horns of the Minotaur, Crafting Item,

The horns of the Minotaur is the symbol of you defeating the monster in combat. These can be used to craft weapons like daggers.

Percy closed the screen and then turned to Alecto who walked up to him holding a broken wing, "I am sorry I failed you master. She wanted me to try and help you and demanded I put her down. After you had pushed the Minotaur we thought you had won."

Percy sighed, it did sound like something his mother would do, "it's okay. Any idea what happened to her?" Percy knew she didn't die, there was no body and he doubted his gaming ability affected people he didn't kill.

"Lord Hades must have taken her as hostage my Lord," Alecto replied bowing. Percy then be-summoned her and the Fury transformed into smoke and disappeared. Percy then brought up his active quests and sure enough his summer quest was still active,

Summer quest!

Find the Lightning bolt of zeus and the Helm of Darkness of Hades before June 21st

Find the real thief and fry his ass!

Don't die


100,000 Exp




You guessed it, death

Mom's death as well.

It seems Hades wants to make Percy find the bolt for him, or if he thinks he stole it make Percy give it to him in exchange for his mother.

Percy closed his quest and then stored the horns of the Minotaur away and took back the blade of Kafka which now was chipped along the sides, the worst being near the center where Percy attacked it the most.

He walked up to the camp and slipped by the barrier there. Grover was where Percy left him, still unconscious. Picking him up Percy walked into the camp site. Percy needed to make sure Grover was alright before doing anything else. But after that Percy promised himself that he would find Hades and shove a Minotaur horn up his ass.


Percy Jackson



The Gamer

Title-Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-8 Exp-8550/19200









MONEY- 1845$/93D

Percy Jackson is a demigod, the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon. He has ADHD and Dyslexia making it difficult for him to sit still in class. His behaviour has gotten him trouble over the years in various schools. Percy is aware of who is father is, and wishes to find meaning in his life. Percy loves his mother, and hates Gabe, who is a dick and now dead.

Status- demigod, giving Percy - +3 VIT, +3 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, enhanced strength, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.